Jun 2, 2014

Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge: June- High Fantasy

So this year Readers Live A Thousand Lives, Corrie The Book Crazed Girl, and Lovin' Los Libros have teamed up to host the Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge! For this challenge, the goal is to mix up the genres/categories we read. We have all had those times when we have gotten stuck in the genre/category we are currently reading and read nothing else for a while. The goal here is to mix that up! Each month we will feature a different genre/category and the goal is to read and review one book or more in that genre/category during that month. This month we are focusing on High Fantasy. If you want to find out more and join in, go sign up here.

I always need more High Fantasy in my life! Some of my favorites are:

For the challenge this month I plan to read Graceling by Kristin Cashore. I've seriously downloaded this book a million times from my e-library and I never seem to get to it. This month I am!



  1. YAY!! For Crown of Midnight.. though I still haven't read it! I plan to though, very soon:) I love that series! I also have been meaning to read Burning Sky! It really sounded like a good read! I love your pick as well! Another book I need to read!! :D


  2. Ahhhhh I cannot wait to see what you think of Graceling. I really really enjoyed that book. And Crown of Midnight!!!!!!


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.