
Lovin' los libros

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Review: The Fifteenth Minute by Sarina Bowen

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The Fifteenth Minute (The Ivy Years #5)
        by: Sarina Bowen

Publication Date: Oct. 13, 2015
Publisher: Rennie Road Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC received via BocciPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 294 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Freshman Lianne Challice is known to millions of fans as Princess Vindi. But sometimes a silver screen sorceress just wants to hang up her wand, tell her manager to shove it, and become a normal college student. Too bad that’s harder than it looks.

She’s never lived a normal life. She hasn’t been to school since kindergarten. And getting close to anyone is just too risky — the last boy she kissed sold the story to a British tabloid.

But she can’t resist trying to get close to Daniel "DJ" Trevi, the hot, broody guy who spins tunes for hockey games in the arena. There's something haunting his dark eyes and she needs to know more.

DJ's genius is for expressing the mood of the crowd with a ten second song snippet. With just a click and a fade, he can spread hope, pathos or elation among six thousand screaming fans.

Too bad his college career is about to experience the same quick fade-out as one of his songs. He can't get close to Lianne, and he can't tell her why. And the fact that she seems to like him at all? Incredible.

YES! I was so excited for Lianne and DJ's book! They are super adorable together and I couldn't wait to see her get her guy! Out of all the female leads, I think I can relate to Lianne the best. (Not the famous part obviously) I loved that she was a gamer girl and I have to admit that I found myself hiding out in my dorm room in college a lot of times my freshman year. I didn't connect to many new people and stuck with my best friend for the most part. Naturally I loved seeing Lianne develop so many friendships in this book. That girl deserves some awesome people in her life who don't look at her and see a celebrity. I especially didn't like the fact that people made digs at her because of that.
Underneath the shy, slightly nerdy exterior though, Lianne has spunk and I loved that DJ saw that in her immediately. They have some pretty sexy scenes together, even though DJ is hiding something pretty big from Lianne. He knows he shouldn't pursue her, but after that first kiss, they were pretty inevitable. Their love of music was epic and I loved seeing them spin tracks together.
I felt for DJ and his situation. His treatment by the college was unfair and I hated that such a good guy had to go through that and question every minute of the night everything went to hell because accusations were made against him. I am glad he ended up disclosing the truth to Lianne, as he really likes her and doesn't want to keep things from her. (Or have her hear from it another source).
I loved seeing Bella and Rafe again, as well as our other hockey favorites. There is just such a camaraderie here and it really warmed my heart to see. Sarina Bowen writes killer friendships and I seriously hope there's another book in this series because I'm just not ready to say goodbye! (Leo needs a better girl anyway!)
I really enjoyed reading this most recent installment in Bowen's The Ivy Years series. Lianne is just a fun character to read about and I am so glad she got her own book!

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  1. You have me so excited to read this series. I just know I am going to love it and love these characters. Great review!


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