
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Swoon Thursday #39

By 1:00 AM

Swoon Thursday is a weekly event hosted by YA Bound.
Here's what you do:
From the book you're currently reading, or one you just finished, tell me what made you swoon. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments or grab the button above and share it on your blog.

This week I am swooning over Tucker Kline from Elizabeth Lee's Give Me Something, which re-released this past week! Stop by to check out my review on Saturday!

"He kissed me back, his lips forgiving all of my wrongdoings. One hand slipped behind my neck as the other dropped to my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible with the console in the center of the truck. It still wasn't close enough. I rose up on my knees, needing to show him how much I truly wanted him. While our lips stayed entwined, I carefully slipped over the console and straddled him. "I do want you, Tucker," I said between gasps before crashing my lips back to his. "So much."

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  1. Nice swoon. I like the sound of Tucker. I think I might add this one to my TBR list.

    My Swoon @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. I definitely enjoyed Tucker! He was really a good guy for Lila!

  2. Wow... just starting to heat up!! Love Truck kisses!!

    Here's My Swoon!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. Me too! There is something so sexy about being pulled over the console! LOL!

  3. Oh now that's one sexy swoon!! There is something seriously yummy about a kiss in a guy's truck...and the straddling hehe. I really need to read this book, I loved Escaping Me, and Tucker sounds as delicious as Cole ;)
    My Swoon

    1. YES! EL is clearly known for the truck kisses (SW!) and I LOVE them! I haven't read Escaping Me yet, but I can't wait to meet Cole!

  4. Ooo, a yummy car swoon! HOT! I've never heard of this one, Jess, but I do love the steamy scene ;)

    Check out my swoon post!

    1. Thanks Alyssa! :) I love some car action! Hahaha!

  5. Omg, that cover, I'm already in love. And your swoon...this seems like an interesting book. Thanks for sharing. My swoon

    Baileys @ Unladylike Reviews

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bailey! It was a really fun read!

  6. I read a book by her but since they changed the cover I don't remember if it was this one? It this the one of the con girl? Or the girl that goes to live with her mom and sister? I read the second one and really want to read the first one. Nice swoon! I haven't shared a swoon in a while, need to get back to it...

    1. Yes! This is the con one! It was a lot of fun! I'm all for unique NA premises! And yes! I need swoons from you! You always have the best!

  7. Such a good scene! Loved this one. I heart Tucker!

  8. Wohoo! I'm glad she admits that she wants him, and then takes charge!!!!

    Here's My Swoon:

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Right?! I loved how she realizes what she wants!

  9. Such a great swoon! Looks like it's all about to go down! Great pick!

    Here's My Swoon Thursday

  10. Never heard of this one, but looks like I need to check it out :) Here's My Swoon


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