
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #31

By 9:27 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.
Top Ten Best Series Enders
This TTT really opened my eyes as to how many series I have yet to complete!
1. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (I couldn't have asked for a better ending! After all the emotional turmoil I was put through over Rose and Dimitri- it ended just like I needed it to!)
2. Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready (Aura and Zachary. Sigh. Perfection. I love how she ended their story.)
3. Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent (This series ending was bittersweet. I loved her HEA with Tod, but felt really bad about the other big thing that happened in the final book.)
4. Fever by Karen Marie Moning (The series came back full circle and ended, but there were a lot of open threads that I hope will be taken care of in her spin off series. Otherwise, I loved the ending with Mac and Barrons.)
5. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (Another bittersweet ending- I didn't want to ever let Harry and friends go- but I liked the way she handled the ending.)

6. Fire & Thorns by Rae Carson (Hector and Elisa. Enough said.)
7. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (While not a huge fan of this series, I did like how it all resolved and what happened with Patch.)
8. Legacy by Cayla Kluver (I really enjoyed this series and I was not disappointed by the ending.)
9. Goddess Test by Aimee Carter (Another series that was just ok for me, but I'm glad it ended the way it did!)
10. Georgina Kincaid by Richelle Mead. (Oh so perfect. I love my HEA's!)
What series enders made your top ten?

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  1. Out of all of these series, I have only finished the Shade series...and I have to agree. I loved how it ended. I have read 6 of the Harry Potter books, but I plan on finishing the series before the end of the year.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2013/10/top-ten-tuesday-bestworst-series-endings.html

    1. Oh I can't wait for you to finish HP! The last book made me cry! And that NEVER happens!

  2. Shade almost made my list, but then I included her other series instead. VA was such a great ending and I cant believe i forgot to include it on my list. HP of course and I really loved WAMS! So so beautiful! Awesome list!

    1. I need to read her other series!!! I loved Shade so much!

  3. I agree with Vampire Academy! That was such a great series and is one of my top favorites!

  4. I have so many series to finish, it's ridiculous! I liked the ending of Harry Potter, but could've done without the epilogue!

    1. I think I could have done without the epilogue too!

  5. So, HP is the only series I have read on this list but so many are on my TBR. I was sad when it was over but I liked the way she handled the ending too. Great list!

    1. GASP! Girl! You need to get series reading! LOL.

  6. I still haven't read Finale. I really liked the first 3 books but never got around to the last one. It's at the point where it has been so long that I don't know if it would even make sense without me going back and re-reading.

    1. Yeah. I can see that. I liked the series ok, but it wasn't my favorite.

  7. What a great list! I loved Vampire Academy, Harry Potter and the Shade series too! They all had great endings.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Richelle Mead's Succubus series ending wasn't so much my thing, though I can't quite pinpoint why. I liked it. I just didn't love. Too HEA, maybe? I agree on the VA ending though, it was perfect :) The only reason it didn't make it on my list is that there's a spin-off, same with the Fever series (that last book though >.< Talk about twists!!).
    I also loved the Soul Screamers ending! Great series from start to finish.
    The only other of your picks I've read is Hush Hush, but there I still haven't bought Finale. I was annoyed with Crescendo and thought Silence was somewhat better, but I'm still kind of hesistant about reading that last book...

    My TTT

    1. I definitely did NOT see that ending for Fever and the whole Dani thing. I felt awful for her. And Mac! I didn't like Crescendo either, and I'm with you- Silence was better, but it still wasn't a great series. I can see where you wouldn't like the Georgie ending- I did think we could have cut that short.

  9. I didn't include VA on my best list, but I could have/should have! The only other of these series I've read is Rae Carson. I thought The Bitter Kingdom was just OK - definitely better than CoE, but not as well-written as The Girl of Fire and Thorns.

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

    1. Sigh. Love me some VA! :D That's really interesting about your thoughts on Rae's series. I have to be honest, I thought CoE was probably my favorite, followed by TBK.

  10. Oh nice!! Almost threw in Vampire Academy, but then I started thinking I had too many YA picks since I did half and half! Loooved the way The Goddess Test series ended and the Fever series too! Still need to start Iced as well! Also enjoyed Finale, though it's been forever since I read it!

    Also chose Harry Potter and Soul Screamers! Great picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. My best friend just read Iced and now I really want to read it!

  11. Nice list! I´ve read and LOVED The Bitter Kingdom and it´s also on my list.
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

    1. Awesome! Rae's series was a great one and I loved meeting her in person!

  12. I loved Last Sacrifice and Succubus Revealed, but Finale made my worst today, and Deathly Hallows didn't register either way (although I talk about it).

    My TTT

    Mary @ Mary Had a Little Book Blog

    1. Oooh. I didn't really remember Finale, but I liked what they did with Patch, so I went ahead and put it on mine. I liked the series ok, but it's definitely not one of my faves.

  13. I Finale made my worst, I'm just not a fan of Patch. I also wanted to read the Goddess series but I didn't know what to think about it, if it's just okay, I might read it when I have some free time.

    1. Yeah, the Goddess Test series is just an ok read. I liked it, but got frustrated with the characters alot. And Patch is definitely not one of my favorites either, but I did like they made him mortal at the end.


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