
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #22

By 1:02 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Top Ten Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Top 5 BEST:

1. Lord of the Rings movies (Peter Jackson is a freaking genius.)

2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (This was my favorite HP book, so I was so happy when the movie met my expectations!)

3. The Hunger Games (I ended up really liking the movie. I know this one will be a topic of debate today!)

4. The Notebook  (My best friend ruined a pillow, because she clutched it so tight during that movie. She was an emotional wreck.)
5. To Kill a Mockingbird (You know. The one with Gregory AMAZING Peck? Yeah. LOVED every second of that movie. Did a great job IMO.)

Top 5 WORST:

1.  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (I remember being so disappointed in most of this movie (ending excluded) and felt bored while watching in the theater.)

2. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Again, I didn't HATE this movie, but it definitely didn't live up to the book)

3. Water for Elephants (I can't say I didn't like the movie, but I remember the book being way better.)
4. The Twilight movies (I'm sorry Twi-hards, Rob Pattinson? NO. Kristen Stewart? HELL NO. The end. Otherwise long rant will ensue.)

5. The Da Vinci Code (I don't know. I am completely blank right now. So, sure. I liked the book better.)

Ok, my brain hurts. That was so much harder than I thought. I don't watch a whole lot of movies anymore... What made your lists?

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  1. Ah The Notebook was actually a really good adaptation! I agree with your worst list.

    1. I thought the Notebook was quite well done. :D And yay! I had trouble doing my worst list.

  2. Gah I know we are good friends now! I picked To Kill a Mockingbird too! Its one of my most favorite books and movies!

    Here's My TTT

    1. Same here! I am still kicking myself for not auditioning for the part of Scout at my college's production of it!

  3. I'm going to forgive you for a few of these...because that's what friends do! Haha Goblet of Fire was my fave HP both book and movie. Even though he who must not be named killed my favorite vampire before he was ever turned. (I'm such a nerd...)

    1. HAHAH. I knew we all wouldn't see eye to eye this week! But that's ok. Really? Goblet was your favorite movie? I remember leaving the movie theater shooting off expletives because of how pissed I was at it. Looking back now, I get that if they stuck to the book it would have been a 6 hour movie. LOL.

  4. THE NOTEBOOK. Ryan freaking Gosling. I <3 him so much. And and this line. *searches* "So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day." <-- THIS.

    And um, I reaaaallly disliked the movie version of HP3. HP3 is one of my faves of the series and I didn't like the adaptation at alllll. I'd tell you the specifics but I only ever watched that one once when it came out in theaters and I don't remember. haha!

    1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You made my morning by quoting that quote. And then crushed it with the second part. No, I'm kidding. Or am I? :D

  5. I've pretty much decided I'm the only person in the world who said "Meh" about The Notebook...

    1. LOL. That's ok. I knew we'd all have some pretty different tastes this week. :D

  6. I love Robert Pattinson. I admit that they weren't great movies (especially after the first couple) but I think considering the material they were working with they did a good job (terrible acting aside). I haven't seen any Twilight love at all today.

    1. Sheri gave some Twilight love! But other than hers, I haven't really seen any. I absolutely loved the Twilight books and read them multiple times over and over, so I was so disappointed in the movies.

  7. Yay Prisoner of Azkaban made my best list too - best of all the HPs! I almost put Twilight on my worst list but just couldn't do it haha - but I totally agree, Kristen Stewart...GRRR...her facial expressions alone were seriously annoying!!

    My Top Ten

    1. YES! I cannot stand that girl. LOL. She drove me crazy. Was not who I pictured as Bella AT ALL.

  8. Hunger Games was awesome! Completely agree. LOTR is also awesome. I actually liked the Twilight movies, but probably cause I was just happy to see them become movies lol. Great list

    1. :D YAY! Another HG fan! I knew that one would go either way this week. I have yet to see LOTR on a worst list, which rocks. And Twilight... Well. Had there been different actors, I might be telling a very different story.

  9. The LotR movies were amazing and made my best list, too. Twilight also made my worst. The HG is definitely getting a lot of love and hate today. I liked the movie, but did think it could have been much better. I can't for Catching Fire. I love the Notebook movie, but have never read the book. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. Now, I won't lie. Catching Fire was my favorite book so I'm REALLY nervous about the movie. I hope they can do it justice! I knew HG would get a lot of love and I knew Twilight was going to get bashed pretty hard. LOL.

  10. Harry Potter and Hunger Games! <3 Totally agree with you on the Twilight movies even though I found Eclipse not SO annoying! Lol! Great List!

    My TTT

    Ally @ Book Fixation

    1. I think Eclipse was the best out of all of them too. But yay for HG and HP!

  11. Great picks! HG was on my worst because I was disappointed in the lack of romance. That was what I loved about the book. I had HP 6 on my worst too! They did not do that book justice.

    1. I can see that bugging you about the movie. I definitely wanted more Peeta/Katniss kissing scenes. I think I did say that to my friends after we saw it. They didn't do HP6 justice! OMG! I felt like they picked the most trivial, stupid scenes of the book and put THOSE in the movie! Not cool!

  12. LORD OF THE RINGS!! HAHAHA Yes! Loved that pick and of course HARRY POTTER!! :D Hunger Games was definitely pretty amazing, too! Great picks! I now what to do a LotR and Harry Potter marathon

    1. YES! <3 I SO want to do a marathon! Actually, I did start watching my LOTR: Extended Editions the other day! But I've only gotten through Fellowship. Haha. Movie watching has gotten more difficult for me lately.

  13. Great List!! I'm a Pattinson fan, so I will just leave it at that :)

    I haven't read or seen Percy Jackson or Lord of the Rings. They are on my TBR list, but I haven't been able to get to them yet.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/07/top-ten-tuesday-bestworst-books-to-movie.html

    1. :D It's ok to like ole RPatz. I won't hate on you. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Percy books!!! LOTR are definitely a bit lengthy, but I enjoyed them overall.

  14. Oh, geesh. To Kill a Mockingbird. How did I forget that? Great list.

    1. :D That was actually the first one I thought of! I am a bit obsessed with Gregory Peck though. Haha.

  15. Debate?! What debate?! Hunger Games was AMAZING. I loved all the added arena "behind the scenes" stuff (like how they made the trees fall, etc). Plus you just can't get a better-cast Katniss. Guh. LOVE. Can't wait for Catching Fire!!!

    I also LOOOOVE The Notebook... but I've never read the book, only watched the movie, lol.

    1. HAHA! I agree with you girl! But so many don't sadly. I also thought the casting went really well and I was nervous about that! Oh the book of the Notebook is good too! But I love the visual of Ryan Gosling! Haha!

  16. Eeeek, I agree with so much of this post! I have to start with your Harry potter choices. I could NOT agree more with having Prisoner of Azkaban as THE best HP film adaptation. It's one of my favorite books in the series too and honestly I think the movie captures it nearly perfectly! I wish that director had stayed on to do all the other HP films that came after... AND THE biggest HP film letdown for me was indeed Half-Blood Prince. Ugh, the tone had completely shifted and the movie felt like a romantic comedy. I won't even start on the bits where Ginny wipes Harry's nose, ties his shoelace and feeds him cookies o_O bahaha - and that horrid bit where they BURN DOWN THE BURROW?!? Grrrr.

    But I digress LOL, I'm also with you on the Lord of the Rings films and Peter Jackson's genius! I loved the Hunger Games film too and though I still need to read the book version of Notebook, I adored the movie!

    Anyways yeah, Percy Jackson was a suckfest compared to the book. They changed SO much! And even though I like Rob Pattinson, I agree that the Twilight films pretty much ruined any credibility the books had. They brought out the cheesiness and Kristen Stewart is BEYOND lame.

    Fabulous TTT post Jessica, I've been trying to get to this post for ever but I finally made it! hehe, sorry for the lateness of my comment.

    1. :D Micheline- I've said it once and I'll say it again. Your comments always brighten up my day! I'm so glad I have another HP3 fan! And I completely agree! I wish he would have directed the rest of the films! And I agree with HBP- I was like... why are we watching all this love drama crap?! LOL. Thank you. THANK YOU for agreeing with me about Kristen. I'm sorry- I'm sure she's a great person and all, but Lord. That girl cannot act.


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