
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #28

By 1:00 AM

 Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
This week I am featuring Luke Bryan's newest! I just bought it Saturday afternoon and I am obsessed. We listened to it in the car twice all the way through! (It's THAT good, folks!) This whole album is awesome. I have enjoyed every song on here, but of course I starred my absolute favorites. If you're a country fan, you have got to get this CD! 

Artist: Luke Bryan
Album: Crash My Party
Released: Aug. 13, 2013

Track Listing:

1. That's My Kind of Night *
2. Beer in the Headlights*
3. Crash My Party *
4. Roller Coaster *
5. We Run This Town
6. Drink A Beer
7. I See You ***** (I freaking love this one)
8. Goodbye Girl
9. Play It Again*
10. Blood Brothers
11. Out Like That*
12. Shut it Down
13. Dirt Road Diary

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  1. He did a concert in my town last year! I think he's actually coming back again.

    1. Ah! He's coming here to Nashville for two shows! I wish I had the $$ and time to go see him! He'd be awesome to see!

  2. Love, Love, Love this album. I could listen to Crash My Party over and over again. Great Pick!!

    1. Seriously?! I'll let you in on a secret. I used to write. And listening to this album has given me so many ideas of plots I could work with! EEEEP!

  3. OMG....Jessica...we have the exact same taste in music! I LOVE Luke Bryan! I love Drunk on You, and this one sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Oh I love Drunk on You too Maida! YAY! I'm super excited we like the same music! Music is so huge for me!

  4. I LOVE Luke Bryan and looooove this album!!! I've listened to it so many times! I even forced my fiance who does NOT like country to listen to a few songs! I may or may not have sang along and danced around wildly while this happened. I think he was more entertained by that and probably the only reason he let me keep playing more songs. haha! I REALLY love Play it Again (and crash my party but that's a given)

    1. Hahaha! I love Play it Again too! I've been listening to that one quite a bit! I am obsessed with this CD!!!!


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