
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Sweet Cowboy Christmas by Candis Terry

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Sweet Cowboy Christmas (Sweet, Texas #3.5)
    by: Candis Terry

Publication Date: Nov. 25, 2014
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC provided via Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 100 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Mistletoe, holly, and cowboys, oh my! Christmas in Texas has never been sweeter.

Years ago, Chase Morgan traded in his dusty cowboy boots for the shimmering lights of New York City and a fast track up the corporate ladder. But when his shiny life is turned on end just in time for Christmas, Chase knows he needs to re-evaluate even if that means going home to Texas to endure his least favourite holiday.

When Mr. Tall, Dark, and Smoking Hot walks through her door at the Magic Box Guest Ranch, Faith Walker sees just another handsome, rich exec looking to play cowboy for a week-at her expense. She’s sure the grumpy, but sexy as hell Scrooge will put a crimp in her holly jolly plans. Until a sizzling kiss has her seeing him in a new light.

Chase is haunted by secrets, and even though it goes entirely against her “hands off the guests” rule Faith is tempted to help him leave the past behind. As the magic of the season swirls around them, she is determined to succeed because now she is certain one sweet, cowboy Christmas will never be enough..

I don't normally read a lot of novellas, as they are simply too short for me, but when I saw Candis Terry was coming out with a Sweet, Texas one I knew I HAD to read it! I'm so glad I did too! I love this series SO much (it's my favorite adult romance series!) so I was excited to go back and spend some time in Sweet during the Christmas season.

This novella really focuses on Faith and Chase, so we don't see TOO many of our Sweet favorites. That's okay though- the one scene we do see them (with Chase and the Wilder boys at the party) was enough for me!

I really enjoyed reading Faith and Chase's story. While they might not start off on the best of terms, things quickly heat up between them in the short time Chase is staying at the ranch. Chase embodies everything Faith hates- he is a wealthy, successful businessman coming out to the ranch for some 'pampering'. However, as a favor to a friend, she agrees to let him stay. I liked Faith a lot. She doesn't put up with any bull and is really her own woman. She has been burned before by love and that is why she is so abrupt and skeptical of Chase. She sees wealthy businessmen and assumes they are just like her ex. Not too dissuaded, Chase really teaches her the meaning of not judging a book by its cover. While Chase may have been living in New York City, he is no pampered city boy who doesn't know his way around a ranch. Having grown up in Texas himself, but having left due to painful family memories, he really surprises Faith with his laid back, genuine persona.

Chase is also a really great guy. Having had a bit of a health scare, his life has been totally turned upside down and it's not easy starting from scratch to find yourself and your purpose at this point in life. He likes Faith, but he is afraid to get in too deep with her because he's at such a crossroads in his life. She is such a strong personality though and he can't help but gravitate towards her and want to spend time with her.

I liked their romance. It was cute and sweet and gave me plenty of feels. With the addition of the Christmas spirit, it really was a perfect read for this time of year. Lots of kissing, sexy times, sweet getting to know you moments, and a HEA... Sweet Cowboy Christmas was definitely what I needed.

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  1. I love Christmas novellas... especially when they are from a series I already love. I have a few im hoping to read over the next couple of days. Great review.


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