
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #25

By 2:00 AM

 Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
Soooo. I just found out Jason Mraz is coming to the Southern Ground Food and Music Festival here in Nashville at the end of September! So I thought I'd compile my favorite Jason Mraz songs for you! Which was really hard to do by the way. I've taken from studio albums as well as some of his live ones. Enjoy! Oh and I love Jason Mraz if you didn't figure that out. I absolutely love his witty lyrics and can do so much variety in his music.
Track Listing: (These are all my favorites so I'll star the ones you need to hear!)
1. Geek in the Pink
2. Sleeping to Dream *
3. Not So Usual
4. 10,000 Motherf***ers*
5. Bella Luna*
6. Life is Wonderful*
7. Lucky
8. I Won't Give Up
9. Curbside Prophet
10. Make it Mine
11. Please Don't Tell Her*
12. You and I Both
13. Sleep All Day
14. 1000 Things
15. Did You Get My Message?
16. Coyotes
17. The Remedy (I Won't Worry)
18. Childlike Wildlike
19. Song For a Friend *
20. Absolutely Zero*

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  1. Oh, I would love to see Jason Mraz live! And if I had to compile a favorite list with his songs, I think I'd have to just put all of his songs on it. He is amazing!

    I hope you'll get to go to the concert!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie! I'm a huge Jason fan! I hope I can make it, but I doubt I'll be able to. :( Booo.

    2. I'll cross my fingers for you! I'm always hoping he'll come do a concert in Switzerland one day :)

      Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  2. Great pick this week. I absolutely love Jason Mraz!

    1. Thanks Chelsea! He's awesome! And I can't believe I never listened to his live stuff until recently!

  3. Oh I love Jason Mraz!! Are you going to go to the concert?? That would be amazing!

    1. I REALLY want to, but I'm supposed to be looking for an apartment, so.... I doubt I'll be able to. Bummer.


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