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Blog Tour: Tamed by Emma Chase {Review+Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the Tamed blog tour hosted by Gallery Books!
Today I am excited to share my review as well as a giveaway with you all!
Tamed (Tangled #3)
   by: Emma Chase

Publication Date: July 15, 2014
Publisher: Gallery Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC received via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 256 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways.

It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful.

When I met Dee I knew right away that she was special. When she met me, she thought I was anything but special—I was exactly like every other guy who’d screwed her over and let her down. It took some time to convince her otherwise, but turns out I can make a convincing argument when sex is at stake.

You might know where this story’s headed. But the best part isn't where we ended up.

It’s how we got there.

TAMED goes back in time to the Tangled days. But this time around, it’s not Drew dishing out the advice and opinions—it’s his best friend Matthew, who of course is dealing with Dee Dee.

I absolutely cannot get enough of this series! Even though I love the adventures of Drew and Kate, I have to say I was pretty interested in seeing how their best friends Matthew and Dee got together. We meet both characters in the first book in the series Tangled, so we already had an idea of their personalities. I'm so glad Emma wrote this book. Set at the same time as Tangled, you're in for quite a treat to see how these two crazy kids got together!
Pacing: I felt the pacing went really well. Told from Matthew's POV, Chase really engages readers with her amazing ability to nail male voice. I did feel the ending was a bit abrupt, even with an epilogue included. Or maybe it was me just not wanting this book to end....
Storyline: Chase has created another hilariously delightful read in Tamed. I loved reading about Matthew and Dee's first meeting and seeing what he thought of her through his eyes. Matthew is a much tamer version of Drew, but he still has some noteworthy lines that made me crack up.
"Delores is a gorgeous name, for a gorgeous girl. Plus, it rhymes with clitoris…and I really know my way around them. Big fan."
However, it's not a case of boy meets girl, boy dates girl, boy and girl fall in love and live happily ever after. Dee definitely puts Matthew through the ringer and I have to applaud him for putting up with some of the stuff he did when most guys would have walked.
A huge plus is that we get to see our beloved characters from the series. Drew and Kate are in the middle of getting their feelings figured out, and Alexandra (Drew's sister) and her daughter Mackenzie are also featured and will put a smile on your face.
Characters: I loved seeing Alexandra in this book. She has been dubbed as "The Bitch" by Drew, and she isn't ignorant of that fact. She really lives up to that title in this book, but in a protective way. She has grown up with Matthew and has been there for him through some difficult relationships and breakups. She offers him female advice, but she is not someone to mess with.
"I seriously doubt we'll be meeting again. Matthew's sweet, not stupid."
Mackenzie is also close with Matthew and I love that he takes her out and watches her as if he really were an uncle to her. Like Drew, Matthew tends to forget that as a kid, she has no filter and will repeat ANYTHING she hears.
"Uncle Matthew, whas 'horny' mean?"
I'm quick with the save. "Excited."
She nods... and files it away in her adorable, unpredictable mind.
Alexandra tells her, "There's a package on your bed- it came while you were out. I think it's the Elizabeth American Girl doll Grandma bought for your birthday, the one that was back-ordered."
Mackenzie's mouth forms a precious O, and she practically vibrates with excitement. "I been waiting for dat! I'm soooo horny!"
Matthew is a good guy and I really like that about him. He's not a douchebag like Drew is and really respects women. He meets Dee and is instantly attracted to her, asking her out. Surprisingly even after the clitoris comment, she agrees. He is only looking for a one-night stand, but after one night, he realizes it won't be enough.
We also got to see some Matthew-Drew bonding time and I loved it. They are good friends to one another and I'm glad we got to see that side of their friendship in this book.
Dee definitely provides Matthew with a challenge. She has been burned before and doesn't expect more from him. However, he shocks the hell out of her when he calls her wanting to go out again. She doesn't understand why he would want to, because she lets her insecurities and fears of the past repeating itself keep her from seeing just what a good, beautiful woman she is.
There are a few times I wanted to knock some sense into Dee and tell her to stop jumping to conclusions though. She warned Matthew that he might regret getting involved with her, but thankfully Matthew isn't easily dissuaded.
Final Thoughts: If you loved Tangled, you'll enjoy this one as well. Matthew is hilarious and he's definitely a great guy. Dee, despite her insecurities, is a great match for him. They have some incredibly explosive chemistry and just work really well together. Dee's quirkiness is something that draws Matthew in and they just have such a good time together. I loved seeing their relationship develop from just sex to more.
Eventually, we crawl into the bed, and lay next to each other—me stretched out, Dee in the fetal position.

“This is all your fault,” Dee whimpers.

“You’re right. You’re so right.”

I hate you. No—I don’t mean that, I like you so much. I think I’m dying, Matthew.”

“You’re not dying. But I might be dying.”

 Even though we’re naturally stronger than women, it’s common knowledge that men are ten times more affected by illness. Just ask your husband or your boyfriend.


By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

Giveaway Rules:

-Giveaway is US only.

- Winner must be 18 years old to enter.
-Winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via email.

-Winner will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.

Giveaway will run July 15th- July 22nd.

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  1. Thanks for the post! I do like to read the male pov because it is so different from the females and it rounds out the story.

  2. I like reading from a male POV, because it gives me insight into what he's thinking. Guys are confusing. I never know what's going on in their minds.

  3. I looooooove male POV's, when done right. Emma Chase is the queen of male POV. I'm listening to the audio right now. I love Didi!

  4. I absolutely love books from the male's POV, I usually prefer dual, but I just love being inside the guy's head. To know what he's thinking and feeling. Always refreshing.
    I think of the as confusing creatures so to see it all be so simple? Hilarious.

  5. I read Tangled and LOVED it, and then heard about what happens in Twisted, and I'm just not sure I'm gonna continue to read this series. :/ Tbh, it really pissed me off lol. I thought the whole thing sounds childish and unnecessary. It's why I read most stand alone/companion books when it comes to romance genre. I like my HEA to stay that way. Glad you enjoyed it though! Since it's a different couple I may have to give it a chance...

    Awesome review, love! <3

  6. Gahhhhh I need to get started on this series. I want to meet these characters so badly and your reviews always make me sad I haven't made time for them. Awesome review Jessica!

  7. I like once in a while to read what a guy thinks because it's just real refreshing, especially when it's s a book that's after the other love interest's perspective :)

  8. I do! Drew was freaking hilarious. I can't wait to hear from Matthew.

  9. Love male POV. Love love. They are seriously the best!!


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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