
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #16

By 7:16 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Top Ten Sequels I Am Dying to Read!
(Sorry guys, a lot of these don't have covers to show off yet!)
1. Infinityglass by Myra McEntire (I loved Hourglass and Timepiece! We are now anxiously awaiting to see whose POV this book is going to be in. (I'm guessing Lily's....) I also can't wait to see how McEntire resolves the series.)
2. Entwined With You by Sylvia Day (I'm really not happy they decided this would NOT be the final book in the Crossfire series. But, I am still excited to see what's going to happen with Gideon and Eva in this next book....)
3. Deception by C.J. Redwine (I absolutely LOVED Defiance, so I can't wait to see where C.J. takes Rachel and Logan next! And I'm also a bit afraid...)
4. Of Darkness and Crowns by Trisha Wolfe (I loved Of Silver and Beasts, so I can't wait to see what happens next! Oh and <3 Caben <3)
5. Origin by Jennifer Lynn Armentrout (This will be the 4th book in her Lux series. After the ending to Opal... OMG. I need more.)
6. The Treatment by Suzanne Young (I just read The Program this weekend, so I definitely need to find out what is going to happen next with Sloane and James!)
7. Underground by Gretchen Powell (I really liked the first book Terra, so I can't wait to see what's next!)
8. Steampunk Chronicles #4 by Kady Cross (I'm just about finished with The Girl with the Iron Touch and now I need the final book---I need more Griffin and Finley!)

9. Allegiant by Veronica Roth. (After the big revelation that was at the end of Insurgent, I really can't wait to find out what's going to happen next! Oh, and I need more Tris/Four cuteness.)

10. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (I need more Dorian and Chaol. And Celaena to kick more ass.)  

 Any of these sequels ones that you're also dying to read? Let me know!





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  1. Great idea for a TTT topic! I can't wait to read Allegiant! I am so curious as to where this story will go next!

    Here's my TTT post for this week - it's about paranormal creatures...

    1. Absolutely! I cannot wait to find out the truth about everything!

  2. Yes! Thumbs up for Allegiant and The Treatment!!

  3. Can't wait for Origin and Allegiant! :)

  4. Entwined with You is coming! I'm pretty excited though I wish I had time to re-read the first two.

    1. Yay! (To be honest, I must have reread the first two last summer a million times. ROFL.) So I'm READY!

  5. I can't wait for Origin to be released!!! I need to know what happens to Katy!
    Old follower
    my TTT

    1. I know!!! I'm so afraid of what's going to happen!!!

  6. I'm definitely looking forward to Allegiant. I LOVE the cover for Deception, but still need to read Defiance. I've heard such good things about Throne of Glass, but just haven't been able to get to it yet. I know it must be good because everybody is psyched for the sequel. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. OH! I love Defiance!! Such a great read!!! And the same goes for Throne! Hopefully you can get to them soon!!

  7. Yesssss I can't wait for Allegiant either! Great topic!

    My TTT

  8. Great topic choice! I am definitely looking forward to Infinityglass, Allegiant, and Origin. I haven't read the Crossfire series yet but it is on my TBR. Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :-)

    1. Thanks Chelsea! I really liked the Crossfire series to be honest. I wasn't sure if I would, but I do!

  9. Goood morning, TTT twin!! ;D

    I haven't even read the first books in most of these series... :O But I've got most of them on my TBR list - especially Hourglass and Defiance. But you know I'm looking forward to Allegiant - need more Tris and Four!!

    1. Yes! I definitely need more of their cuteness!

  10. I'm dying to read Allegiant like everyone one else on the planet...mostly because I have no idea what's about to happen!

    My TTT

    1. Haha! Right?! I think that's the big one we're all waiting for!

  11. Yes yes yes to Infinityglass and Deception! I'm dying to read those too and the covers of them both are gorgeous! <3

    My TTT

    1. I LOVE the covers! And yes! The release dates can't come soon enough!

  12. Great picks! I can tell you right now we have almost the same waiting on list(:

  13. I haven't read all of these yet, but Allegiant! YES! I want that one so bad! Great list, and thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. :D I think we're all dying for Allegiant to hurry up and get here!

  14. I was reading along and then I saw Origin ans Allegiant and I got all sorts of excited! I cannot wait for those two! I want them right now! I hate this waiting stuff! Great list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Right?! Waiting sucks! Especially since I need to know what happens next!

  15. The only series I've read from this list is, of course, Lux. A bunch of these I haven't heard of. But you've had good taste in reading choices...SO FAR! (ha!) So I'm gonna have to look them up! :D

    1. Hahaha! So far?! Hmph! Girl- you know I know what's up! LOL.


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