
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #25

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Purchased: (Thanks to Chelsea for my Amazon GC!)

Tempting the Best Man (Gamble Brothers #1) by J.Lynn
Seducing Cinderella (Fighting For Love #1) by Gina Maxwell
Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone #1) by Katee Robert
Game For Marriage (Game For It #1) by Karen Erickson
Tempting the Player (Gamble Brothers #2) by J. Lynn
Tragic (Rook and Ronin #1) by JA Huss
Private Practice by Samanthe Beck
Officer Off Limits (Line of Duty #3) by Tessa Bailey

Received For Blog Tour/Review:

Come What May (Heartbeat #2) by Faith Sullivan (A big thanks to Faith for sending this to me for review! Review: 8/8)
Near & Far (Lost & Found #2) by Nicole Williams (A huge thanks to AToMR tours and Nicole for sending this for the tour! Tour Date: 7/30)
Girl on Tour (Kylie Ryans #2) by Caisey Quinn (A huge thanks to Caisey for sending an e-ARC of this!)
If You Leave (Beautifully Broken #2) by Courtney Cole (A big thanks to Kelly at InkSlinger and Courtney for sending this my way! Feature Date: 9/4)
Take Me Now (Take Me Now #1) by Faith Sullivan (A big thanks to Faith for also sending me this to review! Review: 8/2)


These Broken Stars (Starbound #1) by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner (A huge thanks to Disney Hyperion for approving me for this!!!)
Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst (A big thanks to Bloomsbury USA for approving me for this!)
Lovestruck in London by Rachel Schurig (A big thanks to Rachel for approving me for this!)


(Before you freak: This is 3 weeks of EW books. I just never got around to posting them. And before you ask: Jessica, when the heck are you going to get the time to review them all? My answer is: They're mostly 2014 books so I have a bit to read them.)

Avalon by Mindee Arnett
Panic by Lauren Oliver
The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine
Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor
Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell
Her Dark Curiosity (The Madman's Daughter #2) by Megan Shepherd
Warrior (The Dragon King Chronicles #2) by Ellen Oh
Great by Sara Benincasa
Faking Normal by Courtney Stevens
House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple
Elusion by Claudia Gabel & Cheryl Klam
Perfect Lies (Mind Games #2) by Kiersten White
All That Glows by Ryan Graudin
Pretty Sly (Pretty Crooked #2) by Elisa Ludwig
Uninvited (Uninvited #1) by Sophie Jordan
The Shadow Prince (Into the Dark #1) by Bree Despain
Foreplay (The Ivy Chronicles #1) by Sophie Jordan
Keeping Her (Losing It #1.5) by Cora Carmack

(A big thanks to Harper Collins, Egmont USA and William Morrow for all of these beauties!)

 OK. I'm done. I got a ton of freebies, but there's no way I'm listing them all! What did you guys get this week?!

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  1. Wow! What a haul!! Curious about Uninvited and Perfect Lies!! Seeing nearly everyone with These Broken Stars these past 2 weeks! Hope you enjoy all these incredible looking reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! I'm super excited for Uninvited! I love Sophie's books! And I can't even believe I got These Broken Stars! Disney-Hyp is usually SO picky!

  2. WOW! You got A LOT of books this week! I haven't used EW too much. :/

    YAY for these broken stars! :)

    Weekly Wrap Up + STS

    1. I know. I felt really guilty making this post. LOL. I saw these pop up on EW and went a little crazy.

  3. OHHH Awesome Haul! I am dying to read Perfect Lies!! Happy Reading :)

    My StS

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. Thanks Ashley! I'm super excited for it also!

  4. Oh my, 2014 eARCs. *drools* I wasn't accepted! Or, I haven't received my rejection yet. Hope I get them too! Awesome haul, Jessica!

    1. Fingers crossed Dianne! I have auto-approval with Harper so I went a little crazy.

  5. I am so freaking excited that you got Tempting the Best Man and Tempting the Player! I seriously read Tempting the Player like 3 times! It is steamy!! I also LOVED Tragic!! Great haul!!

    1. Hahaha! OK. That is NOT helping the fact that I have a million books to read right now! And yes! I got Tragic mainly because of you! LOL!

  6. Wow you got a lot! I see you took advantage of the Brazen sale. I didn't but I've looked at a few of them. Happy reading!

    Tsuki's STS

    1. Thanks Tsuki! I did take advantage. I only meant to get 3 and well... I kept going. Haha!

  7. I'm still waiting to hear back from Harper on all of the awesome new Edelweiss titles, I'm especially excited for Panic, Pretty Sly and Uninvited! I'm also really jealous of everyone that got Conjured - i'm a UK reviewer so I got turned down :(

    My Haul

    1. Fingers crossed on those Harper titles for you Jade! I am really excited for those three you mentioned too! And bummer on Conjured! That stinks!

  8. Awesome book haul! It looks like you got a bunch of the Brazen books too. Love them! I read Near & Far. It's fantastic. Enjoy your books!

    1. Thanks Andrea! I've heard nothing but awesome things about the Brazen books! I'm so glad you loved Near and Far! I'm about to start that tomorrow!

  9. Wow wow wow at all your EW books. I wish I have an eReader so I can request books from there.
    And yay, I'm sure you'll enjoy These Broken Stars Jessica! :D
    Happy reading!

    My STS

    1. Aw! Thanks Kelly! I love my ereader. It's been so much easier for me, LOL.

  10. Ohhh look at all the lovelies! You are gonna love tempting the best man. I loved that book. I'm starting Near and Far tomorrow too and I can't wait. Ahhh you or so much awesome. Gahh and I'm so jelly of Cruel Beauty my approval is still pending. Happy reading.

    1. LOL. YAY! I'm so excited about both Temptings! And I am so freaking excited for Near & Far after Lost & Found. Fingers crossed you get Cruel Beauty!!!


    I need MOAR Brazen!

    And I'm interested in what you'll think of Conjured. I have wayyyy too many September releases to read, otherwise, I'd download and read it myself.

    Have a great week! :)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. Hahaha. I blame you for a good half of those Brazens Alyssa! I was only going to get 3! And I will definitely let you know what I think of Conjured!

  12. So many books!!! =) I hope you like tempting the best man and player!

    1. Thanks Wendy! I'm SO excited for those two!

  13. Edelweiss and NetGalley are like my crack. I just can't stop getting books. Thanks for visiting me earlier.

    Books of Love

    1. I know Grace! They totally are! I have to stay away!

  14. At first I was all envious of all the Entangled books (so can't wait to get paid) then I kept going and saw Keeping Her. That's it. You suck :D

    1. Aww! I only got those Entangled books because I had a GC, otherwise I wouldve had to let them pass me by. And yeah... I saw Keeping Her on EW and freaked the heck out.

  15. HELL YEAH! You STS is rockin! I totally love all the Brazens you got! Makes me sooooo giddy! And I've been waiting for you to post those EW books!!! SO MANY!! I WANT TO READ ALL YOUR THOUGHTS ON THEM!!! And blog tour books look smashing! Love it!! I have been very good about not signing up for blog tours lately because it's become really addicted and my reading schedule is so crammed I'm going crraaaaazy. LOL. ENJOY THESE FAB BOOKS! I shall be twitter stalking you for updates!!!

    1. I BLAME YOU FOR ALL THE BRAZENS! Well you and Alyssa can share the blame. LOL. Hahaha! I can't wait to fill you in on the EW books! I definitely need to cut back on tours. I'm getting overwhelmed myself! My August is a lot calmer than June/July though. LOL

  16. GAHHHHHHH/...YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE LOOOOOVE Seducing Cinderella and Wrong Bed, Right Guy and Tempting the Bestman...and ahhh...just all those delicious Entangled books! They are soo mouthwatering! :D I can't wait to see what you think of them.

    OMG...you got Cruel Beauty! I can't wait to get that in my hands! It sounds soo interesting, plus I love the cover!

    Hope you enjoy all your awesome goodies! Great haul! (Sorry for the late comment! lol ;p)

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. YAYAYAYAYAY! I'm so excited to hear I will love those! So many people have been telling me I need to get on the Brazen train! And I'm really excited about Cruel Beauty! I hope it's great!

  17. Holy shit! Is that not the most epic Stacking the Shelves ever?! I am so totally jealous right now!!

    1. LOL. I was kind of embarrassed to put so many on here. I have way too many books.


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