
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Music Monday #95

By 1:00 AM

Music Monday is a weekly feature I do to show off music must- haves!
Tonya and I went to see these guys play Friday night at Soulshine Pizza Factory, as they were the local indie rock station's Artist of the Week. We really liked them! Our favorites were 'Fever' (My Love) and 'The Devil is a Friend of Mine'.

Artist: The Bandoliers
Albums: Leslie, Prove Yourself
Released: Mar. 3, 2015; Nov. 6, 2014
Favorite Tracks: Leslie, Mama Tried, Fever (My Love), The Devil is a Friend of Mine, Give Me Shelter, Love Games

Track Listing:

1. Leslie
2. Mama Tried
3. Why You Gotta Be So Cold?
4. Fever (My Love)
5. Faded Colors
6. I Am the Man
7. Leslie (alternate version)

Track Listing:

1. Come On
2. No Remedy
3. Give Me Shelter
4. The Getaway
5. Howlin' Blues
6. The Devil is a Friend of Mine
7. Love Games
8. Prove Yourself

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