
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Come Back to Me by Mila Gray

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Come Back to Me
   by: Mila Gray

Publication Date: June 19, 2014
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 373 pages
Order Links: Amazon
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Home on leave in sunny California, Marine and local lothario Kit Ryan finds himself dangerously drawn to his best friend's sister, Jessa - the one girl he can't have.

But Kit's not about to let a few obstacles stand in his way and soon Jessa's falling for his irresistible charms.

What starts out as a summer romance of secret hook-ups and magical first times quickly develops into a passionate love affair that turns both their worlds upside down.

When summer's over and it's time for Kit to redeploy, neither Kit nor Jessa are ready to say goodbye. Jessa's finally following her dreams and Kit's discovered there's someone he'd sacrifice everything for.

Jessa's prepared to wait for Kit no matter what. But when something more than distance and time rips them apart they're forced to decide whether what they have is really worth fighting for.

A breathtaking, scorchingly hot story about love, friendship, family and finding your way back from the edge of heartbreak.

Older brother's best friend trope? Check.
Dual POV? Check.
Forbidden romance? Check.
Sexy, sweet love scenes? Check!
I really enjoyed this one. I have been reading a lot of adult military themed romances lately, so it was nice to read this from a younger perspective. We get to watch as Jessa and Kit navigate the waters of keeping their relationship a secret and figure out how they'll proceed once summer is over and Kit has to go back, as he is on leave from the Marines.
Kit and Jessa have been crushing on each other for awhile, but are afraid of how her father and brother would react. Riley, Jessa's brother, has always been protective of his little sister and Kit knows he wouldn't want him dating her. Jessa and Riley's dad is also protective, but very overbearing. Jessa finds herself walking on eggshells around him and doing things to appease him for fear of him flying off the handle. He does not like Kit or Kit's father for that matter, and does not take too kindly to him hanging around. I was able to figure out why before it was revealed later on in the story. His anger and hatred towards Kit's father makes sense, but his treatment of Kit is really unfair.
Just a warning: the prologue will leave you filled with dread and fear. It is clever writing on Gray's part, as we are not only desperate to find out what happened, but it also immediately draws us into the story, evoking some powerful emotions.
Kit is such a sweetheart. I love that he doesn't pressure Jessa and wants to take things slowly so she knows he wants more with her. Riley harps on Kit for being a womanizer, which really bothers Kit, as he has been focused on Jessa for some time now.
I really enjoyed Jessa as a main character too. She is sweet and has this innocence about her that makes her really endearing. She is willing to wait for Kit, even though he doesn't want her to be like Riley's girlfriend, Jo, who is constantly missing him. She is supportive of Kit and I like that they both bring out the best in one another.
This isn't just a story of first love, though. It goes much deeper and really shows you the heartbreak and devastation being in the military can bring. We see the characters deal with grief and tragedy and how they handle and deal with it in their own ways.
This was my first book by Mila Gray and I am looking to reading more by her!

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  1. Ohh I want to read this!! All those things you listed at the beginning? All things I love! Older brother's best friend tropes are one of my absolute faves. Also, I like that it goes deeper than just first love -- I'm really excited to check it out!

  2. Wow.. This sounds like an amazing read. I've never read an military themed romance. But this one is definitely going on my To-Read list.
    Great review!! :)

  3. I adored this one too, it was just such a fab read. Can't wait to read more and I totally need to check out her YA books too!


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