
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #38

By 1:00 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish
Top Ten Review Books On My Summer TBR
1. Boomerang- Noelle August
2. Midnight Thief- Livia Blackburne
3. On the Fence- Kasie West
4. Something Sweeter- Candis Terry
5. Five Ways To Fall- K.A. Tucker

6. Take Me On- Katie McGarry
7. Tease- Sophie Jordan
9. Pieces of Olivia- Melissa West
10. Heir of Fire- Sarah J. Maas

Top Ten Non-Review Books On My Summer TBR

1. What I Thought Was True- Huntley Fitzpatrick
2. Mistborn- Brandon Sanderson
3. Unmaking Hunter Kennedy- Anne Eliot
4. Alice in Zombieland- Gena Showalter
5. Breathe, Annie, Breathe- Miranda Kenneally

6. Archers of Avalon series- Chelsea Fine
7. The Indigo Spell- Richelle Mead
8. The Distance Between Us- Kasie West
9. Graceling- Kristin Cashore
10. Sweet Evil- Wendy Higgins

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  1. Nice list. Take Me On is on my TBR list also.
    Sweet Evil and Indigo Spell are both great. Happy Reading.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Nice! Loooved The Girl with the Windup Heart and Indigo Spell! Alice in Zombieland was also incredible! Hope you enjoy all these reads!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I have Take Me On as part of my TTT summer reading list as well. You're absolutely going to love Alice in Zombieland and The Distance Between Us! I read both of those in a matter of like two days each. So, so, so good! And just wait until you get to Through the Zombieglass! Jealous you're getting to read them for the first time :)

  4. Great list!! I picked up Breathe Annie Breathe and Unmaking Hunter Kennedy at BEA. On the Fence and The Distance Between Us are both on my TBR list as well. I hope you enjoy all of your books this summer.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/06/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-on-my.html

  5. I'm planning to read Midnight Theif too! cannot wait! AND YES HEIR OF FIRE! I cannot wait to see what you think of Sweet Evil. I adore Kai and Graceling is oh so good too. You have so many awesome reads planned!

  6. I am loving this list you have compiled! I see quite a few I must get my hands on as soon as possible!! And a few I have to check out as well!! :D


  7. Awesome list :)
    I enjoyed Alice in Zombieland - just don't go into it expecting Alice in Wonderland with zombies!
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  8. We have a few overlaps! Graceling, take me on and on the fence are also ones I want to read! But didn't have room for. I also really need to start the bloodlines series. :)

  9. Midnight Thief, On the Fence, Alice in Zombieland, Graceling, The Girl with the Windup Heart, ALL OF THOSE ARE REALLY GOOD :D *nudges*

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. This is an amazing list, Jess! We should be reading a lot of the same books this summer. :) I'm dying to read Something Sweeter (I think Jesse may be the best brother yet), Boomerang, and On the Fence - they sound like the perfect summer romance reads. Midnight Thief is one I almost added to my list as well. Everyone has really liked it so far! I hope you love Indigo Spell (one of my faaaavorite series), The Distance Between Us, and What I Thought Was True!

  11. GOSH SO MANY AMAZING BOOKS! Midnight Thief looks amazing. I'm definitely going to be checking it out. And Alice in Zombieland and Anew were great! Hope you enjoy them. I still have to read Sweet Evil, The Indigo Spell, The Distance Between Us and Take Me On. So many books! Can't wait to get to them all and I hope you get to them all as well, Jessica! HAPPY READING! And wonderful list! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  12. I don't even know where to begin with this list! Yes. To everything just a great big yes!! I still need to start the Pushing the Limits series and Bloodlines. Trying to put as big of a dent in the stuff that's been on my TBR as I can this summer. Though it's not helping that I'm adding a few of these to the pile as well haha :D

  13. Take Me On and Tease would be on my list for sure. AND YAY for The Indigo Spell - LOVED IT!! And Sweet Evil, too. ;)


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