
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Changing His Game by Megan Erickson

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Changing His Game
    by: Megan Erickson

Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2015
Publisher: Entangled: Brazen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC provided via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 172 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.25/5 stars

He controls the game, but she’s rewriting all the rules…

Marley Lake is no stranger to awkwardness, but getting caught watching a dirty GIF by the company’s hot new IT guy exceeds even her standards. That is, until she realizes he's as turned on by it as she is. But with a big promotion on the line, she refuses to let her current dry spell be her downfall. Maybe.

Austin Rivers has no business lusting after the irresistible editor of Gamers Magazine. He's a secret partner in the business—and technically Marley’s boss. One look at that GIF, though, and he’s ready to install a whole lot more than just software…as long as she never finds out who he really is.

But reality’s not as virtual as it seems, and when Austin’s identity jeopardizes Marley’s promotion, he has to change his game or risk losing the only woman with the cheat code to his heart.

The inner gamer in me was going all kinds of crazy upon reading this book. Cosplay? Comic Con? I was all about it! Someday in my life I WILL go to Comic Con in California, as well as Blizz Con. I haven't played video games in awhile, as I went the more MMO route with World of Warcraft, but no matter. I could still relate to Marley and Austin on their nerdy level of awesome.
This book is so freaking hot. Let's just lay it out there like it is. Austin is pretty much my dream guy, minus the awkward conversations that could sometimes take place with them. He definitely came full circle and was more comfortable with her by the end. But his sexy talk? Sweet baby Jesus. I am all for an alpha nerd. Marley and Austin had some amazing chemistry and I loved how spontaneous and naughty these two were! Having read many a Brazen, I am happy to say Megan fits in so very well with this imprint!
Austin knows he shouldn't let Marley affect him so much, but he can't help but be attracted to her. While there's no policy against inter-office dating, he IS technically her boss which just leads to bad juju. Marley is vying for a promotion and it would obviously look really bad to the rest of the staff if her and Austin are discovered. Then again, Marley herself doesn't even know about Austin, so I was a little irritated with him for not coming clean, as it's not fair to keep such a huge bit of information from her. I do understand his hesitance in telling the truth, as Austin has been cheated before by people close to him. However, when he realized that Marley wouldn't do that to him, he should have opened up. Not to mention, Marley has worked really hard to earn her position and she deserves that promotion. I would hate for her to feel like she only got it because she's been getting down and dirty with the boss.
Austin might be an alpha in the bedroom, but Marley is no pushover. I love that. She challenges him and when she realizes the truth about Austin she takes some time to get her head wrapped around everything that happened and whether or not she can trust him moving forward. His grand gesture at the end was perfection and I was a total puddle of melted goo!
I also really enjoyed getting to know Grant, Austin's co-owner of Gamers and Marley's boss, his 14 year old daughter Sydney, and Chad, Marley's brother. They were all great additions to the book and I can't wait to read more about them in the future. I especially can't wait for Grant's book and I really hope his is next!
Overall, this was a fast, sexy read and I cannot wait for more nerdy steamy awesomeness in the next installment!  

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  1. Squeeee! I'm so glad you liked this, Jess! Austin had me blushing so hard throughout this book. I loved that they were super spontaneous too. It was HOTTT!
    I loved the nerdy parts to the book too even though I'm not a gamer.
    I need Grant's book next!! :D
    Lovely review, Jess!

  2. LOL 4.25 stars. Nice. I haven't read a Brazen book in a while! I've seen a lot of buzz around this one. I like Erickson's books, and this one sounds so wonderfully adult-romance-novel-y :D I might get this one! Once I'm off my unofficial ban.

    Fabulous review, Jess!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Ugh I so loved Austin! This book was soo much fun and was so sexy! Definitely one worth re-reading. Great review.

  4. I'm laughing at your rating because I feel like rating things .25 or .75 stars sometimes but I don't have a graphic for it and I'm lazy to make one. I need to read this one!

  5. Ahhhh, I love this book SO MUCH. And I'm so happy you did too! That Austin is about the dirtiest talker I've had to pleasure to read about. That dinner scene... *fans self*

  6. I LOVED THIS BOOK. OMG. So freaking hot. Plus, Austin and Marley were a great pairing. I loved Marley's awkwardness and ... well ... Austin was just amazing. The emails. The video game scene. Ja.He.Sus. I'm so shocked that Megan wrote something that dirty. And, I like it. ;) I can't wait for more!


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