
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Feature and Follow Friday #1

By 7:06 AM

The Feature & Follow is a weekly event that allows bloggers to get to know each other, and gain more followers! It is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you’ve done, that as you gained more experience you were like — oops?
Hah! I am still technically a newbie blogger, so I'm sure I'm still doing things wrong! As I first started my blog, I posted reviews of books I hadn't read in months to get the ball rolling. Looking back, I realized because I had read so many books after that, I wasn't really able to offer a fresh review. I also made some mistakes on Edelweiss because I was learning how to use it (I definitely requested the same e-ARC multiple times because I for some reason thought I saw different publishing companies, when really they were the same.)
So! I'm still figuring this blogging thing out, but I love it so far! What about you guys? What newbie mistakes have you made?
Looking forward to seeing your links so I can follow you guys!

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  1. My biggest mistake was starting my blog without having a clear direction for it, because then I thought it'd be cool to say, “Hey, could you visit my website?” Now I've found my purpose: writing and Books! :)

    New Follower via GFC
    My FF @ The Creative Forum
    Happy Reading :)

    1. And such a good purpose you have found!! :) Thanks for the follow- I followed you also!

    2. I didn't have a clear direction for my blog, either when I first started out. Now my direction is the same as yours. :D Writing and books. :)

  2. Edelweiss is a lot more confusing to me than Netgalley is. And it's happened several times that Edelweiss tells me the publisher has said no, then, on Netgalley, I get approved for the same book... strange, no?

    I'm a new GFC follower, I like the look of your blog - expecially the different team buttons :D

    Here's my FF post for this week.

    have a fantastic Friday!

    1. That IS strange! And thank you for the compliment! I love those team buttons! :) Thanks for the follow! And I followed you back too!

  3. I've had very little luck on Edelweiss, I must prefer Netgalley, but for some reason the publishers are moving.

    New GFC follower!

    My F&FF Feature & Follow Friday (#2)
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. Thanks for the follow! I also followed you back!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for the follow! I have followed both!

  5. I had signed up for Edelweiss, but when I put a request in someone told me it was for librarians ONLY, so I've stuck to netgalley since. Perhaps I should check them out again. I'm so new, I just took that responder's word for it!
    New Follower!
    My FF

    1. Thanks for the follow! And nope! We can use Edelweiss too! Yay! I've followed you back also!

  6. I am still new to Edelweiss despite being 4 years into blogging! Netgalley was my first love though!! Easily got many ARCs to books I wanted to read!

    Thank for visiting and following my blog! Returning the follow!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    NEW Follower :D

    1. I like Netgalley a whole lot more myself. I've already gotten 3 ARC's from them to start reading.

      Thanks for the follow also!

  7. New follower!

    I think we've all done those kind of things :)


    1. Thanks for the follow! I followed you back also!

  8. At least you got the ball rolling with those reviews- even if they weren't fresh!
    Have a terrific weekend!

    1. Very true! :)

      Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend too!

  9. I know that feeling when posting a review about a book I haven't read in ages! I try to follow up right after I finish the book, but it's not always that easy! :P

    I am a new follower through GFC!:)

    My FF

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

    1. Thanks for stopping by and following me back!

  10. I like Edelweiss and I'm still learning the ropes even after months on it. I get so excited when I get approved there LOL. NetGalley seems to be easier to get approved.

    Thanks for following - following back! :)

    - Nyx @ Unraveling Words

    1. I was super excited to get an e-ARC of Richelle Mead's new book 'Gameboard of the Gods' and was surprised because it came through Edelweiss! I've gotten way more through NetGalley. Thanks for following back!

  11. Writing reviews for books I haven't read in months is something I can't do. I don't know why I just can't write a good reivew for them.
    Following you back :).

    1. I have some books I read last year that I loved and want to write reviews for but I think I'll wait until I re-read them! Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  12. I also made the same mistakes :P

    new GFC follower

    follow back?


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I followed you back! :)

  13. I prefer Netgalley.

    New GFC Follower: kassandralopez32

    Thanks for stopping by http://pinkyjustlisten.blogspot.com/

  14. I tried Netgalley for about two seconds then I came to my senses. There's no way I could take on more books. I reserve books months in advance with my public library. If I don't read them straight away, I have to return them and jump back on the long waiting list. Thanks for the follow, new GFC follower here.

    1. I also get books from the library and I am completely overbooked! LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  15. New follower here :)

    Netgalley and Edelweiss can be awesome for sure - I prefer Netgalley personally, but yeah they can be tough to figure out how to navigate around at first :)

    The Fiction Conniption's FF

    1. I like Netgalley too. Much easier to navigate!

      Thanks for stopping by and following! I followed you back also! :)

  16. Ah, yes! I remember when my fellow blogger Janhvi and I started our blog, we were keen on reviewing books we'd read long time back, but then we realized there are tons of books we read anyways, so we stuck with the new ones! Your blog is pretty awesome and your first F&FF! Great. :D You will eventually figure everything out and don't hesitate to ask for help! :)

    New follower! I'm following you via my personal GFC and via The Readdicts, so that's two follow backs! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my my F&FF earlier.

    Happy reading and have a great weekend! :)

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. Thanks for the compliment Sarika! I really enjoyed visiting your blog and it has definitely made my bookmarks to keep checking back with! Thanks for stopping by and for the follows!

  17. My sin is that I write fast and I am in a hurry that I make mistakes and the result is not good!! I try to fix it!:)
    Thanks for stopping by my place earlier. I am following you too. :)

    1. I do that too! I am starting to re-read over everything multiple times so I don't make mistakes. But sometimes I just get typing and can't stop! Thanks for following back!

  18. I have an Edelweiss account, but still haven't requested there. I was asked by a publicist if I had an account there because they only do egalleys and I pretty much surprised her by saying yes I did. Not a lot of bloggers use Edelweiss and it's a shame. I like going through the catalogs.

    Thanks for stopping by Literary, etc. New follower via GFC. :)

    1. Definitely. I just discovered both of them earlier in the week and I'm so glad I did!

      Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  19. I discovered Netgalley only recently. Don't think I'll be trying Edelweiss till I have a firmer footing. =)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. Following back!!

    1. That might be a good idea. I fell into the trap and now I have way too many books on my plate! :) Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  20. Ohoho, I'm just getting into Edel now, did all my ARC looting via NetGalley up to now. I know I'll mess things up a bit over there, lol.

    Following you back, have a great weekend!

    1. Well, hopefully the publishers I accidentally sent multiple requests to, won't be too, 'wow, this girl is a moron!' LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by and the follow back!

  21. I just started using Edelweiss and have had better luck with it than NetGalley. With my first Netgalley book I waited too long to read it and then when I went to post my review it was already locked. Now I'm a bit paranoid and don't want to request something unless I can read and review it timely. Thanks for stopping by this week. Following you back via
    GFC :)
    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

    1. Ooh, that's good to know about NetGalley!

      Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  22. I've been around a long time and STILL find Eldeweiss confusing so don't feel bad. NetGalley is set up way better. I'm glad you've joined our Friday fun and am a new GFC Follower of yours! I'd love for you to visit me whenever you get a chance.....

    The Scarf Princess

    1. This Feature and Follow is so much fun! I'm glad a fellow blogger told me about it! Thanks for the follow and I followed you back also!

  23. Hi Sue! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I followed you back as well!

  24. I had to write a bunch of reviews on books I hadn't read in awhile, too! It stinks because sometimes I felt like my review might not have been acurate, but we can only do the best we can do I guess LOL.

    New Follower! Thanks for stoping by my blog :))

    Jeanine (http://reviewingromance.blogspot.com)

    1. That's right- we do the best we can! LOL. Thanks for the follow and stopping by!

  25. I've never really tried applying to Edelweiss or NetGalley because I already have so many books on the back burner. I just wait for publishers to contact me :)) Which is wrong, methinks!

    Followed you back via GFC :)

    Goldie @ My Book Musings

    1. Well, Edelweiss and NetGalley are addicting! I'm glad I discovered them, but I should have waited to request books until I got my TBR list under control.

      Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  26. I haven't tried Edelweiss or Netgalley, but I'm looking forward to the day when I do. Thanks so much for following me--I'm following you, too! So nice to meet you, and I look forward getting to know you! :D

    1. Thanks for following back! Edelweiss and NetGalley are great- when you don't already have a million other books to read! LOL. It's great to meet you too!

    2. Yeah, the only reason I haven't checked them out yet is because I have a million books I need to read for review right now, lol!

  27. Yep, Edelweiss was definitely confusing for me in the beginning too!!

    Thanx for visiting my FF!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
    New Follower :)

    1. I think I've finally got a grasp on it now, lol.
      Thanks for stopping by and following also!!

  28. I tried Netgalley but I don't like to read ebooks, which was pretty much the only type I could get. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower via GFC!

    1. I think the main reason I like my e-reader so much is it's easier to carry around, but I'm used to being on the computer/looking at a screen so luckily it didn't bother me too much. Thanks for stopping by also and following back!

  29. I have never heard of Edelweiss so I will have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by my blog ~ Fantasy Book Chick

    I'm following you back via GFC

    Happy Reading!

    1. Edelweiss is pretty good- I prefer NetGalley, just because it's a bit easier to navigate. Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  30. Thanks for visiting my FF. I've loved seeing everyone's answers this week. I'm sure I'll continue to do wrong things as I go along, but I'm hoping I can at least learn from them all. :)

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life
    New Follower via GFC

    1. Same here! It was a great topic this week especially for newbie bloggers! Thanks for stopping by and following back!


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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