
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #27

By 1:00 AM

 Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
This week I am featuring the new album by The Civil Wars! I love these two so much and I was absolutely heartbroken when I heard they weren't going to stay together. I'm still unclear of what's going on with them, but they did just release this album, so fingers crossed they're going to keep making music!

Artist: The Civil Wars
Album: The Civil Wars
Released: Aug. 6, 2013

Track Listing:

1. The One That Got Away *
2. I Had Me A Girl
3. Same Old Same Old
4. Dust to Dust
5. Eavesdrop
6. Devil's Backbone
7. From This Valley*
8. Tell Mama*
9. Oh Henry
10. Disarm*
11. Sacred Heart
12. D'Airline

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  1. I've never heard of The Civil Wars before, but listening to some of those tracks I'm glad I have now :D

    1. YAY! This makes me so happy! I love these two! They are just so incredible together!

  2. I was listening to The Civil Wars all last week : ) Musical soul sisters!

  3. What?!! I did not hear about them possibly splitting up but I will be so heartbroken too! I LOVE them. Great choice :-)

    1. Yeah, I want to say it was a year or so ago and they had posted on their FB page. I was like, NOOOOOOO.

  4. Our musical interests are crazy alike! I bought this CD on Friday, and have been listening to it alot. I hadn't heard that they broke up until you said something though. That makes me so sad, because they sing so beautifully together. I'll just have to keep listening to what I have!

    1. I agree! I'm hoping they are able to reconcile their differences because they are truly amazing together. :D

  5. I FREAKIN LOVE THE CIVIL WARS!!! Gahhh...their music has so much soul and you can practically feel every lyric! I just love them! Awesome, fantabulous pick, Jessica! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. YAY! I love them too! :D I saw them live last year and OMG. They were incredible together!!!


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