
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Blog Tour: Ripped by Katy Evans {Review}

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Welcome to my stop on the Ripped blog tour hosted by AToMR Tours!
Today I am excited to share my review with you all!

Ripped (Real #5)
   by: Katy Evans

Publication Date: Dec. 9, 2014
Publisher: Gallery Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 288 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | Indiebound
My Rating: 4/5 stars

The fifth book in the New York Times new adult series that began with Real. When an angry, heartbroken girl is forced to be near her rocker ex-boyfriend, only time will tell if the fire between them will consume them both.

Pandora, the gothic friend of Brooke (Real, Mine, Remy) and Melanie, thought that getting her heart broken by her bad boy rocker ex could only happen once. But now, he's back in town with the biggest concert of the year. Pandora hates him so much that she gets Melanie to come with her and play a prank on him at his gig. But when they are caught by security, and her ex himself is summoned, he decides not to press charges if she'll follow certain conditions. Pandora likes none of his rules, or that he's in charge of her, especially since they seem designed to make sure she's in close contact with him again. But the closeness reignites the passion they once shared, and soon no matter how much she wants to hate him, it's clear she's still hung up on him. And worse: he knows it too.

Katy Evans is the queen of writing angst! I spent a good portion of this story with my stomach tied up in knots and my heart beating slightly faster than normal! I felt Pandora's anger like it was my own and her warring emotions? Whew! She was a hot mess when it came to her emotions. She'd feel anger, pain, and then lust all at once when it came to dealing with Mackenna. I felt for the poor girl because she never planned to find herself in the predicament she does. And she certainly doesn't want to give this sexy as sin man what he wants after all the heartbreak he's caused her! Mackenna and Pandora's story is an emotional one, and it isn't easy to watch them battle over their feelings for one another. I love second chance romances, so of course I was rooting for Pan and Kenna to get their shit together!
Pandora is known for being a bit of a cold-hearted bitch. She dresses like a goth and has a very cynical attitude when it comes to love and men. Behind every woman's wrath, is usually a man who has broken her heart. The same is true for Pandora. Mackenna Jones worked his way into her heart as a teenager and even after his betrayal, he's never quite completely vacated it. Pandora can say what she wants- you don't go to your ex's concert with a plan to humiliate him, unless there are still lingering feelings there. Coming face to face with the rock god he has become, Pandora can't deny the man oozes sexuality or that they have unfinished business together. I liked Pandora for the most part. She did grate on my nerves a bit at how she kept insisting that things between them could only be physical and when her time with the band was up, she would walk away from him.
There is a lot more than Mackenna Jones than meets the eye. Adored by fans all over, women falling at his feet.... there's not a lot he doesn't have in his life. Coming face to face with the girl that got away is definitely a punch in the gut for him. He has never gotten over Pandora, and he realizes now is the time to set things right again. However, convincing her to give him her heart again is going to be quite the challenge. Pandora is full of hatred and anger and he seriously has his work cut out for him. Mackenna was a bit duplicitous at times, which was the only qualm I had about him. One minute he would be all about just trying to get her into his bed so he can work her out of his system and the next, he is jealous and possessive of her, reminiscing about the past and what they could have been... and maybe still could be. There was also one scene that didn't quite sit right with me because I felt he was taking advantage of Pandora, and history between them or not, I was a little iffy on that one scene. He truly does love her and wants her to finally open up to him about how she feels. Pan is not the best at expressing herself with words, but she does open up to him every time they get intimate and man- their chemistry is off the charts hot.
I was also happy to see some of Brooke, Remy, and Melanie in this one. Pandora has some great friends that care about her and show her through their own relationships that the right person is worth fighting for.
I am glad Evans included an epilogue, but I felt the last line in particular was a bit abrupt and I was a little surprised it ended so quickly. Aside from that, I felt it wrapped up perfectly. Watching Pandora sort through her anger and emotions and realize that her and Mackenna could have a future together was my favorite part. There are some really tender scenes between them and I liked the brief flashbacks of how they were together as teens. I am glad we got Pan's story and we got to know more about her and her past. It's an emotional read chock filled with angst, and I can guarantee your emotions will be all over the place with this one!

Katy Evans grew up with books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love. They married and are now hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches “The End.” Which is, hopefully, only the beginning…

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  1. Great review!

    I'll be honest, I was back and forth with this series, but I did eventually pick up the second book. I'm glad I did. I enjoyed it probably more than the first book! And I know once I get out of my reading funk I'll try to get to this one and rest of the series!

  2. I'm pretty sure I'm like the last person in the bookish world who hasn't read this series lol. I really don't know why. So many people love them and they sound good. Great review!


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