
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Welcome to the #CatchUpClub- with a Giveaway!

By 1:48 AM

Big thanks to the awesome Emily over at Oh, Magic Hour for  the following post. I simply copied and pasted her post so make sure you head over there to enter the giveaway after you read below.

 Feel like you’ve missed out on all the fun when it comes to some of the more popular reads of the last few years?

Do your friends start swooning over book boys that you’ve never even heard of?!

Have you seen people grow uncomfortable when you mention that you haven’t read THAT BOOK??!

If so, then welcome to the Catch Up Club!

 Catch Up Club is hosted by Diane at Oops! I Read A Book Again, Katie at Bibliotekit, Yasmine at Yasmine’s Public Library, Jessica at Lovin Los Libros, and myself.(Emily at Oh, Magic Hour)  We all recently met during a #bookishparty book chat hosted by Cass and Judith on Twitter.  That chat was a ton of fun, but during the discussion it became clear that some of us had missed out on some pretty stellar reads in the YA world.  Sometimes book hype keeps you from reading a book that everyone says is supposed to be great.  Sometimes you just can’t get it from the library in time.  And sometimes you just can’t bring yourself to pick up yet another one of THOSE kinds of books.  

But no more excuses!  Every two weeks we’re going to read a recent Greatest Hit and we’ll all read it together.  One of us will be the Book Pusher and will post about why a particular read was so great at the beginning of the two week span.  Then you’ll have two weeks to read the book and if you’d like to post a review, at the end of the two weeks we can all link up our reviews and travel around the blogosphere seeing what our new friends thought about this most recent read.  And then we’ll do it all again!  If we pick a book that has a sequel, you’re welcome to read either that book or the sequel, we’re just trying to get people to read books and authors that we love and to have some company while we do it. 

On tap we have great books like Cinder, Shadow and Bone, Shatter Me, Vampire Academy, The Darkest Minds, and who knows what else!  If this becomes a bigger party than we’re anticipating, we can certainly figure out some way to get community input into the read – who knows, maybe YOU can be a Book Pusher, too!  And there just might be a giveaway or two along the way!

How Can You Join In??

We are starting the party with the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer!  The first book in this series is Cinder and the second is Scarlet.  Feel free to read either one that you’ve missed!  Or, heck, feel like a re-read?  Join us! 
If you want to join in, you have three ways to do it!
  1. Sign up with Mister Linky HERE to tell us you’re on board!  In your blog post we’d love to hear your answers to these questions: (1) What books would YOU like to Push for The Catch Up Club that you’ve already read? and (2) What books do you feel like you’ve missed out on?
  2. Tweet with us!  We’ll be tracking #CatchUpClub throughout the two weeks to readalong with each other and whoever else joins us. 
  3. Come back here on July 24 to link up your review so we can have our own little virtual book club!
And since this is our first time with the Club, let’s celebrate with A GIVEAWAY!!!!!  At the end of the two week period on July 25, I’ll select someone who joined up with today’s Linky and give them a $20 gift card to a bookseller of their choice.  Easy peasy!! 

So Why Should You Read The Lunar Chronicles??

I won’t bother doing too much summary here, because I’m betting you’ve at least HEARD of Cinder and Scarlet, even if you haven’t read them.  But basically, they are futuristic fairy-tale retellings of Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, respectively.  And here’s my Top 5 List on why you should go ahead and pick these books up ASAP!
  1. Despite being fairy tale inspired heroines, neither Scarlet nor Cinder are weak.  They are kick-butt, strong female heroines who don’t just sit around waiting for Prince Charming.  They make things happen.
  2. Kai.  Or Wolf.  Or Captain Thorne.  Just saying.
  3. More than one review of these books have compared them to Firefly – not so much in plot, obviously, but in tone.  This is a futuristic Asia-like society, and Cinder is a mechanic.  You Kaylee fans?  Check this one out. 
  4. These books also do an amazing job examining important social issues – class politics and prejudice probably being the top two that come to mind.  Being able to do this in a believable way in the context of a story about aliens?  I’m down.
  5. These books are sci-fi for people who love to read fantasy.  Don’t let the sci-fi elements of cyborgs and aliens scare you away.  They are full of complexly drawn characters, a fight worth fighting, and are some of the best fairy tale retellings out there.
So what are you waiting for??!  Pick up either Cinder or Scarlet and see what you’ve been missing!!


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    1. I've actually read both Cinder and Scarlet! Both books were chosen on my "Help Me Choose" videos, so these two books are great!!

      I would definitely love to join in when you ever pick up the vampire academy series!

      good luck guys!
      - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

      1. Yay! That'd be great Juhina! We'd love to have you join in at anytime! :D

    2. Okay well I DO have it from the library now. But I've been so busy I won't be able to read with you guys. But I will be reading it. =)


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