Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #33

By 1:00 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.
Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014:
1. Stop requesting more than I can read! (Hi, my name is Jessica and I have a NetGalley/Edelweiss problem. Seriously. I am definitely needing to be better about requesting books because I feel awful if I don't get them read and reviewed 1-2 weeks before release or even during release week.)
2. Make time to comment on more blogs. (I love getting comments on my blog and I hate that commenting on others' blogs is not as high of a priority as I would like. Let's face it- after working a full day at school, coming home and making dinner and doing that type of thing, plus working on my blog (writing reviews, etc) and then reading, I have very little extra time to comment. I will change this!)
3. DNF more. (I hate DNFing books, but I have come to the realization that if a book is really not for me, I can't spend my time trying to get through it. If I can't get into a book, instead of finishing in a day or two, it can take me 3-4. So that wastes precious time from others I have to do. I feel guilty doing this as if I've been given the book to review, I feel I owe the author a review as I was given the book.)
4. Don't Be Afraid to Say No. (I have a hard time saying no, especially when authors approach me for reviews, blitzes, etc. I loving promoting authors, but getting overwhelmed takes the joy out of blogging and I don't want that.)
5. Remember Why I Do This. (Sometimes I get caught up in pageviews and stats and I have to remember my whole reason for blogging in the first place. I started my blog to help me remember my books because I was reading so much and then it slowly progressed into helping to promote books! The stats, etc. doesn't matter. If I can get one person to add a book to their TBR or buy a book based on my review, then THAT is what counts.)
1. Change in Career (I love teaching, I really do, but I'm at the point where I'm not sure if that's what I want to do the rest of my life. I'm a bit burnt out to be honest and even a break doesn't seem to rejuvenate me. I really want to look into becoming a publicist, because that's what I love to do: promote authors.)
2. Get Back in Shape (I was SO good last year! I lost 20 lbs or so doing Weight Watchers! But then I was bad. Very bad. And I've gained a lot of it back sadly. I also want to start going to the gym- it's not just about losing weight- I want to feel better about myself! And fit in my skinny clothes!)
3. Try to be more positive. (I use up a lot of my positivity at school with my kids, but I really want to be better about not letting things get me down.)
4. Find a husband. (Bahahaha. I'm kidding. Sort of? It's high time I started dating again though. So. If you know any attractive single men in TN... yeah. Hook a girl up.)
5. Be smarter- financially. (I'm not really the best with my money. I want to be better about that. I have a lot of student loan debt and I hate paying those buttheads.)

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  1. I went the opposite, I've kind of resolved to stop DNF'ing lol. I want to start sticking through books and seeing them through to the end. I feel like sometimes I give up too soon and then I feel really bad about it (though, seriously, if it's THAT awful I'll probably end up 'putting it on hold' :P)

    1. I've never DNF'd before. I definitely don't plan on making it a habit, but I got really frustrated with a book over my break and I was like, 'I don't want to force myself to read this when there are so many other good ones to read!' I typically will stick them out though. They will have to be absolutely ridiculously awful for me to DNF.

  2. Nice set of resolutions! I could do with your personal ones #2, 3, & 4. But change TN to MO! ;)

    Good luck with all your resolutions! :D

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha! Thanks Jessica! I was feeling silly while I was doing these so number 4 just kind of came out! :D

  3. Love your resolutions girl! I skipped TTT this week because I was lazy and didn't want to think of things I need to do haha. I feel like your bookish goals are me six months ago! I completely understand you edelweiss/netgalley addiction! I can be so bad but I have gotten better at it. You just need to ask yourself would I buy this book if I couldn't get it here? That is how I decide now, if the answer is no then its not worth downloading. And DNFing I used to hate doing it but then I got over it cause I just cant be bothered to read a book I am not enjoying, even if it is a review book. Oh the dreading saying No.... I hate saying No lol, I feel so mean but again you cant do everything even if you are awesome!

    As for your other goals.... well you would be an awesome publicist--- also go get ya man hahaha!

    1. Haha! Thanks girl! I almost skipped this one but I was like if I write them down and show everyone I'll have to hold to them. I like your way of going through review books- it's smart! I've been failing at that so far. Blah. I agree- I can't feel bad about DNFing. There's not enough time to force myself through a book I hate. And thank you lovely! I really want to do PR. I think it would be amazing. And I am working on the man part! Maybe there's some hot guys hanging out at the gym. LOL.

  4. Good luck with all of your goals!! I was reluctant to join Netgalley and Edelweiss, but I finally caved last year. I have only requested a combined 3 books from both because I will only request what I can review within a month or so. I already have more books than I can read, but there were a few ARCs I was dying to get my hands on.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/01/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2014.html

    1. Thanks Jacque! Yeah, joining NG and EW has killed me. I am proud of you for only requesting a few! It is so addictive! I am determined to get my review books under control this year.

  5. Twins! I can relate to all of these so well especially all five personal ones! Let's make that stuff happen! Got ya back buddy! 2014 is going to be awesome xoxo

  6. I love your goals! My main goal is to DNF more, bc it's just not worth it to read a book I don't like. I actually dnf'd a book yesterday and it was so freeing.

    Remember Why I Do This was something I struggled w/ last year.

    Good luck!

    1. Thanks Andrea! :D I agree- After I got over the initial guilt of DNFing my first book in December, I felt really free and happy that I was able to continue on to read a book I actually wanted to! I remember your post on blogging and it really helped me out. :)

  7. I completely understand about the DNFing. I do it more now, because I can't see making myself reading something that I really don'f enjoy. Good luck with all the resolutions. :)

    1. Thanks Jenea! I feel bad DNFing still, but so many other bloggers do it and don't lose credibility so I'm going to stop feeling so guilty over it.

  8. Great goals Jess! One of my goals is to comment on the blogs I like more consistently too. So you'll see me commenting on your blog a lot more this year :) It is hard to find extra time when you have a hectic life. I think a career as a publicist would be amazing. I was actually thinking of looking in to it too. I have a thing for requesting too many Netgally's/Edelweiss books too. I'm trying to play catch up, but it seems impossible. Having high blog stats is something we all are working towards, but I realized this year, that I would rather have more comments, and know that people are actually reading what I write. We take so much time to read the book and then review it, that to me the most rewarding thing is knowing somebody actually read what I wrote :) Good Luck with all your goal this year!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy! Same here! I love you guys' blog and I hate that I haven't actively commented as much as I want to! I usually end up looking at blogs on my lunch breaks on my phone but forget to comment when I get home! I agree with you on the catching up part- there are days I get really overwhelmed because I feel like I'll never get them all read! I agree- I prefer more comments! That shows me people are reading my reviews and are interested in what I am saying.

  9. I loved this post!! And I am with you on a lot of your resolutions! I kind of in the same with what I want to do with my life. I changed my major so many times, and finally realized, through my blog, that I wanted to help others :D SO I know you'll make an amazing publicist!! And you'll get a man in no time *wink wink* The whole commenting thing I'm trying to keep up with too, but it gets soo hard making time for it. Definitely when you have a full schedule!

    And always remember why you blog! That one is so important to me. I have a small following, and though most of the time, I don't care. I just blog because I have made such great bloggy friends-you included, of course-but I do get down sometimes wishing I could be better at blogging and bigger. But then I just think I'm doing this for me and my bookish friends. :D

    Great post!!! *hugs*

    1. Thanks Magen! *BIG HUGS* Thanks lovely! You always make me feel better! I love how cheerful and positive you are! I never imagined I'd make so many amazing friends this past year from blogging! I am SO grateful for all of the people I've met! I love chatting with you guys and I am so glad we became friends!

  10. Love this list girl! I agree with pretty much every single thing you said, personal and blogging. I really need to STOP requesting. It's only Jan 8 and so far I'm a fail. I really want to lose weight and get in better shape. I need to do some serious toning! I have been so bad at commenting lately but I really need to troll bloglovin daily again. Oh, the wonderful world of dating. I was looking at Plenty of Fish (a free dating website) the other day just too see what's out there and it is discouraging. Kind of freaked me out, not gonna lie :-)

    1. Thanks chica! I'm failing at requesting too. Wait till you see my STS this week. You're going to laugh. I have been failing at my diet too. It's SO hard. I love food. LOL. Yeah, I heard that website can be discouraging. Match is the way to go I'm hearing. One of these days I'll stop being a chicken shit and get on there.


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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