
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Summer of Series Challenge Goals

By 1:00 AM

So, Danielle and Lili are hosting an awesome Summer of Series Challenge! I'm so excited to join in! With me being a teacher and having the summer off, this is the PERFECT time for me to do a challenge!
This month I will be reading the Scarlet trilogy by A.C. Gaughen!

For July I will be reading the Penryn & the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee!
For August I will be reading the Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo!
I do have several series where I have read the first book, but never continued the series because at the time the rest of the books had not yet been released:
Defiance trilogy by C.J. Redwine
Newsoul trilogy by Jodi Meadows
His Fair Assassin trilogy by R.L. LaFevers

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    1. Gahh I wish I was able to do this but as Summer is my busy season I just don't see it happening but I hope you have an awesome time. I can't wait to see what you think of the Grisha books... I loved the first two and I really need time to read that last book. Happy reading Jessica! *hugs*

    2. I fully approve of you reading the Scarlet trilogy! I *liked* the first two books but the last was epic. :) I didn't like Angelfall, but I've heard amazing things about World After, and not-too-amazing things about End of Days... I haven't finished the Grisha books yet but I plan to! Hopefully soon. Good luck, Jessica!

      Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    3. YAY! I pretty much adore the first two series, so I think you have good reading head of you. :) I plan to read Defiance myself in July.

    4. YAY!! For Penryn & the End of Days :) I still need to read the last book, but I really enjoy that series and I hope you do as well.

    5. I have all of these on my TBR. I thought about doing The Scarlet Trilogy with the readalong this month, but I don't know if I can fit it in. I look forward to hearing about your experience.

    6. YES! Angelfall Series is great :) I just finished the last one! I hope with both finish our June challenge! The writing took me a while to get used to in Scarlet but I am coming around!

      Ashley @ The Quiet Concert


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