
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

W...W...W...Wednesday #19

By 7:00 AM

W...W...W.. Wednesday is currently hosted by Taking on a World of Words and has been slightly modified by myself to also include a book I'm waiting to read, whether it be a new release or just a book I've been waiting to get to.
What are you currently reading?
I wasn't going to read this one next, but I had gotten it out to go to the beach this past weekend (I never made it though). It kept calling to me so I decided to read it! Love the Bridgertons!
What did you recently finish reading?
Oh gosh, this series. I love it so much. This book wasn't quite as good as the first, but I did still enjoy it and am now dying for book 3!
What are you waiting to read? 

I am hoping to be able to get to this soon!

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  1. I so need to read more Julia Quinn books. I want to read This Savage Song too, but I've been a bit hesitant tbh, because everyone has mentioned there's no romance or even a chance for it to be a romance. I get too cranky with romance-less books!

  2. An Offer from a Gentleman was the first JQ book I ever read! I've only read it one time, though. I've reread so many of her books but not that one. I really should. The Bridgertons are the BEST!

  3. OOO, I think you might like This Savage Song. I've been eyeballin' The Girl at Midnight... I may just have to add it and HOPE I get to it o.O

  4. GAHHH I so need to read The Girl At Midnight!


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