
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Character Tour: The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons {+Giveaway!}

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Welcome to my stop on The Collectors' Society character tour hosted by InkSlingerPR!
Today I am THRILLED to introduce you to none other than ALICE herself!
But first a little bit about the book....
The Collectors' Society
    by: Heather Lyons
Adult Urban Fantasy
Released: October 23, 2014
From the author of the Fate series and The Deep End of the Sea comes a fantastical romantic adventure that has Alice tumbling down the strangest rabbit hole yet.

After years in Wonderland, Alice has returned to England as an adult, desperate to reclaim sanity and control over her life. An enigmatic gentleman with an intriguing job offer too tempting to resist changes her plans for a calm existence, though. Soon, she’s whisked to New York and initiated into the Collectors’ Society, a secret organization whose members confirm that famous stories are anything but straightforward and that what she knows about the world is only a fraction of the truth.

It’s there she discovers villains are afoot—ones who want to shelve the lives of countless beings. Assigned to work with the mysterious and alluring Finn, Alice and the rest of the Collectors’ Society race against a doomsday clock in order to prevent further destruction . . . but will they make it before all their endings are erased?



I absolutely love this book and I know you all will too!
See my 5 star review HERE.
"What say you, Alice? Are you up for another adventure?"
Name: Alice Liddell
Alias: Alice Reeve; the Queen of Diamonds of Wonderland
Age: 25
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Height: 5’ 6”
Timeline: 1865/71CAR-AWLG
Song: Like a River Runs by Bleachers / Running to Stand Still by Andi Starr
  • Knowledge is always one of the fiercest of advantages a lady can have.
  • I am a queen, the Queen of Diamonds. I am terrified, I am elated. I am strong, I am weak. I am powerful, I am helpless. I am the bird who soars. 
Midway up the stairs, my feet refuse to move farther. “Explain this to me. Explain how I can be from a book, that somebody made me up, and yet . . .”
I pound a fist on my chest. “My heart beats. I feel pain. Pleasure. Love. Hate. I sleep. Eat. Grow. Age.”
But before he can say anything, I blurt out, “I’m real. I’m a person. I have memories—I’ve lived, Van Brunt. Lived. Are you telling me that my actions, my life . . . everything I’ve ever said or done is due to the words written down of some man who couldn’t decide upon a name?”
My words ring throughout the stairwell and rattle the nearby windows, but Van Brunt acts if we’re discussing the weather. “Not everything, Ms. Reeve.”
Make sure you follow along with the rest of the tour to meet the other characters!
November 1 – Vilma’s Book Blog – The White King
November 2 – Lovin Los Libros – Alice
November 3 – Kimberlyfaye Reads – Finn
November 4 – Paperbook Princess – Abraham Van Brundt
November 5 – Starbucks & Books Obsession – Victor
November 6 – TSK TSK What to Read – Mary
November 7 – A Literary Perusal – The Librarian
November 8 – A Bookish Escape – Wendy
November 9 – Once Upon a Twilight – Artful Dodger
November 10 – True Story Book Blog – Sweeny Todd

Heather Lyons has always had a thing for words—she’s been writing stories since she was a kid. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. Heather is a rabid music fan, as evidenced by her (mostly) music-centric blog, and she’s married to an even larger music snob. They’re happily raising three kids who are mini music fiends who love to read and be read to. 

Enter the giveaway to win this Alice in Wonderland necklace!

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  1. Oh! I cannot wait to have time to pick this one up! I just get more and more excited about it! And as for the question, I guess my favorite was Beauty and the Beast. Though I do just love fairy tales in general :D

  2. Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast are two of my favorites.

  3. My favorite fairy tale is Rumpelstiltskin. My grandpa had a few Grimm's Fairy Tales books up north and whenever we visited him when I was little my dad would read me stories from them when I went to bed. Rumpelstiltskin was one of my favorite stories to have him read to me.


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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