
Lovin' los libros

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Review: A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire

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A Beautiful Wedding (Beautiful #2.5)
  by: Jami McGuire

Publication Date: Dec. 10, 2013
Publisher: Atria Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: physical copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 160 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

You know that Abby Abernathy unexpectedly became Mrs. Maddox. But what do you really know?

Why did Abby pop the question?
What secrets were shared before the ceremony?
Where did they spend their wedding night?
Who else knew about it . . . and didn’t tell?

Everything about Abby and Travis’s elopement was top-secret . . . until now. Fans of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will get all of their questions answered in this whirlwind tale of the wedding day (and night!)—and as with all good stories, this one will definitely have been worth the wait.

My Review:
After finishing Beautiful Disaster, I remember being a bit bummed because I wanted to see Travis and Abby get married. Just finding out they got tattoos wasn't enough for me- I wanted details! Lucky for us, Jamie McGuire decided to write a novella to fill us in on how Abby and Travis got to that point and how everything progressed from there.
I really enjoyed this novella. It was cute, sweet, and funny too! Abby and Travis are one of those couples that really drive you crazy and will make you shake your head at them and wonder, 'How are these two even together?' They are both stubborn, passionate individuals and you can see that in all aspects of their lives, especially their relationship. However, Travis and Abby really do love each other deeply and we are reminded of that in this novella so many times.
"And when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever."
I will say, some of Abby's decisions bothered me (as they did in the previous books) and I was really fearful for where McGuire was going to take this novella. We really get to see firsthand that Travis is not the only one who is extremely protective of Abby- she is of him as well. She would do anything to ensure his safety and while that would seem endearing, it actually caused some inner conflict. One of my favorite things about Travis is that he is so attentive to Abby. He cares about her comfort and he puts her wants and needs first and that is a very beautiful thing. Oh, and did I mention this novella was dual POV? Oh, yes folks- you get to see our boy in action and he will make you laugh, swoon, and then cry all in the span of 160 pages!
There is absolutely one scene in this book that gave me chills. In fact, I think it made the whole damn book because of how emotional and beautiful it was. I wasn't expecting it, and yet it was so pivotal to not only the novella, but for Abby as well.
Travis and Abby are both still trying to process the events that took place in Keaton Hall and we really get to see firsthand just how much of a toll this takes on both of them not only mentally, but emotionally as well. It was worrisome to wonder if Abby and Travis were really in their right state of minds at this point to go forward with their plans to get married. We do see some insecurities, some self-doubt, and some hesitance in the beginning, but come on. It's Abby and Travis- nothing is bound to go as planned! However, all of those things aside- these two truly do love one another and want to be together forever and nothing is going to stop them from doing that.
This novella has a lot of great moments in it: some will have you laughing out loud (Trent!), some will have you happy sighing from all the sweetness, and some will have you fanning yourself because of how sexy and steamy Abby and Travis can be together. I felt McGuire did a great job of answering our questions as to what really happened the night Travis and Abby got married, as well as gave us a little taste in what came next for our couple.
Favorite Quotes:
Hells yes. I look ducking amazing. When u c me u will want 2 marry me 4 sure.
Fucking* goddamn auto correct. Pic?
"A Maddox boy will take you all the way to the edge, but if you go with him, he'll follow you anywhere."
About the Author:
 Jamie McGuire is the New York Times bestselling author of five other novels: Walking Disaster, Beautiful Disaster, Providence, Requiem, and Eden. She and her husband, Jeff, live with their children just outside Enid, Oklahoma, with three dogs, six horses, and a cat named Rooster.

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  1. Oh I bet I can guess which scene have you chills. It did me too. I really enjoyed this novella. It was needed.
    Great review!

    1. I agree Andrea! I felt like it was a great addition to the series, especially since I wasn't crazy about WD!

  2. Great review! I really want to read this. I enjoyed both BD and WD and can't wait to get a little more.

  3. Ahh my copy got here the other day and I need to read it soon. I really wanted to see the wedding too. Great review!

  4. Glad you liked this one, I DNF'd WD because it was too similar but I need to go back and read the epilogue and then give this one a go! Glad it's dual POV too!


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