
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Swoon Thursday #38

By 1:00 AM

Swoon Thursday is a weekly event hosted by YA Bound.

Here's what you do:

From the book you're currently reading, or one you just finished, tell me what made you swoon. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments or grab the button above and share it on your blog.

This week I am swooning over Melody Grace's Unwrapped, which released this past Tuesday! While this is a novella, Melody has the ability to make you swoon no matter how long the book! See my 5 star review HERE.
"Before I can say a word, he bends his head and captures my mouth in a passionate, heart-stopping kiss. Oh. I melt against him, falling into the kiss; reveling in the taste of him and the glorious feel of his body against mine. Daniel pivots me back against the wall, pinning me in place with his hands as our lips ask and answer every question, over again, until there's no doubt at all left in my mind."

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  1. *Sigh* I love it when they pin the girl like that! Great swoon!

    Here's My Swoon!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Hehe me too Naomi! There is something SO sexy about that move!

  2. Aww, that's sweet and steamy at the same time! He knows how to prove himself! :D

    Check out my swoon post!

    1. :) I loved Daniel! He was a great male to swoon over!

  3. Replies
    1. This is an AMAZING series Eva! One of my favorites!

  4. Oh yes! I loved this scene and many more swoony moments! This was such a cute and sexy novella!

    1. Agreed! I wanted to choose other scenes but I wanted to keep it toned down a bit. LOL.

  5. seriously... you need to stop with swoons that make me add books to my tbr... my tbr is long enough as it is!!! lol love ya girl!

  6. I just read Untouched, the first in Melody's Beachwood Bay series and loved it.
    Nice swoon. I'm looking forward to reading this one too.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. Oh yay! This is one of my favorite series, so I'm glad you're starting it!

  7. I love the little snowflakes on this book cover! It's so pretty! What a kiss!!! Why'd you cut us off Jess? LOL

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Hahaha Lindy! This really was just a kissing scene. Nothing really came after. At least not at this point. Muahaha!

  8. That's a great swoon, both sweet and hot!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Kathy @My Nook, Books & More

  9. Swooon! My bloggy friend Lily gifted this to me, and I can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I was thinking, 'aww such a sweet kiss', and then he goes and pushes her up against the wall - SEXY!!!

    1. Hahaha! I love my swoons sweet and unsuspecting and then BOOM! HOT!


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