Lovin' los libros

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Release Day Mini-Review+Giveaway: Between the Cracks by Helena Hunting

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Between the Cracks (Clipped Wings #1.5)
   by: Helena Hunting

Publication Date: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count:
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

Tattooist Chris Zelter doesn’t always make the best decisions when it comes to the people he cares about, or the women he gets involved with. Things have changed recently, though. Chris has lost interest in casual flings as he finds himself wrapped up in Sarah Adamson, a waitress at the local strip club he frequents. It takes months of persistent attention before she finally agrees to date him, and he's determined not to mess it up.

Just as things are finally going his way, Chris receives a troubled phone call in the middle of the night from Hayden Stryker, his best friend and business partner. Unexpected revelations and the sudden departure of his girlfriend, Tenley, has nearly sent Hayden over the edge. Add in a speeding ticket and an impounded car, and Hayden is balanced on the precipice of a total meltdown. Worried about his friend, Chris sets out on a rescue road trip, first to get Hayden, and then to bring back Tenley. The two men run into unforeseen roadblocks, proving even the best intentions don’t guarantee results.

Chris and Hayden return to Chicago empty handed, and Chris is left feeling as if he’s let down all the people who matter, especially Sarah. But Chris discovers that sometimes the best way to deal with failure is to find a way to forget about it. And losing himself in Sarah is the perfect way to do just that.
I am a huge fan of this series and I am was so excited to learn that Chris got his own novella! I wasn't sure what to make of him at first in Clipped Wings, but this novella really shows how loyal and good of a friend he is to Hayden. He doesn't have all the answers or really understand why Tenley has done what she has, but regardless Hayden is like a brother to him and he will be there for him no matter what. I love their bromance!
I really enjoyed this novella, as it is a really great bridge to the next book in the series. It gives you an idea of how Hayden is doing and feeling after everything that went down with Tenley in the first book. And I have to say- my heart is broken for him. Not only him, but everyone close to him and Tenley have been affected, especially Sarah- Tenley's neighbor.
I really enjoyed Chris and Sarah's budding relationship in the first book. They have some really steamy chemistry together and I am thrilled they are getting another novella later this summer.
Overall, I felt this novella was really important to the series, as it gives you an insight of just how much of a mess Hayden is. He is upset and vulnerable and Chris is seriously worried he won't come back from this. I am ready to dive into Inked Armor so I can find out just what Tenley is thinking.... and how she's going to proceed from here!


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  1. I love when a novella actually contributes to the overall series and isn't just filler... this sounds awesome. Great review!

  2. I just read this yesterday and loved it. I hope Chris and Sarah get their own full length book.

  3. Yay! I'm glad the novella added to the story, Jessica. I'm sooo excited to read this series! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

  4. I cannot wait to read this series! I love reading the novella's in the series as a well as the full length novels. Chris sounds like a great character, and I'm all for steamy romances!!! Great Review :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape


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