
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #25

By 1:00 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.
Top Ten Memorable Beginnings/Endings in Books
(I tweaked the topic from favorite to memorable. Because some of these are NOT my favorites. They broke my freaking heart!)

 1. Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker (I was so afraid I wasn't going to get my HEA in this one. The ending? Perfection.)
2. The Girl with the Iron Touch (Steampunk Chronicles #3) by Kady Cross (That ending made me squeal like a little fangirl. I won't even lie.)
3. Tangled by Emma Chase. (Such a hilarious memorable beginning! We meet Drew who believes himself to have the flu. He hasn't showered in days, left the house, orders pizza and beer... Drew isn't sick. He's had his heart broken!)
4. Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3) by Cassie Clare (Ok, at first I was torn at the end because I felt Clare was doing a cop out to appease everyone. And then my best friend put it into perspective for me (as she usually does) and I realized I actually think it worked out for the best.)

5. The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay (yeah, that ending line pretty much wrecked me.)
"And if my Sea of Tranquility were real, it would be this place, here, with him.
I don't say anything right away, because I just want one minute to look at him before I give him my last secret.
And then I tell him.
"Your garage.”

 6. Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy #3) by Richelle Mead (I can't say this is a favorite because my heart was absolutely shattered at the time, but I have to commend Richelle for being so bold!)

7. The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden #2) by Julie Kagawa (That ending! THAT ENDING! JULIE! What are you trying to do to ussssss?!)

8. Reflected in You (Crossfire #2) by Sylvia Day. (I cried at the end. I really did. I had figured out what was happening before it was actually said but that moment at the end where he falls to his knees. Oh Sweet Lord Jesus.)

9. This Girl (Slammed #3) by Colleen Hoover. (I loved the whole book, but the beginning where they are in bed together on their honeymoon and start reminiscing. Squeal!)

10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (HP #5) (REALLY? REALLY J.K ROWLING!)

Ok! So I started out struggling with this and then after getting some much needed reassurance from the Twitterverse, I got 10! I overthink things sometimes...
What made your list this week?

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  1. Hahaha I kept squealing throughout The Girl with the Iron Touch. It was hot and delicious!

    1. YES! It was SO hot and delicious! I was freaking out! After having practically no romance in the first two- Kady made up for it here!

  2. I can't believe I forgot about Clockwork Princess! That was probably the result of me crying ugly tears when I read it smh And that little quote for The Sea of Tranquility... I think that was the exact push I needed to read it! Thanks for that!

    Great list!
    Here's My TTT

    1. Aww! Yeah CP2 had me all teary eyed too! Oh, Nikki! Read the Sea of Tranquility! Read it! I think you'll like it!

  3. Gah you have so many books I forgot to include! But CP2 is deff my fave EVER! This was a tough week because I love so many endings. BUt I love that you included SoT and This Girl as well.

    1. :D Go us for being so awesome and listing the same books!

  4. Great list!! I think Clockwork Princess is probably my all time favorite!

    1. :D I definitely enjoyed CP2, even though I really was angry at first.

  5. CP2 was on my list as well! It is one of my absolute favorite endings/books ever. :)

    Annie :)

    1. :D I definitely didn't see that ending coming!

  6. I'm glad you got the perspective, but I'm still not a fan of CP2. I've heard tons of reasons but I still kind of feel betrayed by it. But Shadow Kiss' ending I loved. LOVED. You have a lot that I can't believe I forgot on my list.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

    1. I personally thought there should have been no epilogue. I was so torn over this. But I'm a huge Will girl, so... you know. OMG. Shadow Kiss destroyed me. My heart was in shambles!

  7. The Sea of Tranquility KILLED me. And I read it at work so I was trying not to cry at my desk haha! :)

    1. AW! Gosh! I don't blame you! That would have been hard! I read it at home thankfully, or I would have freaked! I could just see my students asking me- why are you crying and making weird noises? LOL

  8. Agreed about the Eternity Cure!! That ending nearly killed me >.<
    The Sea of Tranquility was just beautiful. All of it.
    With Clockwork Princess, I loved the ending without the epilogue. Then I liked the first part of the epilogue. But the rest of it... meh. It's kind of too good to be true. This sounds really masochistic, but I was braced for more pain and somehow I was disappointed when I didn't get it.

    My TTT

    1. I did NOT see the Eternity Cure ending coming at all! I was FLOORED. And really mad. LOL. And I agree with you on CP2- I kind of wish there wasn't an epilogue. Because I feel like she was betraying you know who. And then I felt bad, because she's immortal and I wanted her to be happy... I don't know. I was so torn up too.

  9. ooooh yes! The Eternity Cure had a killer ending!! One that had me screaming too!! Nice Harry Potter pick!! Seeing lots of Harry's!! Lots of varieties too!

    Thanks for visiting my post!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. The Eternity Cure! OMG! Did you see that coming? Because I didn't! Archhhh. I need book 3!

  10. I forgot Harry Potter and The Eternity Cure! What is wrong with me?! Especially with Harry Potter!! Love how many we have in common girl!

    P.S. I don't think I can forgive you for forgetting Opal!

    Ally @ Book Fixation

    1. HAHAH, I don't deserve forgiveness Ally. Nope. I am a failure. I almost forgot about HP too! And finally I was like ahh! I need Harry in here somewhere!

  11. I do love the way HP and the Order ended. I just love that series period. I've heard great things about The Eternity Cure and that series, but haven't read them yet. Great list! This one was hard!

    1. HP5 broke my heart. I was devastated. I really enjoyed the Immortal Rules series, it was just so different and neat!

  12. LOVE YOUR LIST!!!!! I'm so happy CP and Shadow Kiss made it to your list! And I agree my heart was broken in Shadow Kiss, and I honestly don't know how I survived waiting for the next book! I have heard so many amazing things about TSoT and Ten Tiny Breaths. I can't wait to pick them up. I got Tangled for review, and I can't wait to start it. SO many people found it hilarious.

    Awesome picks, Jessica! =)

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Thanks Maida! Luckily for me, I had Blood Promise ready to go! But even then, the end of that... GAH. Richelle Mead is a diabolical genius! I can't wait for you to read Tangled! It's HILARIOUS!

  13. OMG the ending for the sea of tranquility! I completely forgot about that! I literally clutched my heart and yelled AWWW when I saw what you wrote and the quote and the memories and the FEELS! LOVE THAT BOOK!

    1. YES! I loved TSOT! I was sobbing when I first read that. SOBBING, CeCe. Books don't make me sob. That one did.

  14. HP5. HOLY. CRAP. I walked around my house for a WEEK all depressed. Shadow Kiss.. *sigh*

    1. I honestly think I flung my hardback across the room. I won't even lie, I was so outraged at JK.


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