
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

The Monday Musts: The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram, Youth by Daughter, Rogue One teaser trailer

By 1:00 AM

The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme I started and will be doing instead of Music Monday. This way I can combine my love of music to fit better with my book blog.
I would love for others to join me in doing The Monday Musts! I have included a Linky at the end of my post, so please share your Monday Musts!
It's super easy to do. What is a must read book? What album/song/artist is a must listen? And finally what has caught your eye that is a must see? (Can be ANYTHING. Other blogs, bookish things, pictures, etc.)
This week's MUSTS:

Must Read:
Oh my goodness this is the cutest book y'all! Avery is adorkable and Grayson is swoontastic! And a basketball player! He also happens to be her ex's older brother.... HAH! So good. I love it and now I want a reread.
Must Listen: 
Youth by Daughter
I first heard this because it was on Emery Lord's When We Collided playlist. I absolutely LOVE this song and I'm looking forward to listening to more by this band!

 Must See:

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet. I enjoyed The Force Awakens, but definitely had issues with it. I have been a die hard SW fan since the 7th grade and I have read quite a few books in the SW: Extended Universe. I think it's hard to separate myself from those and that's why the struggle is so real. I'll definitely go and see this one though.

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  1. I adore The Avery Shaw Experiment! It's such a cute book. I need to read more from this author.
    I have zero interest in the Star Wars movies. I think it's because scifi is usually not my thing. I've tried movies, books, TV shows and they just never work for me. Hopefully, the movie will be good though for all the fans!
    Happy Monday, Jess!

  2. Now I want to reread The Avery Shaw Experiment, too! I just might have to. ;) I do like that song quite a bit, too!

  3. Oh hey, Star Wars! I actually liked the Force Awakens. I didn't think I would but I also found some things to be unrealistic. LOL But hey, I am not a super fan so maybe I don't get it?

  4. The Avery Show Experiment looks so cute! I so need to go look into that one. I love cute romances.

  5. Daughter are one of my favourite bands! If you want some more good songs by them, some of my favourites are 'Home', 'Candles' and 'Winter'.

  6. I'm unsure about Rogue One too Jessica! I enjoyed The Force Awakens but had some issues with it myself. I feel like nothing will ever match up to the original Trilogy but at the same time, I LOVE going back to that world. The struggle is INDEED REAL XD

  7. That was the cutest book! I remember reading it and just adoring it!! Oh my gosh and that trailer :D

  8. I forgot about the Avery Shaw Experiment but I remember seeing it when it came out! Definitely will add to my TBR!!

  9. Oh how did I miss the Avery Shaw Experiment??? That looks adorable!!

  10. I am ridiculously excited for Rogue One... it looks so good and I am all for a heist story in the SW universe.
    I also really need to read The Avery Shaw Experiment because it sounds adorable!

  11. The Avery Shaw Experiment sounds like a fun book. I think Rouge One is going to be awesome if only because I don't want to wait years and years for another Star Wars movie!

  12. I've heard of the Avery Shaw Experiment and I wasn't sure what to think. I'll put it on my TBR :D I've been needing some great contemporary lately

  13. I'm listening to the song right now. I always like finding new music. This is a fun idea for a meme/weekly post. I like finding what people are loving - books and more!



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