
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #8

By 9:23 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Top Ten Characters I Would Also Crush On If I Were a Fictional Character
Oh dear Lord. How am I going to make this a top ten list?!?!!?!?!
1. Zachary from the Shade trilogy by Jeri Smith-Ready. He's Scottish, sweet, romantic, and fights like hell for the girl he loves. It's a no-brainer.
2. Daemon from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Ok, so I thought Daemon was the absolute biggest douchebag in Obsidian. But he grew on me and by the end of the first book I felt very differently. Beneath that bad boy exterior is someone who is quite capable of loving.
3. Will from Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover. In Slammed, Will was faced with an impossible situation: taking care of his younger brother at the age of 19, and also teaching high school. Falling in love with Layken was beautiful, but oh so complicated. I just love that Will is an all around great guy.

4. Logan from Defiance by C.J. Redwine. (Have I even had a top ten list where I HAVEN'T mentioned Defiance? I don't think I have.) Anyways. I fell so hard for Logan in this book. I wanted him to be real, that's how hard I fell for him. You go C.J. -You know how to write them!
5. Tod from the Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent. Oh, I love my Tod. Which is crazy, because I really liked Nash and I never would have thought I would not want Kaylee to be with him! But once you read If I Die and Before I Wake... it's all over. Tod wins.
6. Will from the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassie Clare. I haven't read Clockwork Princess yet. I'm terrified to. My heart is still bleeding over Clockwork Prince and I read it forever ago. I just don't know if I can handle it. You just want to hug on Will and tell him it's all going to be ok.
7. Sam from Incarnate by Jodi Meadows. I adored how patient and kind and attentive Sam is to Ana throughout the whole book. And that whole masquerade scene. SWOON! I can't tell you how many times I re-read it.
8. Bones from the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost. Bones is a badass. There is no other way of putting it. I love the chemistry between him and Cat and he is just so funny to read.
9. Jericho Barrons from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. Barrons really had to grow on me. But after everything he did for Mac, he really did love her and I loved seeing those rare tender moments of his with her.
10. Ash from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. I was never once 'Team Puck' in this series. Meghan and Ash always fit. I couldn't see it being any other way. I mean, hello? The guy goes to hell and back to gain a soul in order to be with her!

 Honorable Mentions: (I told you I couldn't keep it at ten!)
11. Jack from the Everneath series by Brodi Ashton. I loved him. That's all I can say.
12. Griffin from the Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the good guys.
13. Michael from Hourglass by Myra McEntire. He made me swoon so many times in that book.
14. Adam from the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. An alpha, overbearing, dominant werewolf? Yes, please!
15. Tucker from the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand. Sorry gals. I didn't like Christian. Give me a country boy any ol' day!

OK! I'm done, I swear. What about you guys? Who are your 'book boyfriends?'

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  1. The only book/series I've read out of any of these is Clockwork Angel, and you can keep Will! I'm with you on the last book though. I own it and it's next up on my TBR list but I'm sort of scared to start it. Sounds like the ending is great though from what everyone's been saying. We'll see!

    1. I have decided to start it today. Definitely not ready, but here we go anyways! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. So now my TBR list will be growing again! ;-) I haven't read many on your list and need to change that. I do have A Clockwork Angel on my shelves waiting. Great list! And I love that you did the honorable mentions!

    1. My poor TBR list is never-ending! I just keep adding and adding! I hope you enjoy Clockwork Angel! I'm finally forcing myself to read the conclusion to the series!

  3. I love Daemon too. I've just ordered Slammed and Point of Retreat, and I can't wait to read it!! I'll be reading the rest of the Soul Screamers series soon too - I've only yet read the first book, but I liked Tod in that! I'm with you on Ash, never saw Puck as a love interest when Ash was there :)
    I read Clockwork Princess last week, and you shouldn't be afraid to read it, 'cause it's great and surprising! But I have to say, that I've always been team Jem ;)

    1. OH! I hope you LOVE Slammed and PoR. I loved them both so much! And Soul Screamers is easily one of my favorite series. I just love that the concept is SO different from your typical paranormal books! Yeah, poor Puck. Find some other girl. :) I am officially starting Clockwork Princess today. I can't put it off any longer or my best friend is going to kill me. She had to tell her clueless husband all about it because she didn't have anyone else to chat to!

  4. Ahh Will! I picked him too! There's so many book boys I have yet to meet on this list! I really need to get on it! And I love Zach I do,but I just loved Logan a little more lol Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away...

    1. I did like Logan, but I just felt like he was being selfish and not letting Aura move on with her life, especially since he knew he could never be with her. So, I couldn't bring myself to fall for him for those reasons. But that series, is easily one of my top favorites!

  5. Oh, how could I forget about Michael? And yes yes yes, Jack and Bones all the way! <3
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

    1. I just ADORE Michael. I really want to see more of him and Emerson in this final book. Yes! Jack and Bones! SWOON!

  6. Will from Slammed and Tucker made mine as well:)

    My TTT

    1. Yay! Another Tucker fan!! I love it! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Love your list as always! Yay for Daemon -- I totally should have added Will from Slammed to my list, too!!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Eva @ All Books Considered

    1. Thanks Eva! I adore Daemon. I can't wait for Origin to come out! Have to see what's going to happen next!

  8. TOD! I love Tod and how he is so perfect for Kaylee! Oh gosh you must read Clockwork Princess but yes it will rip your heart out and emotianlly scar you for life, but there's so much more Will and I've fallen deeper in love with him because of it! I love your list!

    Thanks for stopping by my My Top Ten! earlier!

    1. LOL. I have decided to start Clockwork Princess TODAY. I don't have anywhere to be, so I can focus on this book and my emotions. Afterwards, I've already decided to start With All My Soul and hope Tod and Kaylee can balance out my grief! :)

  9. Oh I love Daemon! And I love Jack and Prince Ash too! Nice list! But man I really need to read Unearthly....I keep seeing it on lists! Great list!!!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I liked Unearthly- I wouldn't say it is one of my favorite series, but I did enjoy it more than some other angel series out there!

  10. Ooo great list! There's so many books above that I still have to read!
    Thanks for stopping by my post.

    1. Thanks for stopping by also Marissa! So many books- never enough time, right?!

  11. Awesome list! I love Daemon so very much :-) I am just starting Hourglass so your choice of Michael has me excited! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

    1. Yay for Daemon! I just love when bad boys show us their sweet sides! And I'm a big fan of good guys, so Michael naturally fit my list, though most people like Kaleb. Let me know what you think of Hourglass!

  12. OMG a BIG YES to Jericho Barrons *drools* I didn't LOVE him right at first either, but he SO won me over!! Almost all the rest of your picks are from books currently sitting on top of my 'to-read' shelf ( I own book 1 of your #'s 2, 6, 8, 10, 11 & 15) LOL so yeah awesome list & thanks for sharing!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

    1. Yay! Another Barrons fan! I fell so hard for him after what he did for Mac as well as in the last book. Haha, girl, get on that to-read shelf! :) I hope you enjoy all of them when you do get to them!

  13. You do like the good guys, which works perfectly because then I can take all the bad ones! Hehehe. I still really need to read the Iron Fey series...I've heard such swoony things!


    Thanks for stopping by my TT.

    1. Jennifer, that works out perfectly for us! :) Oh, I loved the Iron Fey series! Definitely a great one to pick up!

  14. Well, gosh darnit, I haven't read ANY of these series! Looks like I need to get with the program, eh?

    1. Kelley- GO GO GO! :) These are some of my favorites!!

  15. Love your list it's perfect! I never understood people who went Puck over Ash or Christian over Tucker...


    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Sheri @ Perks of Being a Bookworm

    1. Wooo! THANK YOU! Finally someone who is making sense! :) I didn't ever once feel like Christian's love for her was real. And Puck was too goofy to take seriously.

  16. Ohhh noooo I've not come across these characters :( cant wait to though ;)
    thanks for stopping by!

    1. That's ok Leah! Now you might have some books to add to your TBR list! :)

  17. Oh yes, so many good characters to crush on! I'm grinning because you couldn't keep it to only ten - I had a lot of trouble this week to only mention ten, but I actually stopped when I reached that number. I think I could have gone on until at least 25 this week :D

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT post earlier. Happy reading!

    1. AMEN! This could have EASILY been a top 25! And I was so tempted to add a few more yesterday after I read everyone's TTT, because I left some guys out!

  18. I was always team Ash too! And I need to read TID. I keep seeing Will on everyone's lists!

  19. BARRONS! Swoon. I should have added him to mine. I plan to read Soul Screamers this year. I can't wait to read a series where the heroine ends up with the second guy. It's almost always the first. I also haven't read Defiance, but I keep hearing great things. Thanks for stopping by my list.

    1. Lauren, I was so surprised with Soul Screamers, because I don't read a whole lot of series where they change either! I never thought I could like anyone but Nash, but Tod steals your heart in the later books. And I am such a huge Defiance fan. That is probably one of my most recommended books!

  20. OMG!! THATS.IT... NOW.I.KNOW. Clara chooses Tucker...I'm really upset right now... :( Well...On to happier things...DAEMON...Woot, Woot! HAWT HAWT!!!

    1. RIA! Did you read Boundless? Or are you speculating?! LOL. Daemon!! SO HOT!

  21. It's embarrassing that the only one I've read about is Will, lol. Oh... but how could I forget him?!?! I adored him!

    1. Don't be embarrassed! Hopefully now you can add some books to your TBR list! :)

  22. ...I've only read two of these (bad me!), though most are on TBR list. I've only read Shade in that series, but I do love Zachary. (Plus that accent...siggghhh.) And Sam from Incarnate--it seems like most guys named Sam are just plain awesome. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. Accents are definitely one of my weaknesses and Jeri Smith-Ready did a great job with Zach's! And I agree, there's something about guys named Sam and Will. I have yet to come across one I haven't liked!

  23. JERICHO BARRONS! *squeals*! I want I want I want!!!!

    Okay I'm good now.

    I have got to read the Lux series! Everyone loves Daemon!

    Great list!

    1. HAHA! Love it! Yay for Barrons! I love when other people swoon over him! YES! The Lux series is so awesome!

  24. our list is pretty similar! Daemon, Tod, Will, Will Herondale and Zach almost made my list. Love it and thanks for stopping by my TTT

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  25. You are absolutely spot-on when it comes to Tod. I was a Nash fan, too, until Tod stole my heart in If I Die.

    Great picks with Daemon, Sam, Will (yes, Clockwork Princess will break your heart - but in an absolutely wonderful way), Ash and runners-up Jack (isn't he great!) and and Griffin. I haven't met Zachary yet, but since we seem to have similar tastes in guys I'm thinking I need to add the Shade trilogy to my reading pile...which is growing fast after today's TTT :)

    1. These memes ALWAYS kill my TBR list, lol. Have you read With All My Soul yet? I'm going to go ahead and start Clockwork Princess today and then read WAMS after, hoping Tod can ease some of the pain I'm sure to endure after CP2! Oh, you will LOVE Zachary. SIGH. It makes me want to read that series again!

  26. A lot of these books are on my to-read list! I keep seeing Daemon, Will and Ash all over the place today. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    ~Merin @ Read and Reviewed~

    1. :) Thanks for stopping by Merin! When you get to them, I hope you fall for these guys like we did!

  27. I've not read most of these! *pouts* I look forward to meeting them all, though!

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

    1. GASP! Brandy! LOL. I'm kidding. That's ok, hopefully now you'll have some books to add to your TBR list!

  28. There are a number of people on your list I haven't met yet! +Jots down to read SOON!+ Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    -Keerin @Wishful Inkling

    1. :) And you need to meet them!! When you get a chance to read some of them, I hope you like them as much as I do!

  29. I love your list. We have so much in common! Zachary, Daemon, and Ash are definitely some of my favorites.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Annie @ Tar Heel Bibliobabe :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Annie! Always fun to find another blogger who likes the same books and boys you do! :)

  30. I liked Michael, but I liked Kaleb better so that works for the two of us ;)

    And Tucker and Jack... Yes please!

    1. LOL. I did like Kaleb, especially after reading Timepiece, but Michael still caught me first. So it does work! :) And yay for more Tucker and Jack fans! I'm tired of seeing all the Christian/Cole's!


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