
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: Run to You by Clara Kensie {Reviews+Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the Run To You blog tour hosted by YABound!
Today I am excited to share my reviews as well as a giveaway with you all!
To see the full tour schedule click here.

Run to You Part One: First Sight
   by: Clara Kensie

Publication Date: Feb. 1, 2014
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Genre: Contemporary/Thriller
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by YABound and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 99 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Part One in the riveting romantic thriller about a family on the run from a deadly past and a first love that will transcend secrets, lies and danger…

Sarah Spencer has a secret: her real name is Tessa Carson, and to stay alive, she can tell no one the truth about her psychically gifted family and the danger they are running from. As the new girl in the latest of countless schools, she also runs from her attraction to Tristan Walker—after all, she can’t even tell him her real name. But Tristan won’t be put off by a few secrets. Not even dangerous ones that might rip Tessa from his arms before they even kiss…

Whoa. Whoa. WHOA. That opening? Talk about heart-pounding, action, and suspense! Clara Kensie engaged me from the very first page! I could NOT stop reading these books. To be honest? If I had to wait any amount of time between them I probably would have been rocking in a corner crying.

All it takes is one phone call and one word to set things in motion. When the Carson kids receive that phone call and hear that one word, "Run", they know it's time to get the heck outta Dodge. Having done this 13 times, you would think that word wouldn't carry as much meaning as it did in the beginning. On the contrary, it still sends fear down their spines and they are thrown into survival mode. I can't even imagine what that's like- never setting down roots or getting too comfortable in one place, as they must always be ready to leave at a moment's notice. It certainly has deprived Tessa, Logan, and Jillian a normal childhood.

However, the Carson family is special. They have paranormal abilities that help keep them safe from the man that is hunting them. The most useful would have to be their father who has remote vision. Once he touches someone he can keep track of them and always be on the lookout for them. He is the one who constantly watches out for Dennis Connolly (the man who is hunting them).

Our main character Tessa is 16 and has no abilities. She was attacked by Dennis Connolly when she was 8 and has the scars on her stomach to prove it. Tessa is shy, hates attention, introverted, and skittish. She won't form attachments, because of those reasons above, as well as because what's the point if you're just going to have to leave again? Her siblings Jillian and Logan, have no problem fitting in at their new schools. They want to make Tessa feel more comfortable, so they work together to find friends for her to spend time with.

Now living in Illinois under the aliases of Shelby, Scott, and Sarah- they are worried for their father, as his health is deteriorating. His remote vision is taxing because he's trying to keep an eye out for his family, as well as Dennis.

It is here we meet Tristan Walker. Oh my. Tristan is so amazing that Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes and I are going to have to share visitation rights on this boy. Tristan is a runner like Tessa and keeps her from falling one day while on her run. After discovering they attend the same high school, Jillian asks him to show Tessa around. He is kind, sweet and tries his best to integrate Tessa into his group of friends.

I loved Tessa and Tristan's burgeoning relationship! It was adorable and really sweet. He genuinely likes her and slowly but surely manages to work his way past her defenses. He is observant and tries his best not to put her in an awkward or uncomfortable position. The two end up falling for each other and Tessa reveals something about herself that could jeopardize their lives. I was heartbroken for Tessa. She doesn't want their relationship to be based on lies, so she decides to tell him one true thing about herself- thus potentially putting her entire family at risk.

This was such a great beginning to this book and I really like this serial book idea!

Run to You Part Two: Second Glance

Publication Date: Feb. 8, 2014
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Genre: Contemporary/Thriller
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by YABound and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 89 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Part Two in the riveting romantic thriller about a family on the run from a deadly past and a first love that will transcend secrets, lies and danger…

Tessa Carson has unlocked her heart and her secrets to Tristan Walker—but Tristan has secrets of his own, and his might just mean the end of Tessa’s family. Unaware, Tessa embraces falling in love and being herself for the first time since she was attacked when she was only eight years old. But secrets can’t be run from forever, and sometimes love is too good to be true…

Part Two opens up right where Part One left off, after Tessa has told Tristan something about herself that she has never told ANYONE. We as readers know this can't be good, but wow my heart! I absolutely loved seeing Tessa and Tristan together and how unburdened she feels when she's with him. Her parents do not want her to see him anymore, as her father cannot see Tristan for some reason. However, Tessa is holding her ground and refuses to break up with the one solid, good thing in her unstable life.

This part has a little bit of everything: action, adventure, romance, but most of all: betrayal. We find out some things about Tristan and we really start to wonder just where his loyalties truly lie. However, I loved Tristan's protectiveness of her once he finds some key things out about her.

The whole family is under an insane amount of pressure- Jillian has been trying to help her dad by seeing if she has remote vision also and their mother is perilously close to completely losing it. They are literally walking on eggshells and for Tessa to be able to go to the Winterball is a huge concession on their part.

The ending is such a huge turning point for the book, so I think I would have DIED if I didn't have Part Three to jump into. Heartbreak, betrayal, and sheer anticipation for what comes next will leave you ravenous for what's next.

Run to You Part Three: Third Charm

Publication Date: Feb. 15, 2014
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Genre: Contemporary/Thriller
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by YABound and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 107 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Part Three in the riveting romantic thriller about a family on the run from a deadly past and a first love that will transcend secrets, lies and danger…

Betrayed, heartbroken, and determined to save her family, Tessa Carson refuses to give in to Tristan Walker’s pleas for forgiveness. But her own awakening psychic gift won’t let her rest until she uncovers the truth about her family and her past. And Tristan is the only one who can help her sift through the secrets to find the truth hidden in all the lies…

Part three makes you question everything you've learned thus far. I couldn't tell what was real anymore and I had no idea as to who to believe! All I knew for sure was that Tessa's world had been turned upside down and she has to come to terms with new information that has the potential to destroy her fragile state of mind. In addition, Tristan has dropped a whopper of a bomb on her and she must come to terms with that means as well.

I loved the twists and turns Kensie employed in this book. I flew through the pages as I just had to know the truth regarding everything.

Tristan definitely pulled a fast one on me in the second serial and while I wanted to hate him, I just couldn't. He is such a good guy and is completely devoted to Tessa. I hate that she doesn't trust him and that she believes everything between them was a lie. However, Tristan remains steadfast and will not leave her side no matter what. He helps her uncover the truth and find the answers she is looking for. He knows he has a lot to prove to her, but he is determined and I really love that about him. Truth and redemption are the two pivotal themes in this final serial and we really see how the two impact both Tessa and Tristan's lives.

There is so much more I want to say- but I definitely want to keep this as non spoilery as possible, so I'm telling you- you're just going to have to read for yourself to find out what I'm talking about! Some aspects will be predictable, while others will knock you flat on your back.

I love how Kensie kept us at the edge of our seats and that she didn't provide us with another cliffhanger! June is a long ways off to be put through that kind of torture! I cannot wait for the next three parts in the novel and find out how Tessa will handle everything she's been through, as well as seek out her missing brother and sister.

Overall, Clara Kensie has done a brilliant job of creating a serialized novel that is filled with action, suspense, and let's not forget the ROMANCE! <3 These serials each read so fast and I was completely engaged from start to finish.

Clara Kensie grew up near Chicago, reading every book she could find and using her diary to write stories about a girl with psychic powers who solved mysteries. She purposely did not hide her diary, hoping someone would read it and assume she was writing about herself. Since then, she’s swapped her diary for a computer and admits her characters are fictional, but otherwise she hasn’t changed one bit.

Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 18 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond  or another winner’s name will be selected. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

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  1. I just started reading this last night. It immediately grabbed me and I was up far too late. :)

    1. I devoured these! I can definitely see you being up late! LOL!

  2. Serials seem to be the new thing lately and it sounds so fun! There are a couple I'm looking to get into and this sounds like a good one! Great reviews!

    1. :D I am definitely hooked! I loved this series so much and how it incorporated thrill with supernatural!

  3. Okay I just read the first review because I think this is defo something I'll try out! I kinda like the serial idea too! Fab review hon!

    1. Thanks Dani! I really enjoyed these! I hope you pick them up!

  4. Thanks for the review, I definitely going to read it


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