
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Swoon Thursday #27

By 1:00 AM

Swoon Thursday is a weekly event hosted by YA Bound.

Here's what you do:

From the book you're currently reading, or one you just finished, tell me what made you swoon. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments or grab the button above and share it on your blog.
This week's swoon comes from Playing With Her Heart by Lauren Blakely! I'm currently reading this one and OMG. It's so hot. Like seriously steamy, sexy, swoony HOT!
"She keeps doing it, tracing my lips with her finger, obliterating all my willpower. I place my coffee and bagel on the stairs, then I grab her wrists, walk her two steps backward. She's up against the concrete wall. Her lips are parted and her eyes are full of lust. I hold tight to her wrists as I capture her mouth with mine. She lets out the tiniest little whimper at the first touch of my lips. I want to kiss her hard and hungry, because she makes me feel that way. But I want her to know I'm in control, that I'm leading now, not her. Without breaking my hold on her wrists, I trace her lips with the tip of my tongue, slowly torturously." (e-ARC 63)
Yeah, baby! Seriously hot stuff right here! I'll have my review and an interview with Lauren here on 8/24. Otherwise Playing With Her Heart releases on August 20th!
What made you swoon this week?

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  1. Ine Hot cover! One steamy swoon! Love both. This ones going on my list.

    My Swoon @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. Yay! I just finished this afternoon and I adored this book! I love Lauren!

  2. Man.... so hard to read your swoon, I couldn't get past the ab's!! Then that swoon.... I have to go wipe down my keyboard... awesome stuff!!

    Here's My Swoons!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Hahaha! Right?! When I saw the cover reveal for this I was like holy abs! Hehehe. This book was GREAT!

  3. Oh that was delicious, gosh I could stare at that cover forever! Amazing swoon!!! =D

    1. Hehehe! Lauren's books are my total guilty pleasures!

  4. Okay before reading your hot swoon I want to read it for the sexy cover alone. I bet you had a great time picturing the hero as the cover model during those sexy moments.

    My Swoon

    1. Oh yes! Lauren has been sending lots of teaser pics and I can't get enough of them!

  5. OMG...yummy!

    My Swoon


  6. Oh yeah...this one does sound super steamy! Thanks for the preview; I'll have to check this one out. Here's my swoon:


  7. I CAN'T SEE THE COVER OH NOES! I think it's just me though. Love the swoon! He does sound yummy ;)

    Glad you enjoyed the book, Jess!

    Check out my swoon post!

    1. Ahh! The cover is the best part! LOL. I'm glad you liked it.

  8. Gotta love a makeout scene where it's a battle for dominance. *super hot*


    Enjoy, ladies!

  9. Wowzers! That was one very hot scene! I love alpha males! This book sounds swoon! I can't wait to read your review on it! Thanks for sharing Jessica :)

    Here's my Swoon:

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Hehe, I love them too Lindy! This whole book was seriously hot. I was blushing so hardcore!

  10. So hot!! I just got my ARC yesterday and I can't wait to read it!! :-) LOVE Lauren!

    1. YAY! I can't wait for you to read it! I think it's my favorite of Lauren's yet!

  11. I think I just died. No seriously...and does anybody have to wonder why I freakin lust/love after alpha males!!! This is just hotness...like the sun hot! I love this and can't wait to read this! Thanks for sharing and making my day extra awesome, Jessica! lol ;p

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Hahaha! Seriously! I love a good strong alpha! Rawr! LOL. I can't wait for you to read this girl!

  12. Wow. Very good swoon!

    Thanks for visiting My Swoon!

    @Reading and Things

  13. OMG, how have I not heard of this book! That cover alone makes me want to read this book hehe! "eyes are full of lust" and a slow torturous kiss...hell this is my kinda book! Awesome swoon girl :D


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