
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Waiting on Wednesday #24

By 1:00 AM

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights books whose releases we are eagerly awaiting!
The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4)
   by: Rick Riordan
Expected Publication: Oct. 8, 2013

At the conclusion of The Mark of Athena, Annabeth and Percy tumble into a pit leading straight to the Underworld. The other five demigods have to put aside their grief and follow Percy’s instructions to find the mortal side of the Doors of Death. If they can fight their way through the Gaea’s forces, and Percy and Annabeth can survive the House of Hades, then the Seven will be able to seal the Doors both sides and prevent the giants from raising Gaea. But, Leo wonders, if the Doors are sealed, how will Percy and Annabeth be able to escape?

They have no choice. If the demigods don’t succeed, Gaea’s armies will never die. They have no time. In about a month, the Romans will march on Camp Half-Blood. The stakes are higher than ever in this adventure that dives into the depths of Tartarus
My friends! If you have never picked up a Rick Riordan book: I beg you. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! This man is a writing genius. I am a huge fan of his Percy Jackson series (love me some Greek mythology). I loved his Kane Chronicles (Egyptian mythology, say whaaa?!) And now he brings us the Heroes of Olympus! (Greek AND Roman mythology! AND it brings back my boy Percy and crew!) ZOMG. I am so ready for this one. I absolutely loved The Mark of Athena because we see our characters growing up and this is becoming more YA than MG. And Book 3 left off with a HUGE cliffhanger! Holy crap. I need this book like whoa.
What are you waiting on this week my friends?
(I apologize if I don't get back to you right away. I am out of town attending a teaching conference through Saturday so commenting will probably be scarce until I get back.)

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  1. I'm so behind on this series! I recently bought The Son of Neptune and it keeps getting pushed further and further down my TBR pile :\ But I did love The Lost Hero! I hope I can get back to this series soon!

    Great pick!
    Here's My WoW

    1. Aww! I know how it is though. I've gotten behind on a few series myself. Loved the Son of Neptune! And Mark of Athena is really great too! I love that now the characters are growing up a bit, Riordan is also moving up to the next step too (age-wise)

  2. I really need to read more Rick Riordan books. I haven't read any! I'm hoping to start the Percy Jackson series soon.

    1. Oh! I love Rick Riordan! :D He's so good! But then again, I am a huge mythology fan so it was super fun to read about all these myths that I already read a long time ago! Even if you don't care for mythology, I still think they're fun reads!

  3. oh my gosh. YES. I love the Heroes of Olympus series!

  4. Haven't heard of that one! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! It's one of my favorite series! :D

  5. I love Rick Riordan :) And I'm dying for this book! Great pick!

    My WW!

    1. :D Thanks Janina! I can't wait to see what happens next!

  6. Interesting. I still need to read this series at some point. Great choice.


    1. Thanks Grace! It's definitely a favorite of mine!

  7. I should just start this series its way overdue. Thanks for sharing :)



  8. AHHH I still need to read Mark of Athena but I Love Percy! This series is awesome and this is an awesome pick and you are awesome. That is all!

    1. O.M.G. When you read Mark of Athena... let me know. And YOU are awesome my friend! <3

  9. Ahhhh... A friend of mine recommended that series to me, and the other about Egypt as well. I haven't had any time to start on them, though. Looking forward to it because several friends are squeeling about those. ^^ Good pick!
    My WoW

    1. YES! Both series are amazing!!! Loved them both!!! :D

  10. Ooo, you know, I haven't been keeping up with THIS series - I've only read The Lost Hero. I loved all of the Percy Jackson books! But I haven't had much interest for this series. My sister, on the other hand, LOVES them. I'll have to get her this one for Christmas. Hope you get the chance to read it sometime early! And I hope you enjoy it, Jess :)

    Check out my WoW post!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! The Percy series is definitely a favorite of mine!

    In case you didn't know, I love this series. I. Love. This. Series.

  12. Nice pick! I loved the first book in this series, and have the second one on my bookshelf. I must catch up!

  13. Ahhhh THIS specific book in the series is making me even more eager to finally freaking get into the Heroes of Olympus!! Hades ♥ <--not sure what that says about me but anyways. I seriously enjoyed the Percy Jackson books and I've been eager to continue with the continuation...especially with the addition of Roman myths! Oh and I'm glad to see you loved the Kane books, I own book 1 but I still haven't gotten around to reading it yet (ugh!), Egyptian myths = WIN. Brilliant pick Jessica :D


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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