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Blog Tour: Fall to You by Lexi Ryan {Review, Playlist+ Giveaway}

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Fall to You (Here and Now #2)
   by: Lexi Ryan

Publication Date: June 2, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by AToMR tours in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 204 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

Torn between two men…
When I woke up after the accident, I couldn’t remember anything from the last year—including my relationship with Max Hallowell or anything about Nate Crane. Now my memories are returning, but instead of answering my questions, they’re leaving me with more.
The man who broke my heart and wants to be my future…
Max is all I ever wanted, and now he wants to marry me. He’ll do everything he can to fill my life with love, family, and security. I need those things now more than ever. But can I trust him?
The man who stole my heart and wants to let me go…
Nate never made me promises, and I never asked him to. I’d been on the rebound, looking for a distraction, and he made me feel beautiful and wanted when I needed to feel those things most. He says he has to let me go, but what if I can’t let go of him?
With every revelation and every passing day, I feel more like Alice down the rabbit hole. I’m falling. Who will catch me?
Fall to You is the second book in the Here and Now series. It is not a stand-alone and is intended to be read following Lost in Me. Hanna’s story concludes in book three, All for This.

LEXI. What are you DOING to me?! Besides slaying my heart and turning me into an emotional MESS?! Gahhhh! This series. She is killing it you guys. It's freaking amazing and I have such love for these characters that I'm all tied up in knots and I don't even know what to do!
Pacing: Fall to You is from three different POVs: Max, Hanna, and Nate. I love that Lexi did this. It really allows you to know the other characters better and it makes it easier for me to see whether they are genuine in their feelings or not. I also really like how she's divided the book into Before and After (in regards to Hanna's accident). It is not confusing or hard to follow at all, so I really appreciated that I could follow along with no issues.
Storyline: Where Lost in Me focused primarily on Hanna post accident and her trying to sort out her life, Fall to You delves deeper into the past lives of Hanna, Max, and Nate. That was one of my favorite parts seeing everything play out in different perspectives. I didn't really care for Max in the first book, but seeing things from his point of view really hits hard in this book. I am completely torn between Max and Nate. Ok, maybe that's not entirely true. There is one I favor over the other. Hanna is starting to remember more, but she still can't recall the actual day of the accident. The soonest we get is 5 days prior where she makes a pretty big decision and some really important things are said. We are still left wondering though: Who did Hanna really choose? She woke up wearing Max's ring but still can't recall when she put it back on. I am freaking going crazy trying to figure it out! Hanna is also dealing with the whopper of a surprise she got at the end of Lost in Me, as well as hiding the fact that her and Max aren't together from her mother. Meredith also plays a pretty significant role and damn this girl is bat shit crazy. There was one scene in particular that stands out where Max stood up to her and I was really glad he did- he shows her that her manipulative ways are not going to work on him anymore. He's done. There is a pretty big loop in the book that had me wailing and freaking out and with that being said the ending was even more of a vise to the heart!
Characters: I really like Hanna, I do. She's just incredibly sweet and I hate that she's grown up feeling like the fat girl or that she wasn't living up to her mother's expectations. She's crushed on Max forever and to find out his motivation to hang out with her wasn't honorable, was really hurtful. She has never felt comfortable in her own body even when they were together. However, with Nate she doesn't have that self-consciousness. Her makes her feel beautiful and proves that he wants her. I just felt she connected more to Nate. Yes, she is upset over those beginning text messages between Meredith and Max, and she's essentially using Nate to numb the pain, but along the way he became a necessity in her life. As frustrated as I wanted to be with Hanna, I just couldn't. She is completely caught between two men who really do love her, but want different things. Max wants it all- the life in New Hope, the family, and he's willing to offer it to Hanna. Nate, on the other hand, is determined to not be like his father. He already has a son and he doesn't want his son to feel the same way he did with his dad- like an afterthought. He can't offer Hanna more like Max can, but he desperately wishes he could.
Max ended up surprising me in this book. He really does love Hanna and he owns up to the mistakes he's made. He never expected to fall for her, but now that he has, he just can't let go. He's a decent guy who is willing to go through the ringer to be with her, even when he knows her heart also belongs to another. Either way, one guy is going to get hurt and Hanna's heart will ache for one of them.
I know they don't have a huge role in these books, but Cally and Will, Maggie and Asher totally make me smile. They are all really just precious and you can't help but be happy they're getting their HEA's! There was a moment at the end with one of the couples that almost made me cry.
Final Thoughts: I need the final book. Like NOW. That's my final thought. Oh and you should read this series because it's amazing.

Fall to You Playlist

New Politics—Tonight You’re Perfect
Snow Patrol—Chasing Cars
Sarah McLachlan—Angel
Christina Perri—Human
Brooke Fraser—You Can Close Your Eyes
Ed Sheeran—Kiss Me
Ed Sheeran—Lego House
John Legend—All of Me
Alicia Keys, Adam Levine—Wild Horses


Once a college English professor, I now write full time. I live in rural Indiana, where, when I'm not writing, I get to hang out with my husband and two kids--a six-year-old boy and a two-year-old hellion, er, girl. Not surprisingly, reading and writing remain my favorite activities, though both come in bits and pieces these days, not the big hunks of time I enjoyed before I had children. When I'm feeling virtuous, I like to go running (I use that word liberally. I'm really, really slow) or do yoga. Don't worry, I'm always careful to balance out such activities with a hearty serving of ice cream or a chocolate martini.


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  1. You're killing me! I need to read this series. I just KNOW I am going to love it. Great review Jessica!


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