
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #9

By 10:13 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Favorite Books I Read Before I Was a Blogger

Well, I only recently started blogging and the main reason I did was to remember all the great books I've read! So my mind is a little foggy from before, lol.

1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter #3) by J.K. Rowling. (This is my favorite HP book, and I never thought I would like a 'kids' series so to speak. Until I read them and realized they weren't just for kids at all!)
2. Dead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse #4) by Charlaine Harris. (I enjoyed the Sookie books when I read them and this was a favorite of mine that I read a couple of times. I think I just like Eric.)
3. Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne Collins. (THG series is really what brought me back into the world of reading after taking a rather long hiatus)
4. Slammed by Colleen Hoover. (Such a sweet love story. I loved every minute of it. And the fact that every chapter opened with Avett Brothers lyrics.)
5. City of Glass (TMI #3) by Cassandra Clare (I always wanted to read TMI, but never picked them up until within the last year. I'm glad I did!)

6. Effortless (Thoughtless#2) by S.C. Stephens (Another NA series that I really enjoy. Even if it drove me crazy with the love triangle in the first book)

7. Divergent by Veronica Roth (Once I read this it was like, HG, whaaa? I liked the storyline, the characters, and the dystopian universe its all built upon.)

8. The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles #3) by Rick Riordan (When I first started this series, I was really hesitant and unsure if I would like it. I loved Percy because I studied alot of Greek mythology and have read about all of those myths and legends. I knew nothing about the Egyptian gods, but it was so cool to learn about them! This book was by far my favorite.)

9. Bared To You (Crossfire #1) by Sylvia Day. (Ok... so this is along the Fifty Shades lines, so definitely not a YA book, but it's not weird like Fifty Shades is into the BDSM crap. This book is actually about two abuse victims that are struggling to deal with their past to see if they can have a future together. I got sucked into the storyline and I'm eager to see what happens next for Gideon and Eva.)

10. Easy by Tammara Weber. (This is one of my first NA books I ever read and I loved it! I loved Lucas and how sweet and caring he was.)

What books made your top ten list this week?

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  1. I didn't participate in TTT this week, but if I did, you could bet that Harry Potter would make the list! I absolutely love that series! Nice list!

    1. Gotta love Harry Potter! :) Thanks for dropping by Danielle!

  2. Great list. I totally forgot to put HP on my list. I couldn't put Hunger Games or Divergent, because I didn't read them until after I started blogging. :D I haven't read Mortal Instruments yet, but plan to start in the next month or two. Great list. Thanks for stopping by mine! :D

    1. Ooh I hope you enjoy Mortal Instruments when you read them!

  3. Nice list. =)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New Follower!

  4. Ugh can't believe I forgot to add the Sookie Stackhouse series to my list this week! I ran through the first 3 books in one weekend! Awesome list though, so may of these are on my TBR list.

    See what books made my TTT list at Read. Sleep. Repeat.

    1. I remember devouring the Sookie books! I couldn't read them fast enough!

  5. Harry Potter and The Hunger Games are the only ones I read and started before I started my blog. So many on your list I read after (Divergent, Slammed, Easy).

    awesome list,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Great List! I would say the same for my too on Hunger Games. It brought me back to reading too. However, I liked Divergent more too. If I had to pick a favorite HP book, mine would be Goblet of Fire. That is when it got real :-)

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

    1. I did really like Goblet of Fire too. That really is what turned everything around I think. Yay! Another person who agrees about Divergent!

  7. Yes, Catching Fire and City of Glass were both my favorites from those series! I also really liked Divergent. I'm so curious why Prisoner of Azkaban was your favorite HP book - care to share? :)

    1. Easy answer: Sirius Black. :) I loved Sirius, he's probably my favorite HP character. I liked the first two HP books, but PoA was the first I didn't want to put down for one second. And it finally gave Harry hope that he had a godfather that he could live with and that just made me so happy for him. (We see how things turned out, but still.)

  8. The Hunger Games series is actually the books that got me in to blogging! I couldn't NOT share my opinion about them. I also completely agree with City of Glass (great book) and of course Harry Potter xoxo

    1. I loved THG. I know when I finished I started telling everyone about them because I had to talk about it!!

  9. Great list! I read most of these and the rest are on my TBR pail.
    Old follower
    my TTT

    1. On my way over to check yours out! Thanks for stopping by Kimberly!

  10. Oooh, I should have added a Cassandra Clare to my list! Great Picks!

    1. Thanks Emily! I knew I had to put a Mortal Instruments on my list since I loved them so much last year!

  11. Whoa - you read such good books before you started blogging! Divergent and Bared to You, I have to read Easy soon. And ugh, I have to read more of Rick Riordan's books!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT Jessica! (:

    1. Thanks Kelly! Oh I LOVE Rick Riordan! I don't know if I've come across a series of his I don't like!

  12. Wow(: Nice books! Divergent?! Loved that! I neeeedddd to read Easy...like, yesterday!

    1. Thanks Jackie! Oh I fell head over heels in love with Divergent! And yes! Easy is fabulous! And a really fast read!

  13. I like how you choose which book of the series was your favorite. I just put the first one of the series on my list. :P I've heard good things about Slammed, I might have to check that out. Ooh, and I just bought Divergent last week! I'm so excited to start it, I've heard so many good things.

    1. I usually put the first one down, but I decided to be picky today, lol. Yes, Slammed is such a cute read. And I hope you LOVE Divergent! I did!

  14. I love 7 out of 10 of your books!!! (and the others only because I haven't read them, lol). City of Glass is actually my favorite one as well! I adored Dead to the World as well... I've only read up until #5 so far but that one is my favorite by far(so far anyways lol). I adored Eric in that book. I love your list !! And thanks so much for dropping by mine Jessica :D

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lauren! You'll have to let me know what you think of the Sookie books as you keep progressing. I liked most of them, but the last couple have irritated me a bit. But I do love me some Eric!

  15. So many good books on here I wouldn't even know where to begin! I've been a big fan of True Blood and I really want to read the Sookie Stackhouse books. I know they're very different from the show and they've got a lot of mixed reactions from people I know who've read them. I think I'll still get to them eventually and see for myself :)

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    Sheri @ Perks of Being a Bookworm

    1. Definitely give them a shot Sheri! And yes TB is way different, but not necessarily in bad way. I love TB!

  16. There are so many books on this list that I love! HP, City of Glass, Easy, Slammed! Awesome list! Thanks for stopping by my blog

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

    1. Woo! Clearly, we have great taste! Thanks for stopping by Teresa!

  17. Looks like we share a few this week :). I haven't heard of some of them though. Might have to check them out! Awesome list this week <3


  18. Yay! I actually know 4 of the 10! Harry Potter, Divergent, Catching Fire, Serpent's Shadow... all amazing books. I'll definitely have to look into the others. Thanks so much! :)

    My TTT.

    ~ Lynette @ Escaping Reality – One Book at a Time

  19. To be honest, I haven't read most of the books on your list yet! Harry Potter, though... I love Harry Potter. (Is there anyone who doesn't?) They didn't make my list, but only barely. I left out about five books for every one that did make it on the list; it was incredibly tough to whittle my list down to just ten!

    1. It's always a challenge to knock my list down to 10!!

  20. All the ones I haven't read on your list are on my TBR list already! :) I've heard such great things about Easy and Divergent, though, so those are higher up on my list.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT. :)

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

    1. Ooh, Brandy I hope you love Easy and Divergent! They are so good!

  21. Can you believe I still havent read Effortless?!!! and Bared to you?!!!

    1. Ah! RIA! What are you waiting for?! GO GO GO! :)


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