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Review: The Revolution of Ivy by Amy Engel

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The Revolution of Ivy (The Book of Ivy #2)
    by: Amy Engel

Publication Date: Nov. 3rd, 2015
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Genre: Dystopia
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC received via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 400 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Ivy Westfall is beyond the fence and she is alone. Abandoned by her family and separated from Bishop Lattimer, Ivy must find a way to survive on her own in a land filled with countless dangers, both human and natural. She has traded a more civilized type of cruelty--forced marriages and murder plots--for the bare-knuckled brutality required to survive outside Westfall's borders.

But there is hope beyond the fence, as well. And when Bishop reappears in Ivy's life, she must decide if returning to Westfall to take a final stand for what she believes is right is worth losing everything she's fought for.
This duology has everything I could have ever wanted in a young adult dystopian- action, adventure, romance, and sorrow. It hasn't been an easy journey for Ivy and Bishop, but seeing them fight for what they love, for one another, and themselves is just so powerful. I cannot recommend these books enough.
After everything that happened at the end of the previous book, we knew things for Ivy would not be easy. She has to go into survival mode pretty quickly and my heart ached for her at how alone she was. She doesn't have time to be scared or break down. She knows she has to find water and that is priority number one. She has to compartmentalize her emotions which is easier said than done, as she knows she won't be able to move on otherwise. She was sent to kill her husband, but ended up falling in love with him and his gentle, kind heart. She has never really been shown love in her life, growing up with her father and older sister, who both believe in taking back what's rightfully theirs- control of Westfall. Bishop is the first person to come along and really see Ivy. He sees into her soul and Ivy can't help but appreciate that he never once tried to control her or force her into anything. Losing that was crushing to her, so it's hard for her to let go of him so easily.
Thankfully, Ivy does end up befriending some others, Caleb and Ash, both of whom I really liked. They were such important characters in this novel and their friendship is not one to be taken for granted. They are the perfect example of how family is not just those related to you by blood.
I obviously have to talk about Bishop more. Just when I thought I couldn't love him any more than I already did! His patience with Ivy knows no bounds and I just wanted to squeeze him for having so much love in his heart for her. Ivy was not the easiest person to deal with at times because of her walls that she's constructed, but he refuses to stop wearing them down and get her to communicate with him. Their scenes together are so wonderful and I loved how a simple spark could turn into an inferno when it came to their passion for one another. I love how Ivy puts it all out there with him.
While I loved the romance and my heart swooned like crazy, this book was gritty and raw. Engel does an amazing job of describing the dangers these characters faced and how brutal survival could be. They are forced to do what is necessary to survive and while some may not like that- it's realistic. It felt like a true dystopian novel and while I am sad to say goodbye to these characters, I felt Engel did them and their story justice and that epilogue was everything I could want in an ending.

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  1. So happy you ended up loving this duology, Jess! It's so underrated, but such a fantastic series. I love everything you had to say about Bishop because it's so so true. I love this boy and in book two I fell for him even harder.
    Lovely review, Jess!

  2. I am dying to read this series! It sounds so amazing and I really love that it is a duology. Hopefully I can make time to dive into these books soon. Great review!

  3. I've seen this book all over the place lately. I held off because I suck at series, but I think I might have to pull the trigger. It sounds like something I might really enjoy.

  4. I loved this one even more than the first! BISHOP! Oh my that boy sure does set the bar high. And I like that he still seems real... not too perfect, despite treating Ivy so perfectly. If that makes sense. :P I can't wait to get a new book/series from Amy!


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