
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Review: How to Lose a Bachelor by Anna Banks

By 8:17 AM , , , , , , ,

How to Lose a Bachelor
    by: Anna Banks

Publication Date: Nov. 9, 2015
Publisher: Entangled: Bliss
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC received via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 198 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

When Rochelle Ransom auditioned for the dating show Luring Love, she had big plans for winning the prize money to help her favorite charity–and if she won the hot bachelor's heart, even better. But at the last minute she finds out the hot bachelor is her ex-boyfriend, Grant Drake. Desperate to keep her distance from him, she'll do anything–and everything–to get voted off.

Years ago, Rochelle broke Grant’s heart, and he's out for revenge. There's no way he'll vote her off.

After all, vengeance is a dish best served red-hot...and on live television.

When her hilarious antics to get kicked off the show escalate, Grant’s reminded why he fell in love with her the first time. Now he isn't sure which might be more fun... Seeing how far Rochelle is willing to go to get away or how far he will to keep her forever.

Even though I'm not a fan of shows like The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, I couldn't help but be interested in this one. It was more The Bachelor meets How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days without the promiscuousness and I LOVED that. I was easily sucked in, even despite Rochelle's prickly exterior. It was just so much fun to watch her try to get kicked off the show after she realizes the bachelor is none other than her ex, who broke her heart so many years ago.
Second chance romances are one of my favorites and I really liked seeing it play out here. Both Rochelle and Grant let the other go without sitting down and talking it out- both fearful they would lose the other anyway. To say these two have unfinished business is an understatement. The opposing dynamics are great. Once Rochelle finds out Grant is the bachelor, she is desperate to get kicked off the show and is not afraid to show a pretty ugly side of her to do so. It made for some great comedy even though I cringed a few times at the thought of seeing a woman act like she did on national television. Grant, however, wants to torture Rochelle and keep her on, hoping to break her heart like she did his so long ago. What he didn't plan on was still having intense feelings for her.
Grant really has to work to earn Rochelle's affections again. I was afraid there might be some drama with the other contestants in this one like there is in the real Bachelor, but it's obvious no one holds a candle to Rochelle. There was one scene with another contestant, Maya, that had me a bit nervous, but it worked out like it was supposed to and I really liked Maya. She was sweet, kind, and ended up being a great friend and ally to Rochelle.
I had a feeling something big would happen to upset the newfound balance towards the end and while I'm all for conflict, I was a little annoyed at Rochelle for how she acted, considering she knew Grant and should have known the truth, considering the type of show they were on.
Overall, this was such a fun read and I really enjoyed it. Rochelle and Grant are explosive together and I loved seeing these two slowly find their way back to one another. It's not an easy journey and I was relieved once they finally hashed out their past and understood what really happened back then. Even though Entangled's Bliss line doesn't usually go too in-depth with the sexy times like their Brazens, I still thought this book was plenty sexy enough and even though we don't see anything happen, it's alluded to really well. I'm really glad I picked this one up.

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  1. Oh this one definitely sounds fun and the premise is really cute... I'm not a fan of The Bachelor either, but for some reason this one does sound like something I would like. Great review!

  2. Not a fan of The Bachelor either but this sounds so sweet! I love second chance romances too, so I know I'll have fun with it.
    Lovely review, Jess! :)

  3. I thought this was a really cute and fun read, too, Jess! The set up had me initially worried, and I wasn't sure about Maya's role at first either, but it made for some funny times, and I'm glad the two had eyes only for each other.
    Lovely review!

  4. Aww okay so I actually can't help but be sucked into the bachelor lol. I think I would like it! esp bc yay second chance romances!


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