
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #21

By 1:00 AM

Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
This week I've gone country again! I'm featuring the adorable Kacey Musgraves! Who I just missed seeing at Bonnaroo. Sadface panda here. I loved her single "Merry Go 'Round" and I have seriously had this CD on repeat the last few days. I think her new single "Blowin' Smoke" is out, so you might recognize that one too. Watch out Carrie, Taylor, and Miranda! Kacey's someone to watch for!
Artist: Kacey Musgraves
Album: Same Trailer Different Park
Released: March 19, 2013
Track Listing:
1) Silver Lining *
2) My House
3) Merry Go 'Round*
4) Dandelions
5) Blowin' Smoke *
6) I Miss You*
7) Step Off
8) Back on the Map *
9) Keep It To Yourself
10) Stupid*
11) Follow Your Arrow*
12) It Is What It Is*

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