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ARC Review: Storm Warning by E.Lee & C.Quinn

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Storm Warning (Broken Heartland #1)
  by: E.Lee & C. Quinn

Publication Date: Dec. 12, 2013
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by InkSlingerPR and the authors in exchange for a fair and honest review
Page Count: 226 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

Sometimes you can’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and over privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret.
One has a crush.
One has been lying.
One will get caught.
And one might not make it out alive.

They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

My Review:
I honestly don't even know where to start! Storm Warning completely blew me away. Hands down, this is one of the best YA contemporaries I've ever read. Honestly. My favorite thing about this book is how incredibly realistic it is. It's just a good story about four teenagers whose summers are filled with new beginnings and new adventures. I wasn't sure how I would like four different narrators, but seriously- E. Lee and C. Quinn made it work! The transitions were seamless and I didn't feel like we were jumping back and forth from storyline to storyline. While I liked Kyle and Cami, I did find myself craving more of Hayden, EJ, and Coop. :) I've said it time and time again- if you can't relate to your characters then you won't be as invested in them. I may be 10 years older than our narrators, but I could still relate and connect to them. I remember being that age- crushing on guys, first loves, and wondering about what the future would hold. This is what is so great about this book- not only can young adults relate to it because they are that point in their lives, but adults can also because most of us remember those things.
Kyle Mason and Brantley (Coop) Cooper have been best friends forever. They are loyal, good friends to one another. (In some cases, TOO loyal) They are good ole country boys who know the meaning of hard work and taking care of their family.
Kyle is on his way to Oklahoma State to play football and is spending most of his summer at training camp. While he is not practicing, he is doing landscaping for his family's business. His landscaping project is in Summit Bluffs, where the wealthy and over privileged live. Kyle never expected to find something incredible there, but sometimes what you need most is the thing you're least expecting. While Kyle is gone, he expects his best friend to watch out for his 16 year old sister, Ella Jane (EJ).
Coop is happy to oblige his best friend, as he doesn't see EJ as a little girl anymore. On the contrary, he recognizes she is far from the little girl that used to tag along with them. I won't lie. When I first heard of Coop's character, I was all kinds of #TeamCoop. Really. I love the whole best friend falling for the younger sister angle. It's adorable! However, Coop takes his job as Kyle's best friend a bit too seriously and instead of going after what he wanted, he lets his chance go by time and time again. Sorry Coop- you snooze, you lose...
EJ. Oh, sweet, fiery, fun EJ. I loved her. She isn't afraid to be who she is and I admired her for that. She has an innocence to her and yet she isn't afraid to take chances. She has been crushing on Coop for as long as she can remember. All she wants is for him to acknowledge that she's not a little girl anymore. But how long can a girl go and wait in the wings for the boy to make a move? This summer is full of new and unexpected beginnings for EJ. However, it is also a summer of change and EJ is trying to be okay with that, but she also feels the loss of her childhood where everything is simple and no one ever leaves. This really takes a toll on her and she starts to lose some of that childlike innocence, and is forced to grow up a bit instead.
This is where Hayden Prescott comes into play. For those of you who have seen One Tree Hill, Hayden reminds me A LOT of Nathan. Which is awesome, because I ended up loving Nathan the most. So, you can probably guess what Team I'm on, eh? #TeamHayden, baby! Hayden has always been the golden boy in Summit Bluffs. He has the dream girlfriend, the wealth, the opportunities... However, being sent to spend the summer helping out the Mason family and staying with his grandparents is really the last thing he'd rather do. I loved watching Hayden's prejudices and assumptions dissipate. He thinks he knows what his summer is going to be like, but he has no idea. I honestly felt like Hayden had the most development as a character. We really got to see a different guy by the end of the book. Everything has always come easily to him, but he wants to be seen as worthy to the people he cares about. AND I FREAKING LOVED HIM. His relationship that develops with a certain character ended up tugging at my heartstrings because I thought they were precious and I loved how wonderful he was with her.
"I've never wanted anything the way I want you," he said between kisses. His words burned into her heart, imprinting themselves onto her soul- where she planned to keep them forever." e-ARC 83%)
Finally, there's Cami. I liked Cami, but not as much as EJ. Cami lives the life of a pampered princess, but is secretly miserable. She hates doing pageants, doesn't feel the spark that she should with her boyfriend (who she's really only dating because it's expected and looks good), and most of all- she is incredibly lonely. I hated that for her. She gets attention, but it's not the attention she craves and needs. She ends up meeting and being attracted to someone she never thought she would, and I am rooting for them together.
You guys. This story is just full of so much awesome. E. Lee and C. Quinn are such talented writers and they really bring this story to life. It is vibrant and full of so many great moments that had me flying through the pages and then pouting when it was over. Ok, really I was gaping and my mouth was wide open and I may have been shaking my fist at the sky because of what E. Lee and C. Quinn pulled. But it's okay. I love them anyways. However- I am desperate for the second book in the series, Path of Destruction to come out. If you are looking for a YA Contemporary that will remind you what YA Contemporary SHOULD BE- you need to jump head first into the storm and let it blow you away...

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  1. Great review girl! I am so on the same page as you! I loved this book and was so amazed at how well it flowed with 5 different POVs. Hayden and EJ were my faves too. I just wasn't feeling Kyle and Cami as much. Plus, I found Cami a little shallow and Kyle was kind of a hypocrite. I couldn't believe the ending! I need more. Also, go #TeamHayden!

    1. Thanks lovely! Yeah, Kyle and Cami need a little more face time in the next book for sure. I know! That ending! I am so scared! I want Hayden and EJ to be together forever. LOL.

  2. Everyone is loving this book! I know I like EL's writing so I will definitely give Storm Warning a try at some point.
    Thanks for the great review!

    1. Oh yes! Please do Andrea! This is such a great read!!!!

  3. Great review!!

    I'm glad that the different POV's flowed, and it was well done! Love when that happens! Definitely makes the book seem more realistic. I like the idea of the plot, and the different characters! Each sound very interesting!! :D I have this read this book that is filled with awesome!!

    1. Thanks Magen! I want you to read this really bad! LOL. I am so in love with it so naturally all my blogging besties need to squeal with me over it!

  4. Yup I agree with you and what Chelsea said ^^^^. Hayden and Ej were firm faves and interesting in my notes the first thing I wrote was "connected with Kyle immediately" but his character just went such a different way from the prologue, it was really interesting. Great review hon x

    1. Yes! I felt that way about Kyle too! I can't wait for more from these two! They rock my socks off!

  5. Wow, you're review makes me really want to read this girl! I love the cover and the name of the book. Need to add this to my wish list. Great review!

    1. GO READ THIS NEREYDA! LOL! I freaking loved this book! I know you've been getting back into YA- so you will love the innocence about this one!

  6. Yes! I'm a character-driven reader more than anything else, so if I can't connect to the characters, it's over for me. Ugh, why didn't I know you before?! We SO click! Lol. I'm really picky about my YA contemps for some reason, they always fall flat for me, but I might have to check this out since you say it's like the best you've read! Great review!

    AKA Vi3tBabe
    Deity Island

    1. VI! I can't believe we're just now officially meeting! I mean, I totally twitter stalked you, but I am so happy to chat with you! And yes! If I'm not invested in my characters, the book really falls flat for me!


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