
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

1 Year Blogoversary! {Celebration + Giveaways!}

By 1:47 AM

WHAT! I've been doing this blogging thing for ONE YEAR now?!
I started my blog as a means of remembering all the books I had been devouring. I had no idea that it would become so much more than me just posting simple reviews! I am so thankful to have met so many amazing people this last year! I have connected with publicists, editors, authors, and fellow bloggers and there are really no words to express just how much my new friendships mean to me.
Being able to read and review books as well as help promote authors is such an honor to me and something I would love to do full time. Blogging has opened up so many new doors and opportunities for me and I will be forever grateful for those who helped me start out, as well as those that continue to help me grow!
Some Fun Facts:
Total Posts for 2013: 747
Total Reviews: 317
First Review posted: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
First NetGalley Review book: The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abé
First Edelweiss Review book: Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead
First Cover Reveal: Awakened by Kriston Johnson
First Tour Book: Terra by Gretchen Powell
First Author Interview: Morgan Wylie (Silent Orchids)
First Character Interview: Grant Hardwick from Sarah Ross's Inhale, Exhale
Other Fun Things:
This year Chelsea from Starbucks & Books Obession, Teresa from Readers Live a 1000 Lives and myself came together and started our first annual 25 Days of Book Boyfriends Tour that ran for the month of December.
I also participated in the Indie-Credible Author Event and hosted the amazing Heather Lyons and her Fate series! Heather has become a very dear friend to me and I cannot even say how much I have enjoyed chatting with her about music, books, and life in general this past year! I <3 you friend!
Girls with Books! Even though we didn't continue to do our read-a-longs because life is crazy- I have a really great group of blogging besties that I can't imagine NOT talking to on a daily basis. Our first read-a-long together was Caisey Quinn's Girl With Guitar! I am so excited to meet up with the majority of these girls in NYC for BEA this year!
Wendy: Book Scents
<3 you girls!
A few thank yous and shout-outs:
KP Simmon of InkSlingerPR. KP is hands down one of the best people to work with EVER. She is one hell of a publicist and I admire her so much. I am so proud of her success and her dedication to authors and bloggers alike. I am honored to be an InkSlinger blog!
Alyssa from The Eater of Books. I don't even remember how exactly Alyssa and I started talking, but we did and that's all that matters! I love this girl to pieces! She was so nice to help me navigate the blogosphere and really offer me some great advice starting out. She was also a newer blogger, so I really appreciate her advice!
Teresa from Readers Live a 1000 Lives. This is my girl right here y'all! I have loved getting to know Teresa this year and she is also one of my blogging besties. We love the same books and I am so happy we have gotten to do features together!
Magen from The Book Crazed Girl. I met Magen through Teresa and I am so glad I did! She is so sweet and genuine and I definitely love visiting her blog and chatting with her too!
Andrea from The Bookish Babe. I am SO glad I came across Andrea and her blog! My TBR grows exponentially every time I visit, but she always has great recs and she is one of the people I absolutely trust when she says I need a book.
The girls at A Bookish Escape. These are some of the nicest gals you will ever meet! I love reading their reviews and they are always so sweet! Every time I get a comment from them I smile like a big dork- we also enjoy a lot of the same books so it's awesome to see their thoughts on books I've also read.
Nereyda from Mostly YA Book Obsessed. 2 words: GEORGIE READATHON! Finally- I have found another kindred spirit who also loves the Georgina Kincaid series. In all seriousness, Nereyda has such an awesome blog and is another favorite to talk books with!
Jessirae from Words, Pages, and Books. Jessirae and I met on Twitter and I adore this girl! I love talking to her in general and she is one of the ones responsible for my Brazen obsession.
Vi from Vi3tbabe. Vi is one of my newer blogging friends, who I met on Twitter via Teresa and I am so glad we did! Vi is the other responsible party for my Brazen obsession! Vi is another who reads the same books as me, so I can always count on her for awesome recs!
*There are so many others out there that I adore and I apologize if I didn't mention you directly. PLEASE don't take it personally!*
All of the following authors have made a huge impact on me. And its not just their books I love! They are all down to earth, sweet, beautiful, wonderful people and I am so privileged to have had the opportunity to work with them this past year and I hope to continue working with them in the future!
Heather Lyons of the Fate Series, The Deep End of the Sea
Rachel Brookes of the Breathe Series
Rachel Harris of the Love and Games series, My Super Sweet 16th Century series
Caisey Quinn of the Kylie Ryans and Broken Heartland series, Keep Me Still, Hold Us Close.
Elizabeth Lee of the Broken Heartland series, Shattered, Give Me Something, Taking Something, Escaping Me
Trisha Wolfe of the Goddess Wars series, Fireblood, The Darkest Part, Astarte's Wrath, Destiny's Fire
Lexi Ryan of the New Hope series
MK Brownlow of the In Too Deep series
Lauren Blakely of the Caught Up in Us and No Regrets series, Trophy Husband, Far Too Tempting
Aven Ellis of Connectivity
Melissa West of The Taking series
C.J. Redwine of the Defiance series
There are many many more, but I will stop here as I'm sure everyone's ready to get to the giveaways!
To celebrate my turning one, I will have THREE separate giveaways with FOUR (4) winners TOTAL.
Two are US only, One is INT. (See rafflecopter)
Giveaway Rules:
- Must be 13 years old to enter.
- Winners will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via email.
-Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.
-Giveaway will run Feb. 2- Feb. 28th
Giveaway #1:
In honor of all my International followers- $10 Amazon, B&N, BD GC.
2 winners.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2:
One signed copy of Defiance by C.J Redwine- this was one of my favorite books of 2013!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand Prize Giveaway #3:
One signed set of Jodi Meadows' Newsoul trilogy: Incarnate, Asunder, and Infinite. (This is absolutely one of the most beautiful series I have had the pleasure of reading. The masquerade scene in Incarnate will leave you breathless and you will never forget its poignant beauty.)
 (All 3 books are signed by Jodi, I just didn't want to take pictures of every one of them...)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Again, a huge thank you to all of you who have visited my blog, be it once or on a daily basis. Your comments keep me writing and always brings a smile to my face! This community has been such a positive one for me and I look forward to year two!

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    1. Ahhhh one year! How time flies! Congrats on the awesome accomplishment. I am so glad I was able to "meet" you through blogging because I heart you big time! You are just awesome and I love that I can always count on you for book recs. I cannot wait for BEA so I can squish you! Oh and awesome giveaways!!! You rock my fuzzy socks.

      1. Thanks Teresa! I am so glad to have met you too! I can't wait to do it for real at BEA either! Thank you for being such a great friend and always being so supportive of my blog!

    2. Happy Blogoversary Jess! I'm so glad I discovered your blog through GWB's and that we became friends. You have been responsible for adding lots of books to my tbr pile and lots of giggles too :O Here's to lots more to come! Really wish I was joining you all at BEA but I'll be there in spirit with you!!

      Love the way you shared the love in this post, it's just so YOU. xx

      1. Thanks Trish! I am SO glad to have met you this past year! My GWB girls are so special to me! <3 <3 I wish you were joining us too but we will Skype together or something fun like that!

    3. Wow! You've only been doing this for a year and you're already a successful blog. Congratulations! :) And Happy Blogoversary! :)

      1. Thanks so much Goldie! You were one of the first people I remember talking to while starting out blogging so the fact that you are commenting is really special to me!

    4. Congratulations, Jess! One year and almost 750 posts?!!! Wow! I'm in awe, seriously. I hope the next year goes just as well or even better.

      1. Thanks Lark! When I saw that number my eyes bugged out a bit. No wonder I have no life! LOL!

    5. Happy Blogoversary Jess!! Can't believe it's only been 2 years! Somehow feels longer! I am always happy to meet other bloggers, whether we never meet in person doesn't matter! I feel like I've made so many friends since I started blogging and happy to call many bloggers my friends--you included! ;)

      Hope you have many more happy blogging years to come! Thanks for the giveaways!

      1. Thanks Jessica! I completely agree! I consider so many of you guys my friends, even though we haven't met in person before! Somehow that minor detail is just that- minor! I cannot thank you enough for always commenting on my blog memes- it always brings such a smile to see your name pop up in my comments!

    6. Ahhhh, you used the jump on it gif! lol I love that!

      Anyways... HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!

      You've accomplished so much within a year and here's to another great one! (ps. so jealous you get to go to BEA!)

      1. Ah thanks Sara! I almost included the Carlton dance, but went for both of them instead, LOL. I wish you were able to come to BEA- there's always next year! :)

    7. This has to be one of the sweetest posts I have ever read. I know how it feels to have your blog blossom into something you never expected. I read your blog fairly often though I am horrible about commenting, It's something I need to work on. I've learned of a lot of book from you and I am glad you are here!! Keep it up for sure!!

      Thanks for the giveaways, they are awesome!

      Amber @ Paradise of Pages

      1. Thank you so much Amber! This means so much to me! <3 I'm with you- I read so many blogs during the day between classes and such, but never have enough time to comment! I always mean to do it when I get home, but high schoolers tend to wear me out! LOL. I also am trying to be better about it because I LOVE reading blogs! The fact that you read mine when there are so many out there is really heartwarming, so thank you again girl!

    8. Happy Blogoversary to you! I love visiting your blog and reading your reviews! Keep up the amazing work!

      1. Thanks you so much Veronika! :) Blogging is definitely something I want to keep doing in my future so I hope I will always have the drive to want to do it!

    9. AHH! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY LADY! I <3 you and I am SO GLAD we got to meet and then.. MEET in 2013! And holy shit, over 300 reviews?

      1. Thank you Tonya! I <3 you too! And I'm so glad we got to meet for reals too! I was so nervous, which is crazy because we got along perfectly! :D I know... 300 doesn't even seem real. That would be almost a review a day for a whole year. I'm assuming it was accurate since I used my total number in my label section. LOL.

    10. Happy Blogoversary hun! I've enjoyed following your blog this past year and I'm so glad we've become friends! And btw, I'm a little jealous that you get to go to BEA! lol Have fun!

      Nikki H @ Take Me Away...

      1. Thanks lovely! I am so glad we got to know each other this year too! And I love that you're reading NA lately! :D I'm really excited for BEA- I wish you could go too!

    11. Happy Blogoversary!
      All the best :)

      Thanks for the amazing opportunity :)

    12. Happy one year blogoversary! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! :)

      1. Thanks Michelle for stopping by and entering the giveaway! :)

    13. Happy one year to you! And to many more years to come! *party party party* :)

      1. YAY! I do love me a good party! LOL. Thanks Andrea! :)

    14. Jess!!! Happy blogoversary!!! I am SO happy that we met thru blogging and SO glad we're friends! AND I'm all sorts of excited to meet you at BEA!!! I love that we chat all the time on Twitter and also, WHOA 747 posts??? Girl, that's amazing!

      1. Thanks Wendy!!! I <3 your face! I'm so glad we became friends too! Before we became Twitter friends and I saw Sheri talking to you, I was like, I need to be friends with this Wendy. She sounds awesome! And I was RIGHT! :) And BEA! YAY! I can't wait to get us all together for shenanigans! :)

    15. Happy blogoversary, my love! I am so happy to have "met" you and I love how quickly we clicked. I adore your face!!!!

      1. Thanks Vi! I am so glad Twitter allows us to stalk other people! LOL! You are the one to primarily blame for my Brazen obsession and I both curse and thank you dearly for it! LOL

    16. Happy Blogoversary Jess!!!!! Your blog is one of my top favorites and will continue to be!! Keep the good experiences coming! Happy blogging and reading!

      1. Thanks so much Ally! :) I'm so glad we found each other through Swoon Thursdays! I love reading your blog too and that we like the same books!

    17. YAY! And I love the second to last gif. heheh. makes me giggle.

      1. Thanks Caitlin! I knew I had to sneak a Firefly gif in somehow! LOL!

    18. Congrats on turning one!! Happy Blogoversary!!

    19. Happy Blogoversary!!! The time flies by super fast :)

      1. Thanks Danielle! I know it does! I can't even believe how fast it's gone by!

    20. Happy blogoversary!
      So excited/happy to "know" you and consider you one of my bloggin' pals! Heres to another year of blogging!

      1. Thanks Heather! I am so glad to have found you too! You are one of the sweetest, most down to earth people I've ever met and I love chatting books with you! Thanks again for helping me navigate the Charlotte scene! My group also thanks you, as the restaurant choices were perfect! LOL

    21. YAY JESS! I'm so glad that you've reached a year! Here's to many more! So I remember how we went - you commented on THIS post of mine, and then I emailed you, on February 28th (I just looked up the email. LOL.) Pretty cool, huh? I was a few months old (as a blogger), and you were about a month old! In a way, we grew together. I'm so glad you asked me a question though! It spurred a wonderful blogger-blogger friendship! I'm honored to know you as a reader, blogger, reviewer, and friend. I hope we can meet in person one day! Keep up the awesome blogging/reading work, lady :)

      Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

      1. Thanks lovely! I am SO glad you emailed me! That email was pretty much the game changer for me when it came to blogging! I was so awed that a perfect stranger would be nice enough to offer me advice! You have been such a great friend to me and I will never take that for granted! I do hope we can meet someday too!

    22. Jessica, I cannot express how much I adore you and your blog. Keep on being awesome, lady. xoxo

      1. I absolutely love you to death Heather. I still remember our first interview (it was with Jonah) and he mentioned Chloe reading my blog and I think I about died, because I was so flattered. You have been so wonderful to me and I don't know what I would do if I had not discovered you and the series that has literally changed my life!

    23. AHHHH, happy blogoversary Jessica! -throws confetti at you-
      And ohh, Defiance! <3<3<3

      1. Thanks Kelly!!!! I am so glad I got know you this year too and I am still determined to find you some new music! LOL! My fingers are crossed for Defiance for you! (Otherwise, I'll hook you up at the next CJ signing I go to.)

    24. Yay Girl!! ONE YEAR! So happy for you!! You have created an amazing blog and you are such a creative person and so hard working. You write fabulous reviews and I am so happy we have connected! I love this post and your GIFs are awesome. We may not have met in person yet but I think of you as a very close friend and I can't wait to meet at BEA. <3 Love ya chica!!

      1. Thanks Chelsea! Your comments ALWAYS make my day and I am so grateful to have you as my friend. Psh! Meeting for real? That doesn't even matter with us! If a day goes by without talking to you, I'm like, 'I haven't talked to Chelsea. W.T.H!' LOL. I agree- you are a very dear friend to me and I wish like hell we lived closer to each other so we could get in trouble together! :)

    25. Thank you sweetie, for the awesome shout-out. That means so much to me!
      Congratulations on your anniversary!

      1. Thanks Andrea! :) I'm so glad we have connected this year! I've gotten so many awesome recs from you and now I just need to find time to actually start reading them! LOL

    26. Congratulations !!!! Happy Blogoversary !!! :)

    27. A HUGE, HAPPY, and AWESOME Blogoversary to you! WHOO-HOO! :-)

    28. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! *throws confetti* Wow, 317 reviews, that's a lot of books, your like a reading machine!! Here's to an another awesome year of blogging!! <3

      1. Thanks Amy!!! You are another I'm so grateful to have met this year through blogging! I love seeing what you're reading and swooning over and I am so glad you are also blogging!

    29. Woohoo!!! Congrats girl! I am super proud of you. Your blog rocks and so do you and I am sending you so much love!

      1. <3 <3 <3 <3 Thanks CeCe! I'm so happy I met you this year and I can't wait for BEA!

    30. congrats and thanks so much for the giveaways! love them gifs ;)

      1. Thanks so much! I did go a bit gif crazy! LOL

    31. Happy Blogoversary!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways!!!

    32. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!!! Happy 1 Year Blogoversary!!!!

    33. Congratulations! Happy Blogaversary!!

    34. Happy Blogoversary and thanks so much for the amazing giveaways!


      And thank you for a fantastic giveaway!

    36. Ugh, sorry. It's late and I entered in the INT giveaway by accident. I also put the wrong email address haha, so you can disregard my entries! But, happy blogoversary! It's quite a feat to stick with it for so long! :)

    37. WOW!! CONGRATS!!!! That's so amazing that you've been blogging for a year! I can't imagine how great that must feel!! Can't wait until I can say that for myself! Congrats again!!! Here's to many more blogging years!! :D

    38. Happy Blogoversary!!
      And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    39. Thank you so much! CJ Redwine is one of my favorite authors. Fingers crossed.

    40. Ah! Happy 1 Year Blogoversary! I hope this year is just as fabulous as your first! And thank you for this amazing giveaway!

    41. HAPPY 1 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!! I didn't realize we started about the same time!
      I will be at BEA this year but only on Saturday will you be there that day? Would love to meet up with you just to say hello in person!

      Happy Blogoversary!!!!
      Because reading is better than real life

    42. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!! That is such a huge milestone!

    43. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance and Happy Blogoversary!

    44. Congratulations on your 1 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways! :D

    45. Happy blogoversary!! I hope you have another amazing year. Thanks for the giveaways too!

    46. Love the awesome blog and happy blogoversary! Thanks for the great giveaway!


    Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

    My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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