
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Revive by Tracey Martin

By 9:02 AM , , , , ,

Revive (RedZone #1)
    by: Tracey Martin

Publication Date: May 19, 2015
Publisher: Samhain
Genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided via the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 282 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 3 stars

What the mind forgets, the heart remembers.

Alone in a train station bathroom, Sophia Hernandez has no memory of who she is or how she got there. All she’s certain of are three things: her college ID is a lie, bad people are coming for her, and no one can be trusted.

The only clue to her past is the fellow student who finds her. Although Sophia’s gut tells her Kyle is lying when he claims he can’t help her, his touch makes her heart race. Is it because of a red-hot natural attraction, or a missing memory of something far more dangerous?

As two mysterious, menacing men chase them from the station, Sophia’s memories return in frustrating fragments. So do deadly skills she didn’t know she had. In the next forty-eight hours, a loved one’s life will be on the line as she sifts through a mounting tangle of secrets and lies.

Including the most heart-wrenching secret of all. Not only isn’t she a normal college student, she isn’t even a normal human.

Warning: Contains one girl who is more than she seems, one boy who knows more than he’s telling, and enough twists to give you whiplash. Expect explosions of all kinds.

I am always up for a science fiction read! I am a huge sci-fi fan, so when Tracey asked me if I'd like to read and review this one, I couldn't say no! Revive definitely had an intriguing premise and I loved the idea of this girl who can't remember anything about her life, but knows she's in some serious danger.
It was a bit of a battle to really get into this book for me. I liked that we are experiencing everything as Sophia does, but it was also hard to get a grasp on what was happening. She was confused and I was definitely confused... it made it hard for me to really get invested. The story takes place in multiple periods of time for Sophia. We would see her in the present on the run and then she would get flashbacks of her life at college, in which we learn she has a mission to find a VIP, but she has very little information to go on, and then we would see her flashback to another time before she engaged in the mission at school. It was all a bit jarring and it would switch so abruptly it was hard to keep track.
Once we get to Parts Two and Three, however, I felt the book really picked up for me. We are starting to see the pieces come together and understand exactly who Sophia is and what she has to do. By this point, the flashbacks weren't as difficult to keep up with.  
I do wish we would have seen more of the romance develop in this one though. I like that it wasn't romance heavy, but I do wish there had been a bit more to sell me on it. Especially since there's not just one, but TWO boys that have feelings for Sophia. I wouldn't call it a love triangle though, because it seems Sophia's made her choice based on her feelings and actions.
There is not a whole lot more I can say about this one, because I definitely don't want to spoil anything. While I struggled for the first half of the book, I really found myself enjoying the second half and was glad when all the pieces starting coming together. Once that happened, the book really picked up speed for me and I loved the action, adventure, and the unveiling of who was responsible for everything Sophia was going through.

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  1. Flashbacks are so hard to do right and it drives me crazy when they make it hard to keep up with the book. Glad you ended up enjoying this one overall. Great review!


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