
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #54

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.

Received For Review/Blog Tour:
Til Death (Fractured Souls #1) by Kate Evangelista (A big thank you to Entangled Publishing for this one!)
He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington (A big thanks to Sarah for this!)
Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn (A big thanks to Entangled Publishing for this also!)
Best Kind of Broken (Finding Fate #1) by Chelsea Fine (A big thanks to the publisher for this one! Tour Stop: March 11th)
Tempted by the Soldier (Falling For You #2) by Nicolette Day (Oh my! Thank you so so much to Entangled and Heather Howland for this one!)
Take a Chance (Chance #1) by Abbi Glines (A big thanks to Atria for this! Tour Stop: Feb. 27th)
Poison Dance (Midnight Thief #0.5) by Livia Blackburne (A big thanks to Livia for this one!)
The Statistical Impossibility of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith (I was one of the first 500 or something readers to get this! Yay!)
My Life From Hell (Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3) by Tellulah Darling (Eeeep! I can't wait for this! Thanks Tellulah!)
Sweet Reckoning (Sweet Trilogy #3) by Wendy Higgins
(A big thanks to HarperTeen and Avon Impulse for these two!) 

All the Pretty Lies (Pretty #1) by M. Leighton
Unbreathable (Unbreathable #1) by Hafsah Laziaf
(Thank you Tonya! I love my Valentine's treat!)
Out of Time (Out of Line #2) by Jen McLaughlin (Both books in the series are $.99 right now)
Remembering Joy (Joy #1) by Jenni Moen
Finding Joy (Joy #2) by Jenni Moen (Both books can be purchased for $2.99)
Beautiful Bitch (Beautiful Bastard #1.5) by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Stranger (Beautiful Bastard #2) by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Bombshell (Beautiful Bastard #2.5) by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Player (Beautiful Bastard #3) by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Beginning (Beautiful Bastard #3.5) by Christina Lauren (All of these were $2.99)

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  1. I've heard lots of good things about 'The Statistical Probability...' - hope you like it!
    (My StS post)

    1. I hope I do too! I've been wanting to read a Jennifer book for quite some time now!

  2. Oh I like the look of Beautiful Bitch, I need to check this series out! I saw TSIOLAFS on NetGalley and I wanted it! Even though I already own it and haven't read it! What is wrong with me! I think the wiring in the book part of my brain is faulty :O

    1. I've been wanting to start the Beautiful Bastard series for awhile, and then hesitated, but after a trust worthy blogger loved them- I couldn't resist since it was on sale! I couldn't believe I got TSIOLAFS! I never get those NG first so many readers things! LOL. There's nothing wrong with your brain! So often I have a physical book and I want the digital!

  3. Loved The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight, it is such a cute read. I can't wait to read Sweet Reckoning, I might have to visit Edelweiss soon :)

    1. Oh yay! I need a cute read so I'm so glad you said that Christy!!! And I need to start the Sweet series, but I've heard such awesome things so it will be soon! (Psst- go get it! LOL)

  4. Wow! Nice haul! These are all mostly new to me but I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Such a great assortment of books. I hope you enjoy them all. Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  6. Loving your Haul! Going to have to go click on some of them when I am done typing this :)

    Hope you have a great week!!

    Because reading is better than real life

  7. Loving this haul! I am hoping to read Best Kind of Broken and Searching for Beautiful this week! :D And *grabby hands* Sweet Reckoning!! AH!! HAHA

    Happy reading, friend!!!

    1. Eeeep! I am so excited for Best Kind of Broken! And Searching!!! I'm starting that one very soon!

  8. Great book haul girlie! You got so many awesome ones! I can't wait to read Take a Chance. I LOVE that series! I also got Best Kind of Broken. I'm a Chelsea Fine fan so looking forward to this one.

    1. Thanks lovely! I haven't read the Rush books yet, but hopefully I can read this as a stand-alone. I really can't wait for BKoB either!

  9. Oh you got the Beautiful books! I grabbed them while they were on sale too! I gotta catch up on those. And Sweet Reckoning! I love Wendy Higgins. Happy reading!

    1. Yeah! I couldn't resist that deal! I've been wanting to start that series for some time now!

  10. Great books! I so happy you got Remembering and Finding Joy, those books are amazing, my favs of 2012. I had a tough start, but ended up loving the Beautiful books, so much that I have them in ebook and print.
    I hope you enjoy everything!

    1. I saw Joy go on sale and thought of you and Nereyda and how much you loved them! And I also was inspired by you for the Beautiful books even though you weren't crazy about the first one.

  11. Ow, Great Haul Jess! We got a lot of the same books this week; Til Death, Searching For Beautiful, Best Kind of Broken, Take a Chance, and Fifty First Times! We have very similar fast in books :) I had no idea Sweet Reckoning was on Edelweiss! I love the Sweet Series! All the Pretty Lies was a fantastic story. I love M. Leighton's books! I need to read the Beautiful Series too. I have all of the paperbacks sitting on my shelf, and no time to read them! Happy Reading this week friend!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Dang! Look at us go Lindy!!! I can't wait to read all your reviews!!!

  12. OMG! You got the JOY books! LOVE those books! Hope you do too!
    I just read Best Kind of Broken yesterday and really liked it. I'm excited for Sweet Reckoning :)

    1. Yes! I saw them on sale and was like oh Nereyda loved these! ONE CLICK! :D

  13. I'm eyeing that Brazen book up there and the all the books in the Beautiful Bastard series!! Loved the first one like crayyyyyy! You always have the best hauls, girl. PS. I MISSSSSSSSS YOU.

    1. Hahaha! Thanks girl! I can't wait to start the Beautiful Bastard books! AND I MISS YOU TOOOOOOOO!

  14. SWEET RECKONING! I can't wait to read that one! Thank god for auto approval! Also I'm so happy to hear you loved Be With Me! JASEEEEEEE!! <3 I hope you enjoy all your new books Jess!

    1. RIGHT?! I freaked out! I love my Harper auto-approval!!!! YAY for Jase! I knew I'd love it too!!! JLA is the best!

  15. I got the best kind of broken too. I can't wait to read it! I love the blooming goddess series, I can't wait to read the third book. I really hope you love it. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one.

    Great haul this week my dear!

    Happy Reading!

    My Sunday Post/Stacking the Shelves

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. Oh yay another Blooming Goddess fan! I love these books! Tellulah is so much fun!

  16. Lots of books this week! I forget I snagged the Statistical Prob last week, too. I'll have to remember to put it on next week's post. I've heard good things about the Sweet Evil series, but have never gotten around to picking up the first book. Great haul! I hope your weekend was grand!

    1. Yay! I hope you enjoy it too! I'm looking forward to it! And I have to read the first two Sweet books still. *hides in shame* LOL.

  17. Mmm, Brazen. I love me some Brazen. It's been a while since I picked up one of those :o And I have to respond to that email about Til Death! I really enjoy Evangelista's paranormal novels.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! And I apologize for commenting late D: Have a fabulous week!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Hi my name is Jessica and I'm a Brazen ADDICT. LOL. I liked Til Death okay, but I think I need to try one of her other paranormals.

  18. Wow!! You picked up a ton of books this week. That is awesome that you were able to get The Statistical Probability. That book has been on my TBR list for a long time. I'm hoping to get to it sometime this year.

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!!

    1. Thanks Jacque! I'm really excited for that one!

  19. WOW what a haul! You are one very lucky girl this week. I have book envy : )

  20. Geez you got a lot of books! bahah I can't wait to read Sweet Reckoning! :D oh, and you're welcome :)

    1. <3 <3 <3 <3 My next haul is SUPA SHORT. I'm proud.


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