
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

What? Another blogger and their BEA post? YUP.

By 9:50 AM

I know, I know. I'm sure you've all seen your fair share of BEA related posts but I really can't help myself. This is something I hope I can continue to go to, but you never know! So, I'm really excited to be going this year, especially after I was so jealous of everyone that went and met each other last year!
Besides being excited about all the books, I think I'm JUST as excited to meet everyone! I LOVE chatting books and all things book related, so how awesome will it be to meet people who love it too?!
So this is me. With my new short red hair. :) I am only photogenic with my sunglasses on by the way. I tried to take a million selfies without them and hated them all. Sigh.
Things to know about me:
1) I'm 4'10. If you see the shortest person at BEA who is NOT a child, it's me.
2) I'm really approachable. Please come introduce yourself if you recognize me. I promise I'll probably know who you are. I'm really weird about names, so if we've talked on Twitter, or even if we just follow each other, I'll probably get all excited and be like 'YES! I KNOW YOU!'
3) I'm actually shy. I'm not great at conversation starting, but once I'm pulled in, I won't shut up. And the more comfortable I get with you, the more hyper you'll see me be. Because I'm shy, I tend to cling to people I know and be really chatty and talkative with them. So people who have just met me think I'm stuck up because I'm not talking to them. It's not that, I swear. I just get nervous and cling to the familiar. I am going to try and break out of that though.
4) I'm a high school teacher.
5) I'm 29, but again people say I look 17.
6) I'm originally from upstate New York, so if you find me foodgasming over everything it's because I miss the food from up North. (Pizza and soft serve ice cream are my weakness.)
7) Finally, I am ready to have FUN. I will NOT be shy about coming up to you and saying hi, especially if I've read your blog or follow you on Twitter. You've been warned.
Where I'll Be Hanging Out:
1) My flight gets in Wednesday at 5, and then I'll be headed to the Teen Author Carnival. Afterwards a bunch of us are hoping to go to Chipotle too.
2) Thursday I will be in the Harlequin line for pretty much the entire morning. If I don't get Jeaniene Frost's The Beautiful Ashes that morning, I will be stalking her line in the afternoon. Along with David Baldacci because my Dad's a huge fan.
3) Friday,  I'll be scurrying around trying to see everyone, but I won't be waiting in Sarah Maas's line. I want Heir of Fire as much as the next person, but I figure if I can round up a few others, I can always borrow. :D I will be checking out the Blogger's Picnic that evening. I also get to meet Teresa that day and FLAILLLLLL! I plan on attaching myself to her hip so we won't lose each other. LOL.
4) Saturday is Book Con where I get to meet Vi! FLAILLLLLLL! And also JLA goodness. Saturday night I plan on doing the Blogger Happy Hour.
5) And Sunday Tonya from Lilybloombooks and I will be sightseeing after everyone else has abandoned us. :)
Bloggers I Can't Wait to See/Meet:
Chelsea- Starbucks & Books Obession (OMG FINALLYYYYYYY.)
Wendy- Book Scents
CeCe- CeCe Reads
Tonya- Lilybloombooks (Tonya and I go way back... to August. Hehe. And we're meeting at the airport so I'll be excited to hang out with her again.)
Heather- Turning Pages
Meredith- Pandora's Books
Giselle- Xpresso Reads
Octavia- Read. Sleep. Repeat (We've already met but I can't wait to see her again!)
I know there's more of you! So please come say hi!
Authors I Can't Wait to Meet:
RACHEL HARRIS. OMG. Finally. It's going to happen. And I get to see her again in two weeks so it'll be like we're already besties. Hahaha. (I already read her The Fine Art of Pretending and you YA Contemp. lovers WANT this book!)
Michelle Madow. She said she'd be around and I want to meet her! She's adorable too!
Jeaniene Frost. I hope I don't make an idiot out of myself.
Daisy Whitney. I am excited to read one of her YA books. Otherwise I will gush and fangirl over her Lauren alter-ego. :)
JLA- I met her this past September, but I can't wait to see her again!
Same for Julie Kagawa! I saw her at a Nashville signing, but I'm ready for TALON!
Cora Carmack. I already have ALL LINED UP, but I really want to meet her because she's so stinking sweet!
Books I'd Like To Get:
Zodiac- Romina Russell
The Vault of Dreamers- Caragh O'Brien
I Want It That Way- Ann Aguirre
The Beautiful Ashes- Jeaniene Frost
The Fire Artist- Daisy Whitney
Stone Cold Touch- JLA
Talon- Julie Kagawa
Let's Get Lost- Adi Alsaid
The Escape- David Baldacci
Unmaking Hunter Kennedy- Anne Eliot
The Jewel- Amy Ewing
The Walled City- Ryan Graudin
Since You've Been Gone- Morgan Matson
Falling into Place- Amy Zhang
The Darkest Part of the Forest- Holly Black
Breathe, Annie, Breathe- Miranda Kenneally
The Fine Art of Pretending- Rachel Harris
The One- Kiera Cass
The Space Beyond- Kristie Cook
The Return- JLA
Lucky Harbor- Jill Shalvis
The Gamble- Kristen Ashley
Forgotten Sins- Rebecca Zanetti
Mortal Heart- R.L. LaFevers
Salt & Storm- Kendall Kulper
(Again, I'm excited for books but I think I'm almost more excited about socializing and hanging out!)
  Well, that's it folks! I'll be doing a BEA recap when I get back sometime. (I get home from NY Sunday and turn around and leave for FL Tuesday, LOL. I probably won't have many blog posts in the next 2 weeks.)
Will I see you at BEA? Are you going to be at any of the same events I will? Are you freaking out because.... 3 days!!!!!!!!

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    1. I cannot wait to finally meet you! We are going to have so much fun! It's going to be a bonanza!!!! You're going to have a stalker Friday and Saturday cause I'm just gonna follow you everywhere lol

    2. I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU TOO! YAAAAY! We're going to have so much fun! And all the books! Ahhh.

    3. YAYYYY I cannot wait to meet you, Jessica! I'm totally the same about conversation starting and shyness. I'm quiet at first, but once I get comfortable I will not shut up. XD

    4. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! August/September. Same diff.

      I can't WAIT to see you again!! I am so excited Jess

    5. *sigh* I am SO jealous ;) Now you MUST have double fun (b/c someone has to do that for me) AND...VERY IMPORTANT...PLEASE tackle hug Rachel Harris for me and tell her Meredith sends uber amounts of love ;) LOL. Have a great time and I can't wait to see your posts/tweets about it! I'll be living vicariously through you this week.

    6. One day I will be able to go to BEA! One day!! :D I hope you have tons of fun!! And yay for short girls! I'm barely 5'1....


    Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

    My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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