
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: The Storm by Madison Louise {Review, Favorite Quote,+ Giveaway!}

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Today is my stop on The Storm blog tour hosted by Itching for Books! Today I have my review, favorite quote, and a giveaway for you to enter!

   by: Madison Louise

Publication Date: April 14th, 2013
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Fantasy
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC received from Itching For Books and the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 323 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 3/5 stars

Nothing was ever the same again.

Millicent Parker, and her two brothers, have been alive for over two centuries and counting.

Ever since a storm changed their lives, a storm that gave them powers to create storm elements, Millicent and her brothers have been through every war, trend and crisis throughout history since then.

When it's time to come out of hiding yet again, Milli sets out to what she thinks will be yet another long three years of high school, another long school year without friends, another long life without Felix.

But when Felix somehow appears at her new school after 282 years, Millicent is excited, confused, and heartbroken. Felix doesn't want her anymore, his attention is focused on his new girlfriend.

Then, something strange happens...Millicent finds out that her and her brothers aren't the only ones with storm powers.

Felix Walter can control thunder.

But when disaster strikes, taking everything, and everyone she's ever loved and cared about. Will Millicent fight back? Or will she give into the people who took everything from her?

                        -goodreads.com description 

Favorite Quote: 
            "You would think after 282 years that my heart would have gotten more mature. But it hadn't. It still had issues, it was hard to understand. And maybe it had matured, after I had put walls up around it, but Felix came and knocked them all down." (p. 182 ARC copy)

I came across this quote and instantly went to write it down because I am such a quote person and this one just really stuck with me.

   My Rating: 3/5 stars

It took me a bit to figure out this book, mainly because I felt thrust into this world without really gaining an understanding of what was actually happening. We know that Millicent (Milli), our main character, and her two brothers Matthew and Michael, are different. They have special abilities that allow them to produce weather. We learn that they were in a storm back in the 1700's that changed them, giving them these abilities, as well as immortality. I would have liked to learn more about the inner workings of the storm and find out how and why this happened.I didn't really have a clear understanding of how they got their abilities and that is something I would have liked to see.

Otherwise, I found the book to be enjoyable. The plot was simplistic and linear at first and the writing was a bit choppy and abrupt, but then it really threw us for a twist toward the end that I definitely did NOT see coming. I love it when I can't figure books out, and I don't think I could've figured that twist out!

Milli's relationship with her brothers is really sweet and real. They've been together for centuries, of course they're going to bicker and fight! There were times that Milli and Michael acted more like a 16 and 17 year old, than an actual 282-283 year old, which I found amusing. However, no matter how angry or irritated they were with each other, they still loved one another unconditionally and would drop everything if one needed help.

Trying to keep a sense of normalcy, Milli and Michael attend high school again and again much to Milli's dismay. At this point, I really felt for Milli because she didn't see the point in making friends when she knew they would just have to leave again to keep from detection. She also knew it was too hard to watch people she cares about grow old and pass on, where she would always stay the same. That is the sad, unfortunate price to immortality.

The one bright spot in attending high school is that Milli is finally reunited with her fiancee from the 1700's, Felix, which she thought to be impossible. Milli finds out that Felix is like them, also having been in the storm. Again, I wish Louise would have expounded on this, as we just had to take it at face value. The only problem with Felix is that he doesn't even acknowledge her presence, which hurts Milli greatly. We learn the reason behind that later in the book.

The action and the build up at the end of the novel felt somewhat forced and rushed to me. It just didn't fit naturally into the storyline that had been created. Louise still managed to make it work and threw in some surprise twists and betrayals that kept me reading to the end to find out how it was all going to turn out.

You are definitely rooting for Milli, Felix, and her brothers to find their HEA at the end, as well as a chance to live their lives without constantly living in fear of being detected.

*I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

Author Spotlight

Madison is a teen homeschool writer, writing away the stresses of life.

She lives in Ohio, with her parents and her younger sister. She also loves to dance, (she’s a whiz at Just Dance) and reads as many books as she has time for. The songs she listens to be inspiration are from Disney Channel’s Camp Rock and High School Musical. Her computer is full of unfinished books.

Her debut novel, Shadow Future, is about a girl who tries to find herself, and tries to get through life, as it throws it's worst at her—paranormal style.




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  1. Thanks for the review. Am I right that the author is a teenager? That is pretty cool. It does not seem like my kind of read but I think it's great that she's writing. Wish her well.


    1. She is a teen, which is really cool. Thanks for stopping by Gwynn!

  2. Thanks Shane for the opportunity! :)


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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