
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Tasty Tuesday #1

By 1:00 AM

 Hey guys! So I've been wanting to do a cooking segment on the blog for awhile even though it doesn't really have anything to do with reading. I love to cook and I have been trying to eat healthier again.
Most of my recipes are Weight Watcher friendly, but don't let that scare you away. They are actually really good. I've also found some great websites like Skinny Kitchen and Skinny Taste that I use a lot too. Most of my recipes have some kick to them, so if you are not a big spicy person, adjust the spices to better fit your tastes. OH. And all of the meals I cook are really easy to prepare. I'm not big on difficult meals.
Today I am featuring:
Italian Sausage and Pepper Pasta
-1/2 lb. mild Italian turkey sausage
-1 yellow pepper sliced thinly
-1/2 cup red wine
-1/3 cup fresh basil, chopped
-2 tsp olive oil
-1/2 onion, chopped
-1 1/2 tbsp. minced garlic
-1/2 tsp red pepper flakes.
-1/4 tsp salt
-8oz. uncooked whole wheat fusilli/rotini *
-28 oz. fire roasted crushed tomatoes*
* Could also substitute rice for pasta.
*Fire roasted tomatoes are very spicy, so if you'd rather, just use regular crushed tomatoes
1) Cook and break up sausage over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Remove to plate once browned.
2) Heat oil- add onion and yellow pepper and cook until lightly colored.
3) Add wine and garlic- cook until most liquid evaporates.
4) Add tomatoes, red pepper, salt, and sausage to skillet and bring to a boil.
5) Reduce heat to med-low. Cover and simmer until veggies are tender and sauce is heated through.
6) While sauce simmers, cook pasta. Drain and then mix in skillet.
Serving Size: 1 1/3 cup= 1 serving
Serves: 6
Cook Time: 25 minutes
WW points +: 7
Recipe taken from weightwatchers.com
**I personally love drinking red wine with this meal. I'm a big Cupcake fan, so I paired it with their Red Velvet.**

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  1. That looks really good! I love pasta so I'm always looking for new recipes and this one looks amazing :)

    Love this new feature, I'll definitely be looking forward to more recipes!

    1. Thanks so much Christy! I can't wait to share more! I'm a huge pasta fan (it must be the Italian in me, LOL) so I love learning different and creative ways of making it!

  2. I am SO glad you are doing this. This looks and sound delicious!! Well I'm a wimp when it comes to spicy so I'll be substituting the tomatoes hehe but other than that ugh I shouldn't have pulled this post up when I'm hungry...

    1. Thanks hun! I've been really happy with the response I've gotten! :D I love new recipes and love sharing them! Hahah. WW uses a lot of spices in their recipes to help add flavor, but you can always tone it down. Let me know if you ever try this!

  3. This is such a fun feature! I love it! I am SO BAD at cooking for myself- probably because I get home so late lol but this looks really easy! Also WINE FTW!

    1. Aw I hear you! It was a struggle to cook when I commuted to work. It's nice now that I live so close and by myself- I just freeze the leftovers and it makes life so easy to just defrost it the night before I want it! I am all about easy recipes. I tried finding ones that were short so I didn't spend hours cooking. And YES wine is a must have for most of my meals. LOL.

  4. I love this recipe! It is so good :-)

    1. I forgot you made it! It's been awhile since I've had it. I might need to make a wine trip and make this soon! It's def one of my favorites!

  5. Yay I'm excited you're doing this feature!! This looks so good and I'm so hungry. I need to cook more. Usually I just get so tired after work we don't eat that well oops. We cook more on weekends! This is simple and cook though so I totally have to try it! My tolerance to spice has somehow gone down?? So sad. :/

    1. Thanks girl! I'm so excited too! I know the feeling of being tired and not wanting to cook. Some days it takes a lot of willpower, but I always feel better when I do (because I have leftovers so that means I don't have to cook on those blah days). I'm not really a big fan of spicy foods, but these recipes have really surprised me.

  6. This sounds really good! I'm not a big cook, though I did recently make the cake that was posted on Indie-visible. (and I didn't die from it) So I might give this a try, I'm a big pasta fan.

    1. I've always liked to cook, but when I don't have time to do it, I don't like to. When I have time it's never an issue for me. :D I haven't heard of Indie-visible! I'll have to check that out! I am a lover of all things pasta, haha. There are times I have to remind myself I can't have a pasta type dish every night.

  7. Love this! Will definitely be tuning into these and I think this one is so something Will and I would eat. We've been using Skinnytaste for a few years and love her!! Some other faves: The Skinny Fork, Pinch of Yum, Oh My Veggies and Oh Sweet Basil!

    1. Thanks girl! Skinnytaste has been such an awesome discovery! I love it! Ooh thanks for those other websites! I am definitely checking those out! <3

  8. YUM! Very tasty and great value for points too. Plus pasta and spice is always a huge winner in this house!
    I'm so excited that you are doing this feature. I'm back counting my points again and I love finding new recipes to try out. Looking forward to seeing what's next :)


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