
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1)
   by: Marissa Meyer

Publication Date: Jan. 3, 2012
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: Borrowed from the Library
Page Count: 387 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl.

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

Why did it take me so long to read this book? Because I definitely thought it was so cool! I absolutely loved the storyline. It's awesome to see a fairy tale retelling done like this! I am a big sci-fi lover, so this book really worked for me. We get the classic tale of Cinderella, but with a crazy modern twist! It's set in the future after World War IV in New Beijing (after old Beijing was destroyed in the war). We have entered the world of androids, ID chips, and hovercrafts. The inner geek in me was screaming in excitement. Oh and Cinder? Yeah, she's a cyborg. I will admit at first I was confused. I was like ok, is she a human with cyborg parts? Is she a complete cyborg? (Cause I don't think I'd be into that). Once I figured it out (she's a human with cyborg parts), I felt a lot better because I was having trouble visualizing her. I did find some parts more gripping and engaging than others, but I was interested in enough in the overall story that I found it easy to work through those parts. (Not to mention I've heard a lot of people like Scarlet a lot better, so that was motivation enough to keep going)

Again, the biggest thing I loved is the idea behind the story. We not only have the retelling of Cinderella, but we also have a plague that is raging across New Beijing infecting and killing many, an evil queen that is bent on marrying the prince, and the fear that Lunars (a race of people from the moon who have magical powers) are living in New Beijing. The ending seriously bummed me out and I am definitely looking forward to getting my hands on Scarlet!

I really liked Cinder. She was a tough heroine who, while under the guardianship of her 'step-mother', was forced to be obedient and help bring in income for the family. Yet, Cinder has spunk and attitude and I really liked that she wasn't this weak, complacent girl who couldn't take care of herself. She is very much a take charge kind of girl and even when circumstances are not the most ideal for her, she is not a damsel in distress. She is very conscious of the fact that she is different and that cyborgs are not looked too kindly on. It doesn't matter how much of her is cyborg or the fact that she can't even cry- her self consciousness really shows her human side. Cinder gets quite a bit thrown at her in this book. She is dealing with a less than ideal family situation, a prince who has taken an interest in her, and a plague that has taken one very dear to her. What's a simple mechanic to do?

Let's talk romance for a moment. As I said a certain prince has taken an interest in Cinder. Kai is young and handsome. He first meets Cinder at her booth after having heard she is the best mechanic in New Beijing. After a few more chance encounters, Kai invites Cinder to be his personal guest at the ball. I liked that there was no case of insta-love here. In fact, I was often left wondering- does he even really like her at all? Or is he using her to avoid Queen Levana? I know everyone was all like you're going to swoon over Kai... well, I didn't really. Sure, I liked him, but there wasn't enough between the two of them to make me really form an attachment to their 'romance'.

I am definitely looking forward to continuing the series to see how everything is going to take shape. I know we will be introduced to new characters essential to the plot and I am very curious as to the direction in which Meyer will take this series. Again, the storyline alone is enough to keep my interest piqued! Bring on Scarlet!

A big thanks to all the girls doing the #CatchUpClub! I can now finally say I've read this book and not feel left out when people are referring to it!

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  1. I only skimmed your review since I haven't finished but it helps that you really liked it. I will finish it this week for sure! :-)

    1. Woo! I hope you can get into it! I think it has a lot of potential!

  2. I LOVE that you loved this! It's one of my fave books! And you say Cinder is tough, wait until you met Scarlet!

    Nikki H @ Take Me Away...

    1. Yay! I'm so excited to hear that! I ran to the library yesterday and grabbed it! Can't wait to start!

  3. Cinder is a book that I've wanted to read, possibly, but just keep putting off. Once I saw how good Scarlett looks, I decided I should definitely bump it up. So glad you enjoyed!

    1. Thanks Andrea! I always saw Cinder in the library but something always held me back from getting it! I'm glad I picked it up because I am ready to see what Scarlet is all about!

  4. I have to read Scarlet yet too but I loved Cinder. I'm not big into SciFi so I was nervous but no need to worry, the fairytale retelling aspect was so well done that I was hooked. Bit predictable but you can't have everything!

    1. Agreed! It was a little predictable in parts, but I definitely think the world building kept it flowing enough that I didn't seem to mind. :D

  5. I just bought this one a few weeks ago! Glad you enjoyed it, I was a bit nerves about it :) I like when old classic tells are retold, with a good twist, and the author does an amazing job with it! I'm really liking the sound of the story line!

    Great review!! I'm going to have to bump this one up on my reading list!

    Magen Corrie

    1. It seems like people either really like this one or don't. It just depends on what is going to strike your fancy I guess. I hope you end up liking it!

  6. Damn, this just made me feel even more behind! Glad you liked it. I love retellings, I just don’t know why I haven’t read this yet…

    1. :D Right?! I can't believe I put it off so long! Everyone and their mom has read this book it feels like! LOL

  7. Awesome! So glad you liked this, Trish loved it too as far as I remember so this is defo going on my TBR! Great review doll :)

    1. Thanks Dani! I hope you like it! It's definitely got a pretty cool premise, which I like!

  8. "Why did it take me so long to read this book?" is probably what I'll be saying when I finally read it too. lol I can't wait!

    1. Haha! After that #bookishparty chat and everyone was raving about Kai and Thorne, I was like, where are those guys even from?! I'm glad I can now say- I know!

  9. haha I only read this one a bit earlier this year, so I know what you mean about being late to the Cinder party XD I think we liked this one equally, I didn't swoon over Prince Kai all that much either, though I did feel like he was really into Cinder...I don't know? He didn't really get a chance to be all dreamy like you expect from, you know: Prince Charming! Anyways loved your review girl, I haven't read Scarlet yet either but I own a copy and I've also heard it's even better than Cinder :)

    1. YES! I think that was it about Kai. He's supposed to be like Prince Charming and yet he wasn't that dreamy character! I liked him, but I wanted a little bit more development between them!

  10. Loved this review and am so glad you liked the book! I think you will totally love Scarlet - she might be my favorite character in the series so far.

    1. Yay! I can't wait! I grabbed it at the library a few days ago so I'm hoping to start soon!

  11. YES! I'm not a fan of Cinderella because she's a weak heroine but I love that Cinder is not a damsel in distress waiting to be saved. She's her own fairy godmother as I said in my review. While I really enjoyed the romance or the bit of romance, I do get your sentiments about Kai. Great review, Jessica! I love the #CatchUpClub! <3

    1. Yes! I agree! Cinderella was definitely not my Disney heroine of choice! But Cinder rocks! Thanks for stopping by Dianne! I love this idea and I'm so glad we did it!

  12. Glad you liked this one. I really didn't think I'd be into cyborgs and space queens but Meyer makes it work so well ! Scarlet is just as good.

    1. Thanks Jess! I love sci-fi so I knew I'd probably like it. But people who might not enjoy it might really like this one because it was so different! I can't wait to start Scarlet!

  13. I am a big sci-fi fan too and I'm really excited to read! I just haven't had time!!

    1. YAY! I know the feeling girl. I can't get my head above water with all the books!


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