
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #27

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received for Review/Blog Tour:

Two Roads by L.M. Augustine (A huge thanks to L.M. for sending this for me to review!)
The Darkest Part by Trisha Wolfe (A huge thanks To Trisha for sending this for me to review!!!)
Time Spell (Ivy Grace Spell Series #1) by T.A. Foster (A huge thanks to KP@ InkSlinger and T.A. for sending this for review! Tour Date: 8/30)
Unafraid (Beachwood Bay #2) by Melody Grace (A huge thanks to KP@ InkSlinger and Melody for sending this for review! Tour Date: 9/3)
Stay With Me (With Me #1) by Elyssa Patrick (A huge thanks to Elyssa for approving me for this!)
Falling For Her Fiancé (Accidentally in Love #1) by Cindi Madsen (Only $.99!)
Act Like You Love Me (Accidentally in Love #2) by Cindi Madsen (Only $.99!)


Dualed (Dualed #1) by Elsie Chapman
Nantucket Blue by Leila Howard
Skylark (Skylark #1) by Meagan Spooner

Signed copies of After Math and Redesigned by Denise Grover Swank + Jasinda Wilder swag!
A HUGE thank you to Chelsea from Starbucks & Books Obsession for getting these for me! She knows I'm a total Denise fangirl! Hellooo? Tucker? Reed? Have you met them yet?!

Ok. That does it for me this week. What did you guys get?

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  1. Time spell looks really good. And I'm not familiar with Trisha Wolfe BT yay for getting books you love! I've added After Math to my wish list after reading your GR review :-)
    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

    1. I'm so excited for Time Spell! And I LOVE Trisha! She is awesome!!! Oh and I can't wait for you to read After Math! Denise is an awesome writer!!!

  2. OOh nice haul! These are all new to me! Hope you enjoy them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Got to love those .99 cents deals. Time Spell looks awesome. Come visit me as well here:

    Books of Love

    1. I know! I couldn't resist them! And I'm so excited to get to Time Spell. I love that cover.

  4. I jumped on the Entangled Bliss sale too but they'll be in next week's STS. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

    1. I've heard such awesome things about Cindi's books, so I couldn't refuse even though I'm not supposed to be buying books!

  5. You got some great looking NA titles. The Darkes Part is one that I need to get soon. I read Redesigned some time back and thought it was a lot of fun.
    Enjoy your lovely books! :)

    Nick - My Haul

    1. Thanks Nick! I've been on a NA kick lately. :D I am so excited to start The Darkest Part. And I adored Redesigned. It's one of my favorites.

  6. Great haul!

    I've been interested in The Darkest Part for awhile so I'm curious to see what you think of it.

    Happy reading!

    Here is my Stacking the Shelves link: http://adventuresinreading16.blogspot.com/2013/08/stacking-shelves-6_11.html

    1. Thanks Alexia! I can't wait to start The Darkest Part! I hate that I have to go back to work now! I need my reading time!

  7. Awesome haul! I got Unafraid and Two Roads too! I am so glad you found Stay With Me on NetGalley. I saw it on there and was going to tell you that it was there. I am so glad I could get those books for you. I am going to read Aftermath this week!

    1. :D Eeeeep! I saw Stay With Me back on The Bookish Babes' blog and I wanted it. So I jumped at the chance when I saw it! :D And I am seriously the happiest person ever because of those books!!

  8. Thanks a lot, Jess. I was SO good this week and stayed off NG but seeing Stay With Me.. *sigh*

    Great books this week though! *side eyes* you should totally bring Nantucket Blue with you to GA. :D

    Have a great week!

    1. HAHAHA. I know, right?! I couldn't resist! It looked so cute!! And yes, I will totally bring it with me. :D

  9. Looks like you got a lot of great books this week! The New Adult is quickly becoming my favorite genre. I hope you enjoy them!
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog
    My STS: http://sparetimebookblog.blogspot.com/2013/08/stacking-shelves-7.html

    1. Thanks Brittany! It's becoming mine too. I do need a break from it every now and again, but for the most part it doesn't fail me!

  10. Great book haul! I really want to read Raw Blue, and I love Cindy's books! Enjoy.

    1. :D You are totally the reason I got Cindi's books! I remember your reviews on one of them and I knew I had to go for it. :D So thanks girl!

  11. Wow! Great haul(: My friend let me borrow a copy of Nantucket Blue. I can't wait to get started on it(:


    1. Thanks Jackie! I hope you enjoy Nantucket! I've heard great things about it!

  12. Ohhh you got so many good books. I got a bunch of Bliss books too but I'd already filmed my vlog. I also won a copy of The Darkest Part last night but again it missed my vlog lol but I'm super excited for that one. I got Stay Woth Me too and I adore that cover and it sounds amazing. Gahh you got so many awesome books. Happy reading!

    1. YAY for The Darkest Part! I can't wait! I'm obsessed with Trish's books. LOL.

  13. Great haul! I've heard some bad things about Dauled, a lot of people didn't like it. But I hope you are in the minority and love it :D
    my StS

    1. Thanks Kimberly! I also saw a lot of not so great reviews on Dualed. Fingers crossed I like it- if not, I'll recycle and do ARCycling with it again. :D

  14. Lots and lots and lots and lots of New Adult ;)

    And Skylark! I have a signed copy of that one! And a copy of Dualed - unsigned though :o

    Have an awesome week, Jess! <3

    Check out my STS post!

    1. I know! I never mean to get NA and I always do! LOL. I'm glad my library had Skylark since I have Shadowlark for review. LOL

  15. Skylark is on my TBR list. I hope you enjoy your haul!

    My STS.

  16. Ohh yay books! I'm really looking forward to Two Roads! And Act Like You Love me was really cute, I really liked it!! I'm gonna be reading nantucket blue over my break! I've been meaning to read it ALL summer.

    1. Aww I'm so glad you liked Act Like You Love Me! I'm super excited for it. And I can't wait to read Two Roads! :D

  17. Looks like you were at the Bliss sale yesterday too!

    I totally loved After Math and Redesigned! Really good.

    AND I cannot wait to read Unafraid and The Darkest Part


    Here's My STS


    1. I couldn't resist those two Madsen books after Andrea at The Bookish Babe raved about them! And yes! Denise's Off The Subject series is definitely one of my favorites!

  18. And I thought I was blog tour crazy!! LOL, jk! Those blog tour books look fab, I'm a tiny bit jelly over here!! I'm excited to read your thoughts on those books, especially Two Roads! I love those Bliss books you bought! I haven't read them yet, but Bliss books are always fun easy reads that totally pass time! Anywho, you got a fantastic haul this week!! I hope you enjoy!! Why does it feel like I haven't chatted with you in like, forever?!!?!

    1. HAHAHA. I know. I'm bad aren't I?! I'm so excited about Two Roads- and you're right the Bliss and Brazen books are so nice to just relax with! AND I KNOW! I haven't talked to you in awhile! Stupid school getting in the way!

  19. I really need to stop reading your stacking the shelves posts because they make me way to jealous!

    1. HAHAH. LOL. Oh girl. I need to stop getting books and focus on the ones I have! I'm such a bad girl.

  20. The Darkest Part! Yay, I hope you can read it soonish and I hope you really like it!
    Stay With Me looks really good too. I plan on reading that one before the end of the month. I've had Nanatucet Blue forever! I really need to read it!

    1. I hope I can read TDP soon too! I'm dying to! (Trying to get the review ones knocked out, but it's hard with school now. Blech.) And I plan on getting Stay With Me read before it comes out too.

  21. Eeeep, fabulous haul! Time Spell, Skylark and Dualed are ALL on the wishlist for me so I'm excited to read your thoughts on all those :D Oh and I just love the cover for Stay with Me! Happy reading!!

    1. Thanks Micheline! I can't wait to read them all! I just need the time now! LOL!

  22. I need to pick up Cindy Madsen books! I've heard great things about them and they just sound soo darn adorable! Ohhhh....and Nantucket Blue! I must get that one soon too! You got sooo many goodies! Hope you enjoy them all, Jessica! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Yay! Thanks Maida! I'm really looking forward to Cindi's books. Andrea from The Bookish Babe loved them and I trust Andrea's recs implicitly!


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