
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #23

By 1:12 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.
Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition
(Click on the title links to go to my reviews)
A lot of these authors are already pretty big time, but I love them so much and they can always use more people knowing about them and their books!
1. Heather Lyons. (Heather is the author of the Fate series and I cannot even tell you guys how much I love her books. It's borderline obsessive. If you like Urban Fantasy, this is the series to check out! The first book, A Matter of Fate, is considered YA, where the second A Matter of Heart, is more Mature YA/New Adult. Did I mention there are two super hot twins?)

2. C.J. Redwine. (C.J. is the author of Defiance, which is the first book in her trilogy. Her second book Deception releases late August. I would probably classify this as YA Fantasy, but it definitely has a Dystopia feel to it also.)
3. Myra McEntire. (Myra is the author of Hourglass, Timepiece, and soon to be released Infinityglass. This is another one of my favorite series. I love books about time travel, and I felt like these were just well-done!)
4. Trisha Wolfe. (Trisha is the author of Destiny's Fire, Astarte's Wrath, Of Silver and Beasts, and the upcoming novels Of Darkness and Crowns, The Darkest Part, and Fireblood. Trish is so multi-talented. She is able to rock out different genres and is such a talented writer. I am so proud to be a part of her #TuffGirlL!)

5. Rachel Harris. (Rachel is the author of My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, Taste the Heat, and the soon to be released A Tale of Two Centuries. Rachel writes both YA and Adult novels, so she has something for both age groups. She is another fantastic writer and I am proud to be apart of her #FlirtSquad!)

6. Denise Grover Swank. (Denise is author to several different books, but the ones that have really caught my eye are her most recent New Adult ones: The Off The Subject series. After Math and Redesigned are two of my favorite NA novels and they are such great reads!)

7. Keary Taylor. (Keary has also written quite a few books, but I first became familiar with her through her YA Sci-Fi/Dystopian Eden series: The Bane, The Human, and the upcoming conclusion The Eve. I am such a big fan of these books! Keary has also explored the Paranormal, as well as the Contemporary genres.)

8. Emma Hart. (Emma is so awesome. She has written The Memories series (Never Forget, Holding On, & Always Remember) as well as the in-progress Game series (The Love Game, Playing For Keeps) I have fallen in love with her writing and she creates such strong secondary characters and I really like that.)
9. Courtney Allison Moulton (I am a big fan of Courtney's Paranormal Angelfire series :(Angelfire, Wings of the Wicked, and Shadows in the Silence). I know there are quite a few angel books out there, but I really loved these. And Will? SWOOOON!) (EDIT: Teresa loves Will too. Woooo! I don't know why I thought she was for Cadan! )
10. C.J. Duggan. (I just finished reading C.J's Boys of Summer and An Endless Summer and they were SO good. They were great summer reads and definitely worth checking out!)

11. Rachel Brookes (Rachel's debut Just Breathe came out a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you. She is one to watch you guys. I loved every minute of it and I can't wait for more!)

12. Caisey Quinn (Have you read Girl with Guitar yet? Really? Why not?! Country music, bad boy, sassy girl- what's not to love?! Get it.)

What made your Top Ten list this week?

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  1. These authors look awesome! I already had some of these on my TBR and I added the rest. Yay! Great list! :-)

    1. Yay! I hope you'll love them as much as I do!

  2. *waves* I love that you mentioned me BUT wait! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE ANGELFIRE SERIES and WILL! Will is my fave and the second book crushed my soul. Cadan is ehhh but Will OMG I lovess him. Look at us agreeing on fictonal boyfriends lol. I really love that you included CAM.

    Anyhoo this is a lovely list with lots of authors who are sitting on my TBR. =]

    1. FIXED! Maybe it was Kelsey (Ketch) who liked Cadan! And I thought it was you for some crazy reason. THANK GOD IT'S NOT!

  3. Myra McEntire has been on my TBR list for A WHILE. I need to get to her books. I haven't heard of any of the others, but I will definitely have to check them out. C.J. Duggan's books sound great.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/07/top-ten-tuesday-authors-who-deserve.html

    1. Thanks Jacque! Myra is great and I just recently read C.J's! So glad I did!

  4. I recently checked out My Super 16th and am excited to read it. I've heard good things. I still need to pick up Defiance, too. Great list!

    1. I adore Rachel! She's so sweet and such a great writer! And yes! You need Defiance! :D

  5. Ok seriously, I need to branch out more! This is like the umptenth time I've visited a list that I have read nothing on! But I definately want to read many of these authors work - C.J. Redwine, Myra McEntire, and Courtney Allison Moulton for starters!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    1. :D No worries Nicole- I had that happen on a few lists today myself. I was like, I haven't read these, but they're all on my TBR! LOL

  6. I'm looking up Keary Taylor asap. I love the look of those books.
    My Top Ten

    1. Oh yes! Keary is an awesome author! And if you like sci-fi these are so great!

  7. OMG!! You've read Courtney Allison Moulton? LOVE!!! UGH this top 10 should have been a top 50!! lol!! I LOVE SO many Authors on your list!! GAHHH!!! I'm DYING!! I seriously CANNOT wait for Of Darkness and Crowns!! That cover was SO HOT! O.M. FLIPPIN G. #waitingsucks

    1. HAHA! RIGHT? Oh, Ria. You always just get it. :D I agree! I saw the cover for Trish's book and I nearly died!

  8. Oh, I haven't heard of some of these! Now I have to spend many hours, instead of working, looking up these authors! ;)

    My TTT

    1. Haha! You know the old saying: all work and no play.... SO it's clearly time to play! :D I hope you enjoy them if you read them!

  9. Such a great post! So many amazing authors on here. I didn't do this one this week since I have so much going on today. Denise Grover Swank will be at the Aug 2 signing here in Seattle. I can get something signed if you want :-)

    1. Aww thanks Chelsea!!! I might have to take you up on that offer!! And I almost didn't do the post, but when I saw the topic I knew I had to fit it in somehow! LOL

  10. McEntire has been on my TBR pile for so long! I really need to find time to get started seeing that the last book in the series is coming out!

    Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by Take Me Away...

    1. Yes! I love Myra's books! I think you would like them too! :D

  11. I still need to read Defiance. I'm not sure what is taking me so darn long to get to them. I also am starting to think I need to check out The Bane series. I've seen it pop up a couple of times today.

    1. Kay. Definitely get Defiance. Run. Now. Hahah. :D Love the Bane series. Not everyone does, but I am definitely a big fan.

  12. I can't believe I didn't include Denise Grover Swank on my list. I totally should have. I LOVED After Math, and I have Redesigned on my bookshelf at home waiting for me. I met her at BEA and she was awesome! Great list, Jessica. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Ooooh. I loved After Math too, but I won't even lie. Redesigned? Yeah, Reed stole my heart. I love Tucker, don't get me wrong, but REED. Haha. That's awesome you got to meet her!

  13. Yes yes yes to C.J. Redwine and Myra McEntire! I also love both of their books Jessica; they are both SO good. I can't wait for Deception and Infinityglass. ;D
    Great list & thanks for stopping by my TTT! (:

    1. Me either Kelly! I'm dying for both of them!!! I'm super excited to go to CJ's launch party here in Nashville on her release day. :D

  14. Great list, Jessica! I haven't read any of these authors yet, but several have been crossing my radar and I really need to give them a try -- C. J. Redwine and Myra McEntire in particular. If only I weren't so swamped with ARCs already! (Ah, the trials of the blogger! ;-D )

    1. Thanks Lark! I hear you on the being swamped with ARC's! I'm in the same boat so a lot of lists I've been to I haven't read their authors yet either!

  15. I really want to read Defiance sometime soon! It sounds absolutely fantastic and I think I'd love it. Thanks for sharing! :D

    1. YES! Krystianna- I think you'd really enjoy Defiance! Definitely pick it up soon!

  16. Yay!! I love Rachel Harris & Caisey Quinn too!! So almost put Girl With A Guitar on my list too. And I'm dying to read Off The Subject series & Angelfire, oh and Defiance as well! There are too many good books to read and not enough time!!!

    1. Ah! You will LOVE the Off the Subject series Amy. I know you will! And I'm sure you'll love Angelfire and Defiance too! Oooh girl! Go read! Hahah

  17. Great top ten! I really want to read the Defiance series:)

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks Eveline! Yes, Defiance is definitely one of my all-time faves!


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