
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #68

By 1:00 AM

Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
This week I am featuring Walk the Moon! A friend of mine introduced me to these guys a while back and I loved their debut album. They have such a fun vibe and now the track 'Shut Up and Dance' is actually getting mainstream radio play here! (It's a great song BTW- See the video below.) It's a great CD if you're looking for some fun upbeat tunes.

Artist: Walk the Moon
Album: Talking is Hard
Released: Dec. 2, 2014
Favorite Tracks: Shut Up and Dance, Different Colors, Up 2 U, Down in the Dumps, We are the Kids

Track Listing:

1. Different Colors
2. Sidekick
3. Shut Up and Dance
4. Up 2 U
5. Avalanche
6. Portugal
7. Down in the Dumps
8. Work This Body
9. Spend Your $$$
10. We Are the Kids
11. Come Under the Covers
12. Aquaman


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  1. I LOVE that song shut up and dance! I've heard it on the radio a lot and only recently figured out who sang it and now that you mention you love their album I'm going to have to listen to it!

    1. Yes! I love it too! It makes me want to do just that- shut up and dance! Haha. They've got some great tracks on there. Definitely a fan.


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