
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

The Monday Musts: The Alchemist, Bastille, Cursed Child Release Party

By 12:00 AM

The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme I started and will be doing instead of Music Monday. This way I can combine my love of music to fit better with my book blog.

This week's MUSTS:

Must Read:
Oh my goodness. I loved this book when I read it in back in the day. It was one of those books that just crawled into my soul and consumed me. Coelho's prose is just beautiful.
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”  
Must Listen: 
I'm a huge Bastille fan and OMG this song.
"Oh my lover, my lover, my love
We can never go back"
Way to hit me in the feels guys. Can't wait for the new album to drop in September!

Must See:
I made my way to the Union Square Barnes and Noble for the midnight launch party for The Cursed Child!
As you can see from my below pictures, I had a BLAST!
Potter Con is next weekend and I am super excited to hang out with fellow HP lovers again!
The only sad part of my night? My snitch earring came unhooked and it fell on the subway track.
My outfit for the night!

Can you guess how many jellybeans are in the cauldron?

Photo op wall!

First floor decorations!

LOVED this!

This guy was CRAZY tall.

A real, live owl! Loved it!

Can I get this inked for real yet?!


It's mine!

Group photo!
We loved our temporary tats!

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  1. How many jelly beans were there??? And woah that is one tall fellow! I'm glad you had such a terrific time, Jess! I'm excited and a little envious that you get to go to all these awesome events! :)

  2. I envy your location even more than ever now^^ Book launches, POTTERCON?!? Gah! I actually have that exact DH tattoo inked for real in that very spot ♥ Oh and I MUST read The Alchemist, it's been on my tbr for too long! Glad you had a blast with all the Potter things :D xxx


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