
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

The Monday Musts: The Forbidden Wish, Børns, BlogBound Con

By 12:00 AM

The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme I started and will be doing instead of Music Monday. This way I can combine my love of music to fit better with my book blog.

This week's MUSTS:

Must Read:
I read this book back in May and I LOVED it! Nick is reading it right now and her GR status updates reminded me of just how much, so I decided to feature this one this week!
I love that it's an Aladdin retelling for one, and two- forbidden romance is always a favorite of mine!
Must Listen: 
Artist: Børns
Album: Dopamine
Favorite Songs: 10,000 Emerald Pools, Electric Love, Past Lives, American Money
So, I heard Børns a while back when they were playing Electric Love on the radio, but I recently saw an iPhone commercial where they played a bit of Past Lives and was reminded of how much I liked his sound!
Must See:
BlogboundCon is happening July 10th here in NYC and I just found out about it today! I am super excited to go! It's an afternoon full of panels and then fun and networking afterwards! Being new to NYC, I am looking forward to meeting more local bloggers!
Check out the full schedule here: http://blogboundcon.com/

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  1. I'm currently on the waiting list for The Forbidden Wish at my library. I had high hopes for it – and I love retellings – so I'm really glad to hear how much you enjoyed it. BlogboundCon sounds awesome!! It'll be so great for you to get out and meet local bloggers! I know you'll have a blast. :)

  2. Hi!

    This is a great idea! Love it!

    I participated this week, check out my post if you can :)



  3. That sounds like a fun con! I've heard Forbidden Wish is good, glad you liked it!!

  4. I soooo agree with The Forbidden Wish! I loved it and I wish it could have a companion novel or something!

  5. Ahhhh New York Blogger events...I envy your new location, not gonna lie XD I am SO hoping to hit BEA again in NYC next year :D oh and Forbidden Wish is on my tbr shelf already - so happy you loved it! x


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